For equipment containing an electronic security lock or other security-related function, any special documentation, replacement part, or tool needed to disable and reset the lock or function when disabled in the course of diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of the equipment. Similar to SJR13 (above), SJR30 and HJR78 both propose a constitutional amendment which would authorize a statewide referendum allowing voters to indicate a preference for observing standard time year-round or observing daylight saving time year-round (rather than switching back and forth). The exemption provided by this section applies to both the portion of the state using central standard time as the official standard time and the portion of the state using mountain standard time as the official standard time. Rudolph W. Giuliani, a former top federal prosecutor, New York City mayor and lawyer to a president, had his law license suspended after a New York court ruled on Thursday that he . Each of the bills listed above seek to change this by amending Chapter 372 of the Texas Transportation Code. While our law firm solely focuses on car accidents and personal injury law, well do our best to provide answersor at least point you in the right direction. An appeals court suspended Rudy Giuliani from practicing law in New York because he made false statements while trying to get courts to overturn Donald Trump's loss in the presidential race. Jan. 1, 2021 5:20 AM PT. Among other things, the bill states that public, private, and independent institutions of higher education (i.e., colleges and universities) may not adopt or enforce a policy, requirement, standard, or limitation that prohibits or otherwise prevents a student athlete participating in an intercollegiate athletic program at the institution from: SCR7 seeks to have the 87th Texas Legislature designate the Bowie knife as the official state knife of Texas. The bill would also require that these vehicles display a distinctive insignia (issued by the department) on the windshield for validation of that authorization. If passed, this temporary exemption would expire on January 1, 2022. Any bills in this list which have passed both the house and senate (or which have already been signed into law) have been updated below, and well continue to update this page as more bills are signed into law over the coming weeks. This would include the installation of automatic license plate reader systems on appropriate infrastructure owned by this state or a political subdivision of this state (including traffic signals, highway signs, bridges, and overpasses). HJR133 & SJR49 both propose a constitutional amendment which would authorize and regulate casino gaming at a limited number of destination resorts and facilities licensed by the (yet-to-be-created) Texas Gaming Commission, as well as authorize sports wagering in the state. In March of 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued a waiver which permitted restaurants with a mixed beverage permit to offer beer, wine, and mixed drinks to-go with food purchases. If passed, HB371 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code (a list of official Texas state holidays) to add the day after the Super Bowl as an official state holiday. If passed, HCR66 seeks to have the 87th Legislature of the State of Texas: Excerpt from the bill: Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of hate crimes and incidents of hate directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPIs), with the use of terms such as Chinese virus, Wuhan virus, and kung-flu perpetuating this disturbing escalation.. The bills further state that officers who violate this law may face civil actions (lawsuits) brought by the defendant in order to recover damages arising from said profiling (including attorneys fees and litigation costs), as well as injunctions against future violations of this law. This bill seeks to disallow cities, counties and municipalities from enforcing more-restrictive laws or regulations relating to the use of wireless communication devices (i.e., phones) while operating a motor vehicle. The officer reasonably believes that they are unable to mitigate or prevent the deadly force by the officer moving out of the path of the vehicle. The officer arrests the person for an offense under Chapter 49, Penal Code, involving the operation of a motor vehicle or a watercraft; The person refuses the officers request to submit to the taking of a specimen voluntarily; The person was the operator of a motor vehicle or a watercraft involved in an accident that the officer reasonably believes occurred as a result of the offense; and. If passed, SB845 would amend Section 38.005 of Texas Utilities Code in order to require the Public Utilities Commission to adopt minimum weatherization standards for electric utilities, transmission and distribution utilities, electric cooperatives, municipally owned utilities, and generation providers that ensure services remain reasonably reliable in extreme weather conditions. The bill would also require these utility providers to file annual reports regarding weatherization measures it implemented, as well as mandate periodic in-person inspections to verify said minimum weatherization standards have been implemented. Recorded video required by this act will be confidential, and may not be released or viewed by anyone except: If passed, HB1009 would modify Section 261.101 of Texas Family Code to provide a criminal penalty for those who fail to report child abuse resulting in a serious injury. SB42, if passed, would seek to expand on this law by banning all hand-held mobile phone usage while driving (except when necessary to contact emergency services). Appropriate commission, department, or law enforcement personnel as part on an investigation related to suspected abuse, neglect, or a licensing standard violation. Both SB438 & HB1992, if passed, seek to amend Section 151.3565(b) of Texas Tax Code in order to list face masks, disposable gloves, and disinfectant cleaning supplies as emergency preparation items in order to exempt them from sales and use taxes during Texas Emergency Preparation Supplies Sales Tax Holiday (which begins at 12:01 a.m. April 25 and ends at midnight April 27). In order to meet compliance, operators of these establishments would be required to have all employees complete said training program on an annual basis. HB558 seeks to amend Section 724.012 of the Texas Transportation Code to state that a peace officer shall require the taking of a specimen of the persons blood if: Now passed, this law will take effect on 09/01/2021. If passed, SB1012 & HB3138 both seek to require electric providers to obtain a residential customers express consent before enrolling them in a variable rate energy plan. If passed, any and all insurance claim release agreements made in exchange for money or other consideration will no longer be enforceable unless the contract is in writing. If passed, the bills would define a public place as any place to which the public or a substantial group of the public has access. If the minor or the person entering into the settlement agreement on behalf of the minor is represented by an attorney (and the money payable under the settlement agreement is paid in cash) the payment must be made by direct deposit into the attorneys trust account maintained under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct to be held for the benefit of the minor. If passed, HB1131 seeks to add additional restrictions on certain insurance practices related to the repair of a motor vehicle following an accident and/or property damage claim. SB70 seeks to amend Chapter 2 of Texas Code of Criminal Procedure to add a section titled Use of Force Reporting.. HJR52 seeks to change this by amending Article III of the Texas Constitution to state that the Texas Legislature shall meet every year. Section 11.179 of the Texas Education Codecurrently allows school districts to adopt a policy allowing the consumption, possession, and sale of alcoholic beverages at an event held at a performing arts facility owned by the district (if leased to a nonprofit organization for an event not sponsored or sanctioned by the district, and held outside of regular school hours). Our firm is dedicated to helping victims and their families seek justice. Any billboards erected on cemetery property under a contract or lease entered into before the effective date of this Act would have to be dismantled or removed from the cemetery on the expiration date of the existing contract or lease between the cemetery organization and the billboard owner or lessee. If passed, SB680 seeks amend Section 17.46, Business & Commerce Code (deceptive trade practices) in order to define electricity as a necessity, as well as to outlaw the exorbitant or excessive pricing of electricity during a declared disaster. If passed, HB2828 seeks to provide one-time cash payments (or credits) of $250, provided by state funds, to residential and commercial customers of municipally owned utilities, electric cooperatives, and retail electric providers in the ERCOT power region. The bills do not allow betting on any youth sports (those involving participants under 18 years old), orin the case of HB1121on any college sports games involving one or more Texas teams. If passed, HB563 states that each law enforcement agency in Texas shall adopt a detailed written policy requiring peace officers employed by the agency to intervene to stop or prevent another peace officer from using excessive force against a person suspected of committing an offense, if an ordinary, prudent peace officer would intervene under the same or similar circumstances.. Documentation, replacement parts, and tools, including any updates to information or embedded software, for that equipment or replacement part; and. Both HB94 and SB90 seek to allow the use of medical marijuana for patients with debilitating medical conditions, while SB250 seeks to allow the use of medical marijuana for patients for whom a physician determines medical use is the best available treatment.. Mailing Address: Texas Department of Public Safety Central Cash Receiving P.O. The amount of the hospitals charges for services provided to the injured individual during the first 100 days of the injured individuals hospitalization; or. If passed, HB476 seeks to expand the use of the fund for veterans assistance to allow the Texas Veterans Commission to make grants to provide pro bono legal services to veterans, active duty members of the United States armed forces, and members of the state military forces. Sarah Hoffman, 37, of Dallas, was disciplined in three separate cases. A number of California's new laws for 2021 are efforts to root out systemic . Retailers are authorized to sell beer for on-premise consumption between 10:00 a.m. and noon if the beer is served to a customer in conjunction with the service of food. Consent must be given in a manner that indicates the customer understands that they are enrolling in a variable rate plan, and the electric provider shall provide notice that the plan includes variable rates in an easily readable font and type size. For accounts that were closed after February 19, 2021, a payment of $250 must be sent to the former account holder. Additionally, HB2687 seeks to require a power generation company operating in the ERCOT power region to weatherize the companys generation facilities and associated equipment on an annual basis. In Texas, fireworks are only permitted to be sold to the public during certain periods of the year (i.e., between June 24 through July 4; December 20 through January 1; May 1 through May 5). If passed, both HB359 & SB1935 seek to amend Subchapter C, Chapter 1952 of Texas Insurance Code in order to remove this prerequisite. If passed, HB1590 seeks to amend several sections of Texas Family Code in order to completely remove this exception. Each of the bills listed above, which were filed in response to the widespread electrical outages experienced during the catastrophic winter storm in February of 2021, seek to ensure that Texas has adequate reserve power to prevent blackout conditions caused by shortages of generated power in the ERCOT power region. SB1737 seeks to amend Section 544.007 of Texas Transportation Code in order to allow cyclists and motorcyclists to proceed through a traffic-actuated red light if the traffic-control signal fails to register the motorcycle or bicycle. Emphasize the use of conflict de-escalation techniques; and. If passed, these bills would prohibit law enforcement officers from initiating actions (e.g., traffic stops) based, in whole or in part, on an individual operating a motorcycle or wearing motorcycle-related or motorcycle club-related paraphernaliarather than on the individuals behavior or on information identifying the individual as having engaged in criminal activity. If passed, HB2157 seeks to amend Section 662.003(b) of the Texas Government Code to add Womens Equality Day, which would fall on the 26th day of August, as an official state holiday in Texas. Reinstating your Driver License or Driving Privilege Daniels says most of those suspensions are for . If passed, fees for event tickets made available for sale on a ticket website must be posted on the website in a location easily accessible by ticket purchasers or potential ticket purchasers. Intimidating, coercing, or threatening a beneficiary or claimant to induce them to use a particular repair person or facility. If passed, HB1781 seeks to amend Section 43.357 of Texas Parks and Wildlife Code in order to allow the holder of a valid deer breeders permit to engage in the business of breeding breeder deer via cloning. If passed, HB502 would amend Section 504.010 of the Texas Transportation Code to authorize the department to collect a fee of $50 per year from drivers who do not wish to display a front license plate on their registered vehicle. June 24, 2021. If the minor or the person entering into the settlement agreement on behalf of the minor is not represented by an attorney (and the money payable under the settlement agreement is paid in cash) the payment must be made directly into a federally insured savings account that earns interest and is in the sole name of the minor. The measure must now be approved by the State Assembly and be signed by Gov. Reinstating Your License. Among other things, HB833 also states that deadly force is only to be used by peace officers as a last resort, and that before using force, officers must attempt to de-escalate the situation and issue a warning that force will be used. The act would also require officers to provide aid immediately to any person who needs medical attention as a result of the use of force by a peace officer, as well as require identification as a peace officer before taking any action within the course and scope of the officers official duties (unless the identification would render the action impracticable). Emphasize conflict de-escalation and the use of force in a manner proportionate to the threat posed and to the seriousness of the alleged offense; Mandate that deadly force is only to be used by peace officers as a last resort; and. Dan Patrick announced that he will be introducing a bill known as the Star Spangled Banner Protection Act (SB4). Each of the bills listed above seek to allow casino gambling in parts of southern Texas (within 200 miles of the Gulf of Mexico). Requiring that a part or product be purchased from any vendor or supplier on the basis that the part or product is the least expensive part or product available. If passed, HB1519 seeks to remove this restriction entirely. The bill also seeks to amend Section 481.111 of Texas Health and Safety Code to exempt pharmacists, patients, and cultivators from provisions of this chapter relating to the possession, distribution and delivery of medical cannabis. Currently, Texas law states that possession of two (2) ounces or less of marijuana is a Class B misdemeanor. If passed, HB827 seeks to amend Chapter 372 of the Texas Transportation Code in order to prohibit toll project entities (or private entities that operate a toll project) from disclosing information on the speed at which a vehicle is operated on the toll project to a law enforcement agency for the purpose of proving an offense under Subchapter H, Chapter 545 (speed restrictions). Not all of these bills will become law. If the child was under seven (7) years old and died as a result of said injury, the offense is elevated to a third degree felony. Excerpt from the bill: For thousands of years, the mermaid has been one of the most striking symbols of humanitys connection with the natural world, and over the past century, this legendary figure has come to represent the city of San Marcos and its special relationship to the water resources of Central Texas.. Address the topics of privacy, what constitute a private space, and when and under what circumstances a body camera can or should be turned off. Documentation, replacement parts, and tools; and. If passed, both HB2661 & HB2838 seek to amend Subchapter D, Chapter 38 of Texas Utilities Code in order to require each electric utility, municipally owned utility, and electric cooperative that is subject to a rolling blackout initiated by an independent organization certified under Section 39.151 to rotate customer curtailment so that no customer is subject to an outage lasting more than 12 hours. Lets take a look at some of the more-interesting ones. This constitutional amendment would also authorize the legislature to enact a law based on the results of the referendum. Limit motorized scooters to one rider at a time. Under HB1117, once a toll road is paid off, the road would become part of the state highway system and must be maintained by the commission (or shall continue to be maintained by the entity operating the project if certain criteria is not met). document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); CALL OR TEXT MONTGOMERY LAW 24/7 AT (214) 720-6090 Aug 23, 2010. Dan Patrick says he doesnt expect a push to legalize sports betting in Texas to go anywhere in this years legislative session. HB554 would also allow motorists to cross over to the left of pavement striping within a designed no-passing zone in order to safely pass a pedestrian or cyclist.
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