Tell me, Agamemnon: Tell me what will you say to someone who asks you why youve killed your daughter? Word Count: 1230. 821. Agamemnon Yes, so you see what sort of a man your future son-in-law is! I wish you could avert it somehow. Close suggestions Search Search LibriVox Remember, father? No! In his frenzy, he rushed about the whole ofGreece, calling upon everyone to remember Tyndareus solemn oath and to help him, since he was the wronged husband. Agamemnon The entire Greek army, Menelaos! [1375] You havent given birth to me simply for your own sake! Klytaimestra My dear Lord, Agamemnon! Your fathers holy water is waiting for you! An unrelenting curse. Ah, but the common folk have it easy. Still, by then it is too late. Its blood spattered about, saturating the goddess altar! 150. Eloquence, brother, begets hatred! How I pity you! Achilles Yes, many and theyll be lead by Odysseus! Believe me, I wont be exaggerating. Achilles I know, I have a bloated pride, madam but I can assure you, I feel the pain of misfortune and the joy of success with a wise temper, a moderate temper; because I also know that those with a moderate temper lead a wiser life. Agamemnon I wish I could, my child! Agamemnon No, the wedding was held in the sacred valleys of Pelion, where Cheiron lives. Klytaimestra What shall I do for you in Argos? The world beneath the earth is a world of nothing. We would be treating gods as fools if we thought that they would act kindly towards murderers. My country! Klytaimestra And kept his promise by bringing her here, to you, all the way from Argos! First Chorus Their captain was Eurytus. The plain truth. Agamemnon He covers his face with his hands in shame and groans. Please, in the name of Pelops and of Atreas, who is your father, I beg you! Klytaimestra And the feast for us women? All of us? Do you not care about me any more? Klytaimestra bursts into tears. Old Man Tries to take the letter from Menelaos. Hes gone mad only so far as your daughter and you are concerned. With him also was his close friend, Adrastus, their commander, ready to exact vengeance forHellas sake, against the woman who fled her husbands halls so as to marry a barbarian. 330. 730. It is a bitter thing for a father to take, a father who has worked hard but who must send his daughters away away to another household. Then, without anyone forcing you, totally of your accord and dont claim it wasnt- you had sent a letter to your wife to bring Iphigenia here, in the pretence that shed be marrying Achilles. Finally, my old friend, he came upon the answer. Klytaimestra I know well that you are an old servant of my house. AGAMEMNON Old man, come hither and stand before my dwelling. He is interrupted by Klytaimestras entrance. . From Kahil (1990). iphigenia in aulis monologue mother listen to me Chorus Let Agamemnons spear see victory! PDF Cite Share. Hide browse bar Iphigeneia Then I shall be stupid and make you laugh! That would be bad for both of us. Iphigeneia Of course. Free to mock her! His head falls into his arms and he begins sobbing. Prepare my sacrifice. Then the priest took hold of the sword and, after a few words of prayer, began searching the girls neck looking for the best place to strike. 710. Bring him up to be a man. i. Trans. Next to him was Myriones, son of Ares, a marvel to all men and Odysseus, Laertes son, who came from the hills of his island,Ithaca. Oh, goddess who lets her brilliant light roll along through the gloomy darkness of the night! Iphigenia at Aulis Cast of Characters: Calchas, an augur Agamemnon, King of Argos Attendant, an old man Menelaus, brother to Agamemnon Clytemnestra, wife of Agamemnon Iphigenia, daughter to Clytemnestra and Agamemnon Achilles, a warrior Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt Messenger Chorus of Women of Chalcis Attendants to Clytemnestra Iphigeneia Wish them joy for me and take good care of my little brother, Orestes for me. Because youre trying to save my girl? IPHIGENIA IN AULIS - Monologue (Clytemnestra) - Mighty Actor Agamemnon Neither. What does your Iphigeneia have to do with my Helen? Poor, poor girl! I want to marry you, to take you to my home and to protect you. Well, old man, Ive reconsidered all those dreadful decisions Ive made back then and wrote another letter in which I am correcting them. However, when he tries to rally the Greeks against the sacrifice, he discovers that the entirety of the Greek soldiers demand that Agamemnon's wishes be carried out. Old Man Yes, tell me so that what I say to your wife agrees with what youve written in there. 378. Accept this sacrifice which we, the Greek army and Agamemnon, offer to you! Give her your arms and bring her down safely. He was the one responsible for that job. Iphigenia at Aulis was first performed in 405 B.C.E., the year after Euripides' death. 1031. He is the son of the goddess Thetis, and his tutor was Cheiron, the most honourable of all the centaurs. After you have gone gone away on your expedition and you have left me here, alone in the house -and alone for a long time, our darling daughters chair empty her bedroom empty -what sort of heart do you think will be beating in my breast? Is it marriage? That is, if my brain doesnt falter and make my tongue trip over its words! On thy knees I hang, A suppliant wreath, this body, which she bore How. Its an unbearable, harsh dread. I would have given it for the sake of my fellow soldiers. And I also hear what theyve done to me! Calchas gave you the answer and you jumped with joy when he told you that the Greeks would be able to sail forTroyonly after you had sacrificed your daughter to Artemis. Im angry because King Agamemnon has insulted me so gravely. And tell me another thing, Agamemnon: when you return home, when you come back to Argos, will you have the gall to put your arms around any of your children? Called me slave to a wedding bed! But as for you, daughter of Agamemnon! I am here, madam, as I will be in Troy also, to defend with my shield and with my spear my honour as a man and to do my best to glorify the god of war, Ares. Dent & Sons, 1920. And then theres yet this: We are asking this good friend of ours here to fight with the whole Greek army and be killed for what? Agamemnon! You will be doing so to a man whos loyal and faithful to you. Whether I want to do so or not, I must obey Hellas. Klytaimestra So, my darling will not be put to the sword? Klytaimestra But who on earth would dare touch you, Achilles? Chorus Enjoy now the sacrifice of blood and then help the Greek army launch its expedition to the land of the Phrygians, Troy the treacherous! First Chorus Women protect it well by avoiding immoderate love and men by bringing civil order in their city, thus making it great. Have you thought of any of this, or do you just go wandering about the army camp proudly waving about the sceptre of a General? Come out! She goes to the door of the tent and opens it so that the servant may hear her. Hell grab her by her blond hair, if he has to and. Youre both in such a state of distress and confusion! Why run away? When I first thought you were going to be my son-in-law, I had high hopes vain hopes as it turned out but hopes nevertheless. Your old father-in-law, Tyndareus, gave me to your wife, Klytaimestra, as part of her dowry, to be her loyal servant. Here is the body that your wife has given birth to. It is, in fact, at that time when his friends should be able to rely on him because it is at that time, the time when things are going well with him, that he can help them the most. Ultimately, Euripides uses Iphigenia at Aulis to argue that the ancient Greek impulse to revere one's lineage or parentage while effectively ignoring the duty one has to one's living, breathing family is one which creates sadness, discord, anger, and even the impulse for revenge. 1171, I would be there, alone, Agamemnon, wailing, crying bitter tears, yelling, Darling Iphigeneia! Menelaos Yes, you may well suffer now because I did break your seal and yes, I do know the secret trickery you were concocting! 411, Menelaos Enjoy the glory of your sceptre then! 751. Are you still sleeping my baby? Old Man Both of you have pitiable fates, my lady! . Achilles You must grab her and not let go of her. You will kill the one whos loved by all so as to save the one whos hated by all! Let them all see which one should be sacrificed. All this is his own doing. Not before I tell all the Greeks what it says! Klytaimestra But it is rightfully yours, Achilles! It is unjust that your children should die while mine still enjoy the sunlight. Achilles Her father had promised her to me! Iphigeneia Hands Orestes back to her mother. Dance, girls, dance around Artemis altar! He and no one else! 1180. 640. To stop me from coming here or to urge me to do so? All of you! Agamemnon saw his child on her way to her slaughter and immediately groaned with horrible pain. Its going past those seven stars, the Pleiades, my lord straight through the very centre of the heavens. I wrote a letter to my wife, Klytaimestra. On my part, I wish you all happiness and may you return to the land of your fathers victorious. They want me to. Too glad to commit the girl to the goddess. Cacoyannis achieved the impossible. Menelaus appears to be the caring brother. Iphigenia in Aulis Summary - First, come, give your father a kiss. Written between 408, after Orestes, and 406 BC, the year of Euripides' death, the play was first produced the following year in a trilogy . Lift your head up for me, darling, smile for me. And the gods will see to that, whether you like it or not. The gods deserted you and they wouldnt give you a favourable wind for our sails. Help us, Achilles! Achilles First, plead with him. Im not too proud to do so. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Weve never met before. The play was set in the small amphitheater at the Getty Villa. Over the centuries other hands have contributed to the text we now have but even so for the most part it shows Euripides at his finest. Both of us, darling! She has accepted this offering gladly and has granted us a safe journey for our expedition against Troy. Iphigeneia Dont leave home, daddy. Iphigenia in Aulis: 9798405231303: Euripides, Buckley Agamemnon and I have separate properties. Brothers fight because of lust and because of greed in their inheritance. From now on, think only of me. I know, Im behaving as if I were some god towards you though Im a mere mortal. Klytaimestra Really? You can see it! It is a madness I cannot control. Im coming, my lord Im coming! Chorus There goes the destroyer of Troy and her people! Achilles Who? If I could use such a voice and have everyone charmed, have them convinced to agree with me and follow me, then I would use that voice. Click anywhere in the Agamemnon Look at you? Klytaimestra Ill certainly try that if thats the last thing I do! Messenger No, my lady! Agamemnon Yes, my darling. And this, my lady, this is no lie, believe me! Agamemmnon's fleet is stranded by bad weather in the bay of Aulis and his troops are growing mutinous. Buy used: $6.99. She reminds him of how they used to plan her future and tells him how much she wants to live. Only the two choruses are now present. In it I spoke of Achilles high rank, his bravery, his honour and told her that the man refused to sail with us unless one of our daughters became his wife and went to live at his house, in Phthia. Aided and abetted by the gods! Forget your old age and run! He alone did it, he, alone, with his very own hand! Iphigenia in Aulis Summary and Study Guide | SuperSummary And you can see how I, a woman, have come here to the camp of soldiers, tough men, brave and ready for war and violence. Such is "Iphigenia" (1977), by Greek director Mikhali (Michael) Cacoyannis, based on Euripedes' tragedy, "Iphigenia in Aulis." "Iphigenia" relates the story of an incident that took place just prior to the Trojan War. You groan but you say nothing. Agamemnon I was out of my wits, old man! Theyve all rushed over there to see her. Klytaimestra So, who raised the young Achilles, Thetis or his father? Messenger My dear lady I shall. I I am shocked, my lady! He embraces and then steps back to look at her sadly. You already had one and you couldnt control her. 1531. It is for Hellas that I am forced to sacrifice you. Tell me what it is you want, now. Dont bother making a long speech about it, husband! 90. Can you pronounce this word better. Dent & Sons, 1920. Its true, my lady that there are times when it is more pleasant to avoid excessive wisdom and there are times when wisdom is helpful but I, madam, I was raised in the house of Chiron, a centaur who respected the simple ways, the honest ways. The Greek fleet is waiting at Aulis, Boeotia, with its ships ready to sail for Troy, but it is unable to depart due to a strange lack of wind. Please lend me your arms, so that I may get down from the seat of this carriage modestly. First Chorus I sped through Artemis woods, a place rich with sacrifices, my youthful shyness blushing my cheeks, anxious to see the armys might, the tents of the Greeks and their countless horses.
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