2006 37,500 2013 299,886, Foundation For Moral Law (Judge Roy Moore) (EIN 03-0502850), Alabama Chief Justice Judge Roy Moore is widely known for installing a two and a half ton Ten Commandments monument at the Alabama State Courthouse in 2001. Food For the Hungry leaders were signatories to the 1980s umbrella group Coalition on Revival, whose members pledged to give their lives if necessary to rebuild society along biblical lines and impose biblical law. 2007 2,100 2009 18,000 Besides funding from the National Christian Foundation, E&PPC also receives substantial funding from other The Gathering foundations. significance, and moral discernment. An Iowa newspaper editor fired after publishing his views on homosexuals is claiming he was the victim of religious discrimination by his former employer. American Values, with your help will fight this radical agenda state-by-state and here in Washington., 2001 34,250 Baehr has participated and spoken at World Congress of Families events and is personal friend to Natalya Yakunina, wife of Vladimir Yakunin (a close ally of Russian president Vladimir Putin) who heads Russias vast and strategically critical rail system. 2004 13,000 Lead us into battle, they roared. Not blood, but faith should rule us. More recently, the Alliance Defense Fund / Alliance Defending Freedom has become a leader in the American Christian rights international export and encouragement of anti-LGBT legislation. 2005 6,000 American Vision 2012 14,650, 2001 1,000 2012 1,000 2008 167,200 We must never appear to be attempting to rob anyone of their rights their constitutional rights. advised (see: http://talkingpointsmemo.com/dc/religious-freedom-origin-story) the Kansas state legislature in the creation of Kansas House Bill 2453. Create the impression that the anti-gay movement is a grass-roots movement Per the Villars Statement. While the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God is not typically identified as an anti-LGBT hate organization, the officially AoG statement on homosexuality ( http://ag.org/top/beliefs/relations_11_homosexual.cfm ), approved in 1979 (and not updated since then) cites Old Testament scripture, including scripture from the book of Romans, which mandates capital punishment for homosexuality. Leading the Cornwall Alliance is E. Calvin Beisner, a participant along with Michael Cromartie at the Villars Consultation. Copyright 2017 - Truth Wins Out. 2009 0 Daystar Church head pastor Johnny Enlow is one of the most outspoken New Apostolic Reformation leaders on homosexuality. One project of the Indiana Family Institute has been the Indiana Pastors Alliance (see: http://www.hoosierfamily.org/indiana-pastors-alliance) which, 2011 21,000 2005 534,992 2007 50,000 2004 15,000 spiritual needs. Ransomed Heart Ministries The pro-abortion crowd gives them condoms and birth control pills. 2011 184,065 Christian Union events and magazine coverage have showcased numerous leaders who have been featured speakers at The Gathering including Eric Metaxas, the late Charles Colson, and Marvin Olasky. It seems that, historically, the Christian evangelical movement is one of the few that has allowed children to remain a second-rate mandatethe Great Omission in the Great Commission., Bushs book also states, Secular education does not enlighten; rather, it dims ones grasp of the real reality rooted in scripture Godless secular indoctrination is an age-old problem.. 2013 33,401, Friends of the Bridegroom (EIN 74-2938033), Friends of The Bridegroom is one of the supporting ministries behind the emerging International House of Prayer powerhouse, which had spawned hundreds of connected houses of prayer in the U.S. and internationally. 2004 800 2003 50,000 2010 82,788 One alleged Mercy Ministries former client testifies, I was judged right from the start because of my sexuality and they continually told me that was wrong and I shouldnt have those thoughts. Hammond is also author of the book Biblical Principles for Africa, which presents a Christian Reconstructionist template for society, and his ministry gives Biblical worldview seminars throughout Africa, patterned after the Biblical Worldview trainings held by the James Dobson-endorsed Summit Ministries. 2007 70,500 2004 1,400 2002 1,000 2010 $6,735,669 (ORU Alumni Foundation $25,000) 2012 0 Schmierers Celebrating Gods Design: A Balanced and Biblical Perspective on Todays Toughest Youth Problems, co-written with Lela Gilbert (Promise Publishing, 2002) was endorsed by Jim Burns. Develop a long-term project to convince evangelical pastors to support the anti-gay movement. [7], Compassion helps those in impoverished areas, using a holistic approach to child development. Dacus subsequently apologized for the comparison. Eldredges books have helped establish the pop-psychology substrate beneath the ex-gay mythos. 2004 582,900 Continuing in this vein, Moi commissioned an inquiry into devil worship as an offficial response to a growing belief that devil worship was becoming prevalent in Kenyan edu- cational institutions (Ogembo 2001, 7)., Alabama Policy Institute (EIN 63-0809568), The Alabama Policy Institute is an example of the overlap of the State Policy Institute system (which promotes pro-business, anti-regulatory legislation authored by ALEC, the American Legislative Council) and the Family Policy Council network associated with Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council (which promotes pro-family legislation and issues, as those are typically defined by the religious right.). Cromarties many ties to the Christian Reconstructionism movement (and its political front the Coalition on Revival), include Cromarties participation in the key 1987 Villars Consultation, which mapped out a Christian Reconstructionism-based vision for evangelical international aid efforts. A brief history of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender social movements/Bonnie J. Morris, PhD. Along with Ugandan Martin Ssempa another Ugandan who has been both in the forefront of Ugandas state-supported anti-gay rights crusade and also a leader in promoting sexual abstinence over the previously successful ABC approach to HIV/AIDS mitigation Stephen Langa was a co-author of the 2004 Uganda National Abstinence and Being Faithful Policy and Strategy on Prevention and Transmission of HIV. Over the last decade ADF lawyers emerged in the forefront of legal efforts to block same-sex marriage in states across the nation. Citizens For Community Values Ed Silvosos Harvest Evangelism ministry works directly with Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni rumored in Uganda to be the most important driving political force behind the Anti Homosexuality Bill and also includes, in its International Transformation Network team Ugandan evangelist Julius Oyet, who claims to have been part of a committee that conceived the bill and picked MP David Bahati to introduce it in Ugandas parliament. 2008 71,200 The Witherspoon Institute funded the now-notorious, discredited Regnerus Study (see: http://www.slate.com/blogs/outward/2014/03/04/mark_regnerus_testifies_in_michigan_same_sex_marriage_case_his_study_is.html), and similar studies by Witherspoon Fellow William H. Jeynes. practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person" (p. 1). At Compassion, one of our highest goals is to help children grow to reach their full, God-given potential. [26] Compassion said that attempts were made to force the ministry to divert funding to non-Christian Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh groups. 2005 46,650 2011 3,172,300 Organizations like the members of the Restored Hope Network continue to show that there is help and potential for overcoming sexual sin in any form. (see: http://azpolicypages.com/marriage-family/homosexuality/), 2001 36,000 2011 6,600 2009 193,200 2012 313,100 (Bethel Church, no EIN provided) The Bible is clear in teaching on sexual sin including sex outside of marriage and homosexual acts. Reconstructing the World: The Answer is Jesus, One of Michael Cromarties resume distinctives has been his participation in a little known but pivotal 1987 conference known as the Villars Consultation, which under the co-sponsorship of the international evangelical aid and development charity Food for the Hungry and Howard F. Ahmansons Fieldstead and Company brought representatives of leading Christian aid and relief groups (such as World Vision and Food For the Hungry) together with leaders from the Christian Reconstructionism movement and representatives from its main political front, the Coalition on Revival, whose COR members pledged their lives to to help the Church rebuild civilization on the principles of the Bible so Gods will may be done on earth as it is in heaven (see: http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/cor/general.htm.). The project is headed by Campus Crusade For Christs Warren Willis, who first brought anti-LGBT rights agitator Scott Lively to Uganda, in March 2002. Knight, who co-authored the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), has also endorsed Peter Hammonds 2001 anti-gay book The Pink Agenda. As Hammonds minsitry website explains (see: http://www.frontlinefellowship.net/inc/sdetail/119/341), The Pink Agenda exposes the truth about homosexual behavior and its links to crime, violence, suicide, substance abuse, paedophilia and disease. Paul Cameron has consistently misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological research on sexuality, homosexuality, and lesbianism and observed, Dr. The AoG statement also suggests that AIDS may be a punishment from God and states, Former homosexuals describe a disgusting lifestyle of perversion and sexual obsession., According to the AoG statement One of the myths propounded by pro-homosexual advocates is that homosexual orientation is genetically determined and that people have no choice in the matter. 800-336-7676 In 2013, Campus Crusade hosted a pan-African conference (see: http://www.truthwinsout.org/news/2013/05/35215/ ), titled Pamoja 3 that was attended by several thousand young evangelical leaders from across Africa, during which top-billed speaker Dr. Seyoum Antonios, who leads an effort in Ethiopia to legislate capital punishment for homosexuality, vowed before cheering conference attendees that, Africa will become a graveyard for homosexuality!, In his speech, which was introduced by Campus Crusade for Christ Vice President Bekele Shanko (originally from Ethiopia), Antonios claimed that seventy percent of gay men have fecal sex, which involves ingesting large amounts of feces; that thirty-three percent of gay men are pedophiles, and that gay couples are coming to Africa to steal their children and turn them into homosexuals; that homosexuality has come to Africa to kill us, and thus must be eradicated; that gays are fifteen times more likely to be murderers; and that Africans should reject aid from Western organizations that are trying to infiltrate their continent with the homosexual agenda.. You can contact us Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. MT. 90-91), 2001 120,900 Lilburn Alliance Church By contrast, too often Christans broadcast all they do There are times we need to keep quiet. 2007 0 2005 16,000 2002 30,100 2006 24,000 Family Research Council A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. Your support gives a child life-changing 2013 29,350, Minnesota Family Institute and Council (EIN 41-1439560), 2001 6,000 With a healed connection, you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.. MEDIA CONTACT: Allison Wilburn219-384-8177[emailprotected], Cision Distribution 888-776-0942 My heart was filled with joy. 2008 493,765 2009 5,200 Pennsylvania Family Institute No products in the cart. 2005 378,480 2007 7,960 2004 97,624 2012 31,400 Rutherford Institute In the Winter 2005 quarterly newsletter of The Gathering, in an op-ed titled Thou Shalt Not Kill the Family, Christian Reconstructionist pastor Kenneth L. Gentry argued that, per Leviticus 20:9, disobedient and incorrigible children should be put to death (see: http://thegathering.com/newsletter/2005-Winter.pdf). The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-4 against the Christian Legal Society, that a CLS chapter at a public law school could only be recognized by the school if it allowed non-Christians and gays to become chapter leaders. 2008 2,097,372 2003 15,400 In the Christian Reconstructionist vision, biblically mandated capital punishment via stoning, crucifixion, or burning at the stake (all forms of capital punishment mentioned in scripture) would be only rarely necessary exactly because of the severity of the punishment. 2003 210,325 Ive given you my role. 2007 58,850 (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpRV0spflIE#t=1m). 2012 0, Global Aid Network EIN 95-4578963 World Outreach Ministries 2010 11,605 A Director of Opposition Research for the Republican National Committee while in law school, Bauer served, from 1982-1987, as President Ronald Reagans Deputy Under Secretary for Planning and Budget in the Department of Education. Do children have to become Christians to continue receiving help from Compassion?
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