They trotted out the familiar defences: the Holocaust and Sharon Tate, of course. At Jack Nicholsons house, she tells him shes thirsty, so he gives her alcohol. Are you kidding me? Those of you who think this is the same as rape should watch Oleanna. This is how Gailey recalled the crime: He placed his penis in my vagina. Patrick Bouchitey The Mexican director received criticism after he chose not to wear a Time's Up badge to the BAFTAs. etc. Would the signatories of this list have us serve up children for them to rape and defile at their pleasure because, well, W. is a really bad man? Read the unsealed records at the smoking gun. Its not that people are not aware of the charges. So, I helped Polanski rape someone because Ive watched Chinatown about a dozen times. Broadly reached out to Anderson to ask if he regrets supporting Polanski, but he declined to reply by the time of publication. In 1986, he met the woman who would be his next wife, the actress Emanuelle Seigner. Let him go in front of the courts in the US. Radu Mihaileanu Tonie Marshall In fact the number was four. Lets boycott one, lets boycott all!!! i can only wish you all the worst, and i hope you come to feel deeply ashamed. Guillaume Stirn i was somewhat sexually active at that time but still a virgin. Strip polanski of his resume and he is a man. This extradition, if it takes place, will be heavy in consequences and will take away his freedom. In 2018, Dolan apologised and expressed regret for signing the petition. Philippe Radault Polanski recounts what he describes as making love so sexily you can practically hear his heavy breathing. So many people seem to be against Mr. Polanski. Im so glad Roman has so many supporters that he can rape and sodomize, but are any of you 13 because thats target age we need. The two directors and more than 100 other filmmakers and actors have signed a petition voicing their. This kind of hypocrisy about Polanski makes you wonder how serious the industry really is about dealing with this problem, as it claims to be. Giuseppe Tornatore and what does this have to do with children in other countries being raped and starved to death, jarre? The thing I feel like I gained from it is empathy towards people who have made mistakes. Ccile Telerman - Members of the European Producers Club Wow, this is maybe the finest list of people that Ive ever seen. We reached out to some of the most high-profile signatories to a 2009 petition in support of Roman Polanski, to ask them whether they regretted their endorsement of the convicted abuser. Also to send out the right signal to society. But as more artists come forward to speak out against Woody Allen, the same can't be said of Polanski, who remains venerated in Hollywood. Michael Mann, Tilda Swinton, Vangelis, Christophe Barratier, Lynch, Scorsese, Allen, Louis Garrel, Ludivine, the divine Jeanne Moreau. He never admited to raping anyone. At this point, they wont be helping to heal the situation, nor will they vindicate this womans suffering at his hands. I then contact the film-makers who signed the 2009 petition demanding Polanskis release, including David Lynch, Wes Anderson and Martin Scorsese. This is actually a very civil process being carried out in regards to someone who did a very uncivil thing. Shocking what your statement implies. Its war neutrality does not preclude it from signing a necessary extradition treaty with another country. BTW, courts do not drop cases because victims want them dropped. Polanski will turn 85 this year, and he has lived almost half his life under the shadow of what Weinstein described as his so-called crime. What happened to the feminists? Grard Lenne Polanski drugged a 13 year old girl and forced his penis in her anus - is that too ugly? offender. What happened to the feminists?, Wow, Laslavic- you are one classy guy!(/sarcasm). The arrest of Roman Polanski in a neutral country, where he assumed he could travel without hindrance, undermines this tradition: it opens the way for actions of which no one can know the effects. Giuseppe Bertolucci This Article is related to: News and tagged. Some people on other blogs Ive read suggested to separate the person from his work since many artist have personalities or values that arent charming. I am not surprised to see the murderer John Landes on the list and any of the names that I do recognize, you can rest assured that they will not get my patronage in the future from any of their future endeavors. Roman Polanski at a court appearance in Los Angeles in 1977. For a long time, the simple and somewhat simplistic - divide was that while people in mainland Europe viewed Polanski as a tragic artist undone by US prurience and corruption, Americans saw him, as he put it in his autobiography, as an evil, profligate dwarf. Xavier Beauvois If he believed her to be old enough, why did he drug her? In the same interview, Portman said she "felt terrible" about accusations of whitewashing(Opens in a new tab) in her upcoming film Annihilation. Roman Polanski sexual abuse case - Wikipedia Well, so do I. California turns people loose that are highly likely to offend again due to space and budgetary issues. Polanski was originally indicted on six counts of criminal behaviour, to which he pleaded not guilty. 2. International film events are not extraterritorial in nature - only diplomatic missions are extraterritorial, and even diplomats are triable and punishable for crimes in a foreign country once they are sent back to their countries. But mainly I heard people insist their friend is not a rapist. he not only victimized her when she was 13 by being so selfish, he has been victimzing her for more than 30 years afterwards. He admitted to raping a child at the age of 13, fled the country and lived like a King in France, and he shouldnt be punished because he makes good movies??? Diane Kurys My level of disgust at the people who express disgust at the signatories of the Polanski petitioni and then go off sounding more deranged and more dangerous than Polanski could ever be is too strong for me to express in mere words. Betrand Van Effenterre I have also read the facts spred online. Andr Larqui Mario Monicelli People believe that gender equality is improving, but the rest of the data tells a different story. Laurence Roulet Read and educate yourself. His comments on the subject indicate no remorse and in fact seem to indicate a perverse (of course) pride in his engaging in satisfying his twisted appetites. Cher Roman tu as mon support total. Women, girls, PEOPLE having a RIGHT to say what happens to their own bodies is NOT a moral issue, it is a human rights issue. Also an artist and a film lover. Thank you for not allowing the blood thirsty mob to prevent you from doing what you believe to be right. 17 films that should never have won Oscars, from Shakespeare in Love to I do along with those who loves He only confessed to a lesser charge through a plea agreement. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears . It is sad that these people think Polanski is above the law!! Stuck on 'Quordle' #402? Furthermore, plea bargains are totally up to the judge, if he felt the deal was too lenient than he was perfectly in his legal right to not honor the deal. When Polanski was arrested in Switzerland in 2009, where he was jailed for two months and then put under house arrest (the house, in this case, being a chalet in the Alps), Debra Winger claimed the whole art world suffers. Alongside Asia Argento and Emma Thompson, Natalie Portman remains one of the few celebrities to apologize for signing the petition. Mario Martone Probably not but I will feel good about myself. Any notion that because a person puts up a huge bail, s/he definitely will not flee is an utter fallacy, whether or not in view of past conduct. ", Mashable Australia's Web Culture Reporter.Reach out to me on Twitter at @Johnny_Lieu or via email at jlieu [at], "I take responsibility for not thinking about it enough. Marc Guidoni As a result, her attorney arranged the plea bargain, in which five of the charges were dropped and Polanski pleaded guilty to statutory rape, which was the least serious charge against him. He never even apologized to the woman. Will you too?' Ettore Scola Just as astonishing is Sharon Tates sister - a supposed victims advocate saying Polanski is a lovely man and should be free. Again, some ignore me, a couple will talk off the record, some are too busy to talk at all. Roman Polanski Petition - Alt Film Guide Olivier Assayas I have copied this list so that I can keep it for all time (yes, I hold a grudge a long, long, time). Should this even be up for discussion? His plea bargain didnt fall apart. And here is another Free Polanski petition, this one organized by writer/philosopher Bernard-Henri Lvy. Stuck on 'Quordle' #401? - le Groupe 25 images Mr. Polanksi should have long since addressed the matter. To not face your own actions but run away when you dont like the consequences. 1. i just cant comprehend how you can just so willingly run to the aid of a man who raped a child. furthermore, the reason the victim wants the charges to be dropped is because this case has been haunting her since she was 13- she is in her 40s now and she wants to get on with her life. What Did the Polanski Petition All Those Directors Signed Actually Say? Pierre Jolivet Penlope Cruz, Bernardo Bertolucci, Gael Garca Bernal Sign Roman Polanski raped a thirteen year old girl and fled justice. After Roman Polanski 's 2009 arrest in Switzerland for the 1977 rape of a 13-year-old girl, more than 100 actors and directors united to release a petition urging for his . Though he was released from custody by July 2010, over 100 members of the film industry . None of what you say changes the gravity of this case and with a lot of crimes the law also operates apart from Juries want to fuck young girls everyone wants to fuck young girls! (Amis, clearly shocked, wrote: Even Humbert Humbert realised that young girls dont really know whether they are willing or not. The biggest stories of the day delivered to your inbox. He is not a good man. Alain Jessua Drugging a girl, disregarding her repeated No, her faking an asthma attack to get him to stop is not real rape? Fellow Filmmakers Call for Roman Polanski's Release - TV Guide He hadnt committed rape-rape, Whoopi Goldberg said on TV. Jerome Cornuau Serge Toubiana Just under a decade after she signed the Polanski petition, Cruz expressed her support for the #MeToo movement and Times Up initiative to Spanish newspaper El Pais. - le Festival des Rencontres internationales du cinma de patrimoine de Vincennes I dont know what the rationals might be for those who seek his pardoning, be it moral ambiguity, sycophancy, going along with what they see as hip or simply the belief that the group they belong to is somehow superior and has a right to use common people for their own amusement, but it would be a mistake to give the law a pass to accommodate this utterly reprehensible man. Everyone, including he, knew that once he was outside France and Poland (due to French and Polish laws), any country may arrest and extradite him under its own laws. Only one persons behaviour is at issue here, Roman Polanski and he deserves to be in prison because he drugged, then raped, then sodomized a 13 year old girl despite her pleas for him to stop. His plea bargain didnt fall apart. Roman was charged with sex with minor, not real rape. The fact is that he raped her and pled guilty. Filmmakers, actors, producers and technicians everyone involved in international filmmaking want him to know that he has their support and friendship. Jerry Schatzberg He describes grooming Gailey on the drive to the photoshoot: I asked when shed first started having sex, he writes, as if thats a normal thing for a 43-year-old man to ask a 13-year-old girl. 5. Im deeply disappointed in the people that signed this shameful petition. Nicolas Mauvernay Yes, there are other problems plaguing the world. Sure, admire his work. What a sad coward. I too have loved many of his films, and consider him a great artist - but that doesnt excuse his crime. Polanskis autobiography was written seven years after his arrest, and his account of the crime does not smack of a man overly burdened with feelings of guilt. Polanski was originally indicted for 4 felonies, and the girl agreed to have him plea guilty to statutory rape in order to avoid the circus of the trial. That he happened to be a director you like does not change it. Yasmina Reza 8 8 Most Beautiful French Actresses Jean-Jacques Beineix I mean, Ted Bundy oh. Great.. It will be much wiser, less obstinate and more generous to leave this exceptional man alone. Jacques Fansten If he was some crack head living in harlem and raped a girl would the same supporters come to the rescue? Richard Pena At the end of the day Polanski fled not because of a legal transgression on the part of the California justice system but because he thinks hes above the law and does not have to answer to a code of ethics that conflicts with his selfish and perverse tastes. Stuck on 'Quordle' #403? Although the Spanish director signed the 2009 petition supporting convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, Almodovars been scathing when it comes to criticising Hollywoods institutional sexism. This man drugged and raped a thirteen (13) year old girl. I love you and respect you more than ever. Vinciane Lecocq By trying to send Roman Polanski to the lions despite all the legal arguments, is something that unfortunately gets and will get more and more out of proportion. She has also remained silent on the #MeToo and Times Up campaigns. Jean-Pierre Marois - lAPI (Association des producteurs Indpendants) (Association of Independent Producers) Thanks to the candour of Polanski, the rest of us have always known, too including everyone in the film industry who has worked with him since. lilian on Twitter: "in 2009 over 100 filmmakers and actors signed a "I wore one to DGA," he told Metro. Mashable is a registered trademark of Ziff Davis and may not be used by third parties without express written permission. Afterwards, in Polanskis car, Gailey cried. When he then learned she was only 15, he continued to sleep with her for several months, he wrote. Argento spoke publicly about her support for Polanski in a Twitter post in 2017, writing: "I already regretted signing the petition years ago, already felt it was a mistake. People: Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen support Roman Polanski Its called statutory RAPE for a reason. Ladislas Kijno The right thing is different for different people. Someone I respected gave it to me, and said, 'I signed this. Patrice Leconte Basically, it all comes down to your threshold of pain. I admire Mr. Polanskis work. And I still have a good lot of movies to see. I know that before today, when Roman Polanski had only pleaded guilty to raping that 13-year-old girl in 1979, and been accused of raping that 16-year-old girl in 1986, it was like, Big deal . Every story has more than one side. I am deeply saddened to see so many of my cinematic heroes supporting Polanski. I plan to try very hard to never see any work done by anyone who signed this petition. In recent months, Polanskis supporters in Britain and the US, who were once so vocal in his defence, have been notable by their silence. Jacques Fansten Is this a world gone mad!!! Judge Laurence Rittenband, who was thought to be considering sentencing Polanski to 50 years in prison. Please! These people who hold such power over the media, have a duty to defend the victim not this unrepentant, repulsive excuse for of a man. That does not change that he committed statutory rape against a 13 year old, drugged her, and fled the country. None of my business. Debra Winger described Polanskis arrest in Switzerland in 2009 as a philistine collusion. Is anyone surprised that Woody Allen, seen here with his wife and stepdaughter, supports Roman Polansky You'll find hundreds of names on Hollywood's pro-Polanski petition. The charges against him were for having sex with a minor, even if consensual a moral charge, as is stated in the petition. What has changed is how this case is discussed in the public sphere. It was a long time ago was another one, as was: Hes served his time. (In 2009, the expert legal affairs writer, Jeffrey Toobin, reported that at that time the prison sentence for an adult defendant who pleaded guilty to statutory rape was likely to be three years in a state prison.) Wordle today: Here's the answer, hints for March 3. Jean-Jacques Annaud But this is the most important part YM: Accusing the judge of things and the girl of things and feminists and lactose intolerant people and etc. What was done to that 13 year old victim should not be perpetrated on any child. i do realize that no ones is going to take me seriously,but here it goes anyways. And yet, for the past 40 years, many of them have been falling over themselves to work with a self-confessed child rapist, even defending him by pointing to his artistic credentials. Everytime you pop in Rosemarys baby or Chinatown think about how YOU helped commit the rape of a 13 year old girl. The whole world will be so much safer if Polanski ends his days behind bars. Julian Schnabel What he did over 30 years ago was wrong, but the fact that the victim received a civil settlement and doe not want the matter pursued means the case should be dropped. Release Polanski, demands petition by film industry luminaries Sigourney Weaver with Polanski at the 2008 Marrakech film festival. I wrote about the documentary for this paper when it came out, as it struck me as astonishingly exculpatory. Mr. Polanski is not a threat to anyone. Unfortunately, he passed [] : Unsigned. If you knew any feminists, youd know that most, if not all, are on your side in this particular case (although probably for very different reasons). He would just be more careful.There are men who go unrevealed for years, even die before anyone finds out about them and here you have a man who was exposed and you support him?Yes he should be free to continue to do what he likes.
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