To give a little back ground I have PCOS and this past April through August went without any period. Not an iOS user? It stinks! More progesterone isn't going to help you withdraw from the stuff that is your system. Thank you! With no lining, no amount or progesterone will make you bleed. No, we don't. We use the withdrawal method. Ive been taking provera for 5 months now. They say that it can take up to 2 weeks to get AF after your last pill. How long have you been ttc? In this test, 10 mg of Provera is often given over 7-10 days and bleeding is expected within 2 weeks after the last pill. This happened to me last month. @juli1519, I took progesterone took that for seven days then stopped waited about a week or 10days after and my period came down this was in February then it stopped for 9 or 8 months and I came back on naturally in November. the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information. what did they end up saying? if so, what did your Dr. do following that? Congratulations! And then scheduled my surgery for 2 weeks later. Decided to test June 21st and it was so positive. My 1st round was 50mg, 2nd 100mg and now to 3rd staying at 100mg How many rounds did you do of Clomid before your BFP?!?!?!?! Just keep waiting. I know my doc was going to do blood work so that they knew what levels i was at. So thank you! I had unprotected sex on June 22nd and was wondering if there was any way I could be pregnant. My dr said even if I didn't need the extra progestrone it wouldn't hurt the baby. I would say find another doctor right now and get an appointment. Prometrium is natural progestrone. All rights reserved. My 1st cycle i took 50mg clomid, but till now, there' s no sign i'm pregnant and no menstrual. Saw dr yesterday, test back normal, did an office urine pregnancy test and it was negative. I was so stressed that I didnt question it. My Dr. is back in the office tomorrow so I will def be calling but has anyone gone through similar? I got it, blah blah and now I am pretty sure I am not ovulating yet. I would call and ask what they want to do. Yes, it is being used to jump start my cycle. Heavy period after Provera is a normal response to medication Sign up to be the first to know about ObieforAndroid. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond! After excluding pregnancy, many doctors perform the 'progestational challenge test' (progesterone withdrawal test) to find out the possible reason. Prayers for a healthy pregnancy, I am so so happy for you! Most of the time, the lack of periods, and the failure to have bleeding from provera, indicate that your estrogen levels are low. I have thick-sticky clear white discharge, mild cramping (Which is why I thought AF was coming.. It really depends cause everyone is different, but it can range from a few days up to a week (and for some even a little longer). I was prescribed provera (medroxyprogesterone) for 10 days at 10mg and it is the 15th day I have been off of it. Hi, I am 48 and had been on depo provera injections for about 12-15 years, It suited me fine, no periods but I was due injection in April when covid hit and all contraceptive injection appointments were cancelled at my Doctors so I did not have it. What Is Withdrawal Bleeding? On Birth Control, After Stopping, More Af showed on day 10. The pee-on-a-stick test indicates when your level of luteinizing hormone (LH) has gone up, which usually means one of your ovaries will soon release an egg. Hoping the metformin works out for you! My doctor would not prescribe Provera without a blood Hcg test first to confirm negative pregnancy. Anyways, she couldn't even get into my uterus with the saline solution so she sent me to a specialist, luckily there's an amazing one right in my city. So you took Provera, got your period and then took Clomid which didn't make you ovulate? Oh my goodness, congratulations!! So give it the full 10 days then test. I stopped getting my periods altogether so my obgyn prescribed provera to get my period going and letrozole to start my ovulation. Like you, I took it for 10 days and my period still did not come. Yes! Lots of baby dust!!!! That's a super long lasting progesterone. :(. I just made an appointment with my RE to get a baseline ultrasound to see if I can begin Letrozole even without my period. Good luck! Still no AF. I actually go to Dr. Kiltz on Monday to check my levels again to make sure its still growing so I will ask if he recommends anyone closer to you! I read what I posted before and I left a few things out. I was also said by an OB that progesterone would make me ovulate, it never worked. We work hard to share our most timely and active conversations with you. What symptoms did you have? Those two times i did provera I would bleed on the second day after the final dose. I take 2,000mg dailyicky icky but hoping its allllll worth it soon! The first time I took Clomid was 50 as well and it didn't work for me either. Some tests measure the level of another hormone, estrone-3-glucuronide (E3G), that also goes up around the time of ovulation. With my first child i missed my period and when i asked for the blood test right aqay they told me i was pregnant. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. Do you think you could make an appointment to see your doctor? Provera pill for 10 days at 10mg, still no period. - What to Expect (also, to give you hope if you do have itI had the hysteroscopy to remove the scar tissue done May 1st and just got a positive pregnancy testthe first month of trying, so while i'm not getting excited about it yet, i'm optimistic that the procedure worked and only positively effected fertility), making sure everything is ok with your hormones is the right thing . All rights reserved. Hey everyone! I started Provera three days ago, I am hoping for a BFP! But just wondering if you were pregnant. I did call my dr's office and they are having me come in and see her Monday. March 2013. Your body will start producing human chorionic gonadotropic (hCG), yet another hormone, as soon as the fertilized egg implants itself in the lining of your uterus. Has anyone experienced this and is there something wrong or will it come in a few more days? The nurses always try to answer my questions when I call but since they aren't familiar with my problems the answers never make sense to me. My OB did a office urine test on June 6th and it was BFN. My LMP was April 7th. Heavy period after Provera is a normal response to medication Dr. keith Roach Nov 24, 2017 0 Dear Dr. Roach My cousin is having irregular periods. The first round at 50mg and I didn't O. (June 17th - 26th) They prescribed it to me in the first place to regulate my cycle. I wish you luck and hopefully you will get AF soon!!! It works similarly to birth control pills. It lasts a lot longer than you think. I had the depo shot when I was 19-20. It is now day 8 after I stopped taking the pills but I have yet to have a period. How will you know for sure when it happens? Good luck momma I hope everything turns out well for you! I took them in the same month. All rights reserved. We've anticipated a few of them here for you in our collection of common questions and answers. thank you for sharing, it has put me at an ease knowing that im not the only one who has gone through this. Others may have very light periods. No Periods After a few shots, Depo-Provera may stop menstruation altogether in some people. Such a pain. P Mullally - Oh good luck with your next round! The only thing I have experiment was the cramping real bad after I took the last pill. Hopefully you dont have it and your homones are just out of whack which is easily fixable. Has anyone else experienced something similar? (their number is 315-469-8700) Maybe they could get a word in to Dr. Kiltz directly to make sure he doesnt have any contacts down there. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. No flow or anything. I'm sure this has been answered before but this being my 3rd time ever of taking Provera to jump start my period and not the same results as 2 times previous soI am worried. I'm lost. The views expressed in community are solely the opinions of participants, and do not reflect those of What to Expect. How soon after provera did you get your period? - Trying for a baby I've heard provera periods can be bad ones. I did Provera and Clomid and she has to do Hormone shots. I wasted 3 cycles this way. It is not possible to discontinue Depo Provera immediately. Actually I have an update after my July MC I GOT A BFP in August and now I am almost 17 weeks pregnant! Hi, I started my provera earlier in the month and ended my 10 day on the 19th. I got pregnant right away after being on the pill for almost 9 years and we had a MC aatt 11 weeks back in late August. My RE said if it takes over 14 days to call, but up to 14 is completely normal, especially if you had a period the previous month, whether it was natural or medicate matters not. Weight gain, depression, breast tenderness, allergic reactions, and menstrual irregularities may continue until Depo Provera is cleared from a woman's body, about 6 to 8 months after her last injection. I have had zero bleeding/spotting but would agree my hormones are completely off based on other symptoms. This test is usually done by giving oral medroxyprogesterone acetate (Provera) 10 mg daily for 7-10 days. Endometriosis 3. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. 7 to 8 months, or even longer, after you give birth if you're . GL!! Again, I know first hand what you're going through so an. I lost my baby girl at 22 weeks and had to give birth, and then had. Yes so far so good for meand I asked my Dr. yesterday if they'd recommend anyone in Texas (well I asked a few nurses who I was working with) and they said that your OB should be able to recommend someone to do the surgery because its not THAT uncommon, but they did say no one is as good as Kiltz (obviously could be biased) and that they see people from all over the country because Kiltz can do IVF for a LOT less expensive than most (if it comes to that). A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group.
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