Now is the time for God's people to launch out into the deep and let down the gospel net for an extraordinary catch of men and women for the kingdom of God. What a perfect week for a first service. Peter was a superb craftsman at the profession of fishing. Moody Radio is a Christian radio network that helps you take the next step in your journey with Jesus Christ by creating and delivering practical and life-changing content. They launch out into the deep: in rivers, lakes, streams, and the mighty ocean. In their pastoral ministry to marriages, Wayne and Sue have seen how sharing their own struggles can help create a safe context for couples to be transparent and honest with their own issues. Pastor, there is a vision that God has given you for this ministry and the only way to get it is by "launching out into the deep". Friday, November 12 2021. The deep represents going beyond the comfortable, the normal, the convenient, and with fresh and costly obedience, renewing our enthusiasm to the heavenly vision., He is calling us to increase our faith in many areas, to step out, pursuing the mandate He has set before us with revived zeal and fervency. First is the impressive catch. Suddenly, Peter heard his name. That you've never been before. "Launch out into the deep.". Representative Text. To add Sues radio broadcast to your local station click here. All these are dangerous prayer trends for a Christian. "Launch out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). Launching Out into the Deep, Part 3 | Treasured Truth Warren Wiersbe says of this moment, Peter was humbled, not by his night of failure but by his astounding success; this is a mark of real character. Peter wanted to correct this rabbi, but he had spoken with such authority that he simply said Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (Luke 5:5). Thanks and God bless you. The do it yourself or Go beyond policy doesnt apply to them because they are used to obvious statements and practices when it comes to prayer. Where Do I, Do you ever worry about missing the mark? 'Like Peter, the total laity and leadership of God's church are challenged to embark on a new evangelistic faith adventure. In the deep, millions of judgment-bound men and women are waiting only to be gathered into the gospel net. Be ready to launch into the deep for life changing experience. When Peter launched out, he didnt leave his half-washed nets on the shore. God bless you. You will find many new features in it. Its Time To Launch into Your Destiny: Your Toiling Season Is Over, Bob Marley Turned To Christ Before His Death Professing, Jesus Take Me, Jewish Woman Hears Gods Voice While Being Revived, Youre Not Dying Here. Your email address will not be published. These fishermen had no doubt had big catches over the years, but nothing like this. You have entered an incorrect email address! He wouldnt be pricing new boats or scouting out more partners. All I can do is attempt to make up for it. Experiencing Jesus authority on display, Peter fell to his knees in worship and surrender, following Jesus as a disciple (vs. 11). At first, Peter protested, saying, Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Yet, despite his frustration over past failures and disappointments, Peter decided to obey Jesus instruction: Nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net (v. 5). He wants to do something greater in us than we could ever imagine. Launch Out into the Deep. Launch Out Into The Deep - The Preacher Pollard Blog Its hard to stay on a bicycle that isnt movinggo and do something! He exalts His word higher than Himself. Launch into the Deep | Inspiration Ministries Helping Harvest struggles with rising costs and falling support as Those words are as relevant today as when Jesus spoke them to his disciples almost 2,000 years ago. It's Time To Launch into Your Destiny: Your Toiling Season Is Over The son of international evangelist Morris Cerullo, David took a less traditional approach to ministry, graduating from Oral Roberts University with a degree in business administration and management. The second exciting result of launching out into the deep is its unifying impact on the church. Luke 5:1 "On one occasion, while Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret with the crowd pressing in on Him to hear the word of God, 2He saw two boats at the edge of the lake. What a great privilege! But because you say so, I will let down the nets' " (Luke 5:5, N.I.V.). God loves impossible odds. It is a life of faith. In our case, this refers to local ministries being mobilized and equipped to directly engage the unreached in multiple ways, including sending Message Bearer Teams to the unreached, to both near and distant cultures. They had to signal the other boats to come out and help them. Even after the initial launch, our faith may falter. Launch out into the deep reader. The passage clearly indicates that when the disciples had let down the nets into the deep as Christ had instructed, "they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. #LaunchDeeper, You have a super-natural catch ahead! Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. Joseph was one of twelve brothers, through different mothers. Expanding the reach and involvement with the. " This is a faith that expects results. It is still Gods will to use you in the salvation of others. Peter, as a fisherman knew that the right time to fish was at night. KJ21. This is my specialty. LAUNCHING OUT INTO THE DEEP - Holy Ghost Service 9 Bible verses about Deep Things - Knowing Jesus Prayer Is A Powerful Weapon 5 Effective 10 Ways To Invest In Your Relationship With Gods Word For You Today: Jesus Is Your Friend, Another Campus Revival Breaks Out At Cedarville University, Turn Down The Noise And Find God In Your Stillness, Prayer Is A Powerful Weapon 5 Effective Strategies For Breakthrough, What I Learned From The Chosen: God Loves Us Enough To Protect Us, Woman In Wheelchair Miraculously Takes Off Running During A Revival Service In Brazil. We learn from this narrative, the necessity of human agency. Are you ready to launch out and serve God? . Unaware of the crowd of people thronging Jesus, he, along with James and John, continued the task of rinsing grime from the Galilean Sea off their empty nets. Sitemap, This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch. While battling his own demons, E. A. Simmons has dug deep within himself to understand other people's view of the universe they live in, their own reality, their own thoughts. Let us launch out into the deep and let down the evangelistic nets for an unprecedented catch of souls for the kingdom of God. There are times in life Church that you to will need to launch out into the deep even when you don't feel like launching out. So, think about the great things the Lord could do in your life then realize Hes able to do immeasurably MORE than anything you can possibly imagine! When Simon launched out into the deep, and let down his nets, there were so many fish that came into the nets that it was beginning to break the nets. Launch Out Into The Deep - Sherry Stahl The Mercy of God Is an Ocean Divine > Lyrics | Albert B. Simpson BUSINESS -Spend money to make money. Read LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP by ANITA F MASON with a free trial. Under the power of the latter rain, every congregation is to explode with the influx of new believers who accept God's saving message. Moody Radio820 N. LaSalle Blvd.Chicago, IL 60610(312) 329-4300. The Lord knows our limitations. We are at a point where the years of preparation, trial, and error, learning, listening, observing are about to give way to the great catch of fish.. Into the Deep: Directed by Kate Cox. If success humbles you, then failure will build you up. As Peter bowed in the presence of Jesus, the Lord brought it all together for Peter, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men.. It includes the haves and the have-nots. Tired, hungry, surrounded by a multitude of people, Peter tried to stretch out and clean his net so that they could go out fishing again that night. After Jesus was through speaking, He says to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught" Notice that Jesus doesn't command Simon to do this. This site uses cookies to provide you with more responsive and personalized service and to collect certain information about your use of the site. A thorough submissiveness to God. Believers are called into the same experience; plunge into the realm of harvest and launch into the deep, letting down your nets for a draught. He had come to know and trust the efficacy of God's unfailing methods. The fish were to be found in the deep, not in the shallow water. I knew it was a direct call from God for the year. That means we have the authority to believe our Father for bigger and better things. This was completely ridiculous. Launching out isnt about expanding our reputation or filling our ego. If I'm going to catch fish as a fisherman, the best time is the night. With Isaiah we are challenged to enlarge the place of our tents, lengthen our cords, and strengthen our stakes (Isa. For the Church | Launch Out into the Deep - 4:6). But many, alas! Joining hands and hearts together in prayer, consecration, fellowship, doctrinal harmony, and evangelistic activities, we are to unite for the enlargement and qualitative consolidation of the church. Satan has two primary tactics for neutralizing our obedience to Christ discouragement and fear. Let your faith make you soar. The Lord is our treasure and pearl of great price that we have to go after this year at all costs. Because of the pull of Earth's gravity, largest, heaviest spacecraft need the biggest rockets and the most propellent. 9 Bible Verses about Deep Things. In the murky waters of shallow Christianity, we lose focus; we forget the very purpose of ministry is to preach the gospel. Launch Out, Let Down and Go DEEPER!! - Peters obedience to Christ wasnt the reckless abandon our culture lauds. As a convenor, I thought to research and add to my knowledge I must confess that I have been nourished. Known for their transparency and honesty, Wayne and Sue have helped hundreds of couples find freedom and transformation in their own marriages. He was willing not only to condescend to come to Earth, but also to interact with sinful, flawed humanity. This comes simply out of the complete reliance upon Him to meet our every need and guide us in our way. Its time to execute in faith. You can change your cookie settings through your browser. Yes, you have a role to play, but your main responsibilities are just to TRUST and OBEY. BLHMinistryOrg., Ministry Web Site, Sermon 16, ' Launch Out Into The Deep A man after God's own Heart. Powerful Prayer is birthed from reading the Word of God. On this particular day, Jesus got into Peters boat, asking him to push offshore so He could speak to the multitudes from the boat. But we have to trust Him with everything first we have to launch into the DEEP waters of our faith before He can bless us and transform our circumstances. As Paul acknowledged, God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us (Ephesians 3:20 NIV). Launch Out Into the Deep - by E a Simmons (Paperback) Christ calls us out of our depth. For many times there is a blessing waiting in the deep waters. Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep Tags: Prayer points on Launch out into the deep meaning, Prayer points from Luke 5, Launch into the deep sermon, Harvest of launching out into the deep, Prayer Points on Luke 5 6, Scriptures for supernatural turnaround, Biblical meaning of launch, Launch out into the deep KJV, Into the deep in the Bible, Examples of breakthrough in the Bible, Launch in the Bible, Lord of the breakthrough sermon, Supernatural turnaround sermon, Put out into the deep water sermon. Samantha Young, Into the Deep. I want you to give me that chance, but if you don't, I need you to know I never lied when I told you that you're extraordinary, Charley. Launch out launch out into the deep. Although we may complain about what we seem to lack, just like the early Christians, God assures us, ALL things are ours! They laughed and called him Simon which means shifting sand But Jesus called him Peter which means rock. This is typical of the futility of human efforts without divine unction. Initially, Peter responded to Jesus command like you and I would have donewith logic. Our new Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal is fresh off the press, and brimming with good music, new and old. 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. Lets look at a few points: Chapter 2 Copyright 2022 GOD TV, Simco Media LLC. Whatever your answer is, just know that I will always believe that, and I will always believe in you.". It's time to wake up and make our dreams come true Time is always moving and it will not wait for you. Man-made evangelistic plans, impressive programs, clever techniques, incentives, and a highly programmed approach are sometimes in direct conflict with the leadership of the Holy Spirit. Do you wonder how God might bless your obedience? Prayer Points On Launch Into The Deep - Prayer Points The story began with Peter and his fishing partners experiencing lack in their circumstances, but then suddenly they found themselves having more than enough! It is not for our glory or to fulfill our quest for adventure. But you can only be a fisher of men if you will follow Christ with unrestrained obedienceif you will pull up your anchor and untie your rope from the dock. Depth in prayer is a measure of intimacy with God. Like. (Hosea 7:14) This has the notion of fellowship and partnership. Food banks found themselves thrust into the spotlight back in 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic stealing jobs and creating a staggering . In time, there will be a great haul of fish (fruitfulness) according to Jesus word. This is how Sue has felt as they have raised 6 children. Every mom wants to be the best mom in the world to her children but often she feels like the worst. Why could we echo Peters comment, Master, we have toiled all the night [by our methods, with the means we know] and have taken nothing? If you continue without changing your settings, you agree to our use of cookies. CONNECTION POINT We've cast our nets in Haiti. Youre great at carpentry, and youre a marvelous preacher, but how about we leave the fishing decisions to me? It is still plausible that the Holy Spirit could bring revival to our spiritually darkened nation. It was slimy and smelly. He knew how, when, and where to fish. The third result of launching out into the deep is that extraordinary productivity produces extraordinary challenges. After Jesus stopped speaking, he asked Peter to. Only through HIS resurrection power is a life of abundance possible. We launch satellites and spacecraft into space by putting them on rockets carrying tons of propellants. It means to catch fish in such a way that they are still alive when brought to shore for sale. The Mercy of God is an Ocean Divine (Launch Out Into the Deep) We dont know when, we simply keep our hearts right, free from unbelief, staying the course with perseverance, with diligent expectation that what He has started, He will bring to completion in and through us. He is the One who orchestrates and undertakes to make a way for the fish to swim into the net. Christ will take you out of your area of comfort, and you will find that you prove God in ways that you never thought possible. Temptation Is A Liar! Gods voice comes to those who are expecting and ready to hear from Him. [2] [3] It was directed by Emma Sullivan and filmed in Copenhagen, Denmark. 54:2). Do you read it, study it, memorize it, listen to it as its preached? Continue Reading. We are called to do our part (launch out and let down our nets), trusting God to do His part (bring a great catch of fish, which in our context means local ministries raised up as Great Commission Ministries around the world), reminding Him of His promise in these verses to do so. "The Desire of Ages, p. 246. And others just venture away from the land, To demonstrate his obedience to the Master Fisherman, he unhesitatingly let down the net and in faith awaited the results. Both boats almost sank. Peters decision and the resulting miracle reveal that a single act of obedience to Christs command can change the course of an entire life. As children of God, we are meant to enjoy His provision and have more than enough in every area. He has been teaching us, preparing us, step by step providing the insight, tools, strategy, for that coming movement. It is still possible to be part of a great work of God. But few are surrendered to launch out in response to Jesus command, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men (Matthew 4:19). Launch out into the deep. LAUNCHING | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary Launching Out Into The Deep - Sermon Central What should you do if the problem with your faith is that it has been sitting on the display cabinet, instead of being used? The propellants give the rocket enough energy to boost away from Earth's surface. How Do We Launch Things Into Space? - NASA (Luke 5:4, 5) Your success is attached to your obedience. Can you imagine what life would be like if we launched into the deep, cast our nets and trusted God for more of His favor? You may remember in Luke 5 when Jesus was with Peter in His fishing boat. Put Out Into the Deep: The New Evangelization - Catholic Online They had already had some interactions with Him, however. Launch Out Into The Deep - Eagle's Rest Christian Center In fact, listening to Jesus teach made the tedious work of washing nets go faster. Prayers of blessing on yall. Thanks for the linky today. Launch Out Into The Deep! - KJV BIBLE TRUTH Launching Out into the Deep, Part 3 - Treasured Truth It costs to launch out into the deep. 5And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. Launch Out Into the Deep Paperback - Illustrated, May 2, 2013 . This passage has been one God has used many times to speak to us, confirming its significance in our journey. Launch Out Into The Deep 02/26/2023 - YouTube The Lord has commanded surplus into the deep sea where your net is launched. Take the promised land . God is heard in deep and sincere prayer. 9:37-38. He knew his workhe was a master fisherman. On the day of Pentecost Christ's prophecy came true when three thousand were caught alive for Christ. Launch Out Into The Deep "When he had stopped speaking, he said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a catch." Luke 5:4 NKJV Two weeks ago I ticked one item off my bucket list. It is a decision to live fully for the glory of God by leading lost souls to Christ. Because they had seen Jesus ability to provide for them when they obeyed Him! When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." (Lk 5:4 NKJV) There is so much greatness in the coming year; treasures of inestimable values, are ready to be released but they cannot be dug up from the shallow waters. The storm may be raging, but if you are where Christ has called you to be, and you are doing what he called you to do, he will bring you through. In Luke 5:10 Jesus used the Greek word zogreo, meaning "to take alive." It is common to get sluggish in any work after a while. It was planned to be released on Netflix, but the release was postponed indefinitely when some participants stated that they had not given their consent to . Christ spoke and Simon obeyed. God is anxiously waiting to bring about a similar experience for His church today. REALLY messing up? Launching out into the deep requires you go deeper in your faith, hope, and trust in God. God speaks in accordance to His word. Written by Gerry Blitz '"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Peter knelt in the water, intent on washing his nets. And the Lord said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me (Judges 7:2). Terms of Use but just as it is written, "Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, By Terry LaMasters | April 26th, 2013. If you continue without changing your settings, you agree to our use of cookies. Now when Jesus told Peter to launch into the deep and throw your net to the right, Peter said, "Mmmh, that instruction doesn't make sense. This is why we launch out! All representative texts Compare texts ^ top. Great things will happen only as we launch forward in our service to Christ. Earn your bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies from WCBC Online. Peter could obey Jesus and launch out, or he could follow his senses and decline. The best lies in the deep. In the shallows, were often busy, and we generate a full array of programs. SUE DETWEILER is a mother of six, author, speaker, podcast host of Healing Rain, and faith influencer with over 25 years of experience in leadership, ministry and education. Sue and her husband Wayne lead a nonprofit called Life Bridge Today and attend Upperroom Dallas. LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP - Sermons Online Why? The result was a catch of fish Peter . a. b. The catch is contingent on launching out and letting down the nets. The Word says, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV). In the language of Peter the church must confess, " 'Because you say so,'" we will launch out into the deep through faith and obedience, will trans form our hundreds into thousands and our thousands into hundreds of thousands. They dont realize it, but their navigation system is only programed to work by faith; it freezes when consulted by fear. Many Christians are eager to launch a new business, career, hobby, or relationship. 4Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. All rights reserved. Berean Study Bible With Global Leadership Development experience for a major Fortune 100 Financial Institution, he serves as Board Member for several Not For Profit organizations throughout Michigan and a mentor to many throughout the Corporate Arena, Faith Community and across the globe. Into the Deep (film) - Wikipedia The Lord says renew your vision, passion, single-mindedness. The disciples caught such an impressive number of fish that their nets began to break (Luke 5:6, N.I.V.). God wants to bless youbig-time! They were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken (v. 9). Once Jesus finished teaching, He instructed Peter: "Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch" (Luke 5:4). Peter, the professional fisherman, had employed all the techniques and expertise of his fishing trade. It's Time To Cast Your Nets Deeper | God TV News Simon Peter was reluctant as he had just been out all-night fishing and had caught nothing. Dig Deeper And Launch Into The Deep Welcome to a brand new glorious year, 2018. LAUNCH OUT Lyrics - ALVIN SLAUGHTER | . The most awesome challenge of all to God's people in this crisis hour is how to arouse, recruit, train, and mobilize the total laity in a systematic plan of evangelizing the exploding population of this world. It is familiar and comfortable. is a ministry of I can imagine Peters thoughts behind those words. Peter had the choice to either serve his emotions and give up or crucify his flesh and submit to Gods Word and Launch. See our. Prayer Ask God for strength to leave the comfort of the old ways and old life and enter into the deep waters of faith and blessing. He nudged it away from the shore and listened as Jesus voice now projected across the Galilean Sea to the multitude on the bank. What a dramatic change! Let us always remember that the basic priority of the church is aggressive evangelism. Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. Life does not give you what you deserve, but only what you demand! LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP! | Treasure Pathfinder Launch Out into the Deep | Audio Length: 34:23 His request this time was astounding: "Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a drought" (Luke 5:4). Each one of us is an heir to His promise, but its also true we must have the correct personal vision of God before we receive that promise. Number two; the best place is shallow water so I don't understand this idea of launching into the deep in the daytime."
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