Sorry, Natalia, I cant really comment on this in the space available. Its a damn shame, but I cant make him more a more spiritual person, just because our powerful connection together is deep and spiritual. Long story short it really bothered me that I can not tell him how I really feel about him because we are both ironically attending church but I felt that he really likes me as well. Lovely article. . I still remember very clearly how I felt 10 years ago when I first met my former boyfriend. It depends on your Venus ' condition. Composite The relationship is deep and beautiful and in periods hard for us to be with each other. PS.. hes the very first guy I ever met who knew and talked about astrology! There are two conjunctions with ascendent as well. The inner planets are where we liveso yes, the 10th house stellium will have more influence on a day to day basis, and then once in a while the outer planets will come out to grab us with whatever their issues are, particularly by transit or progression to the stellium/12th. Moon in Houses Synastry Meanings: 1st through 12th House The relationship is a very private one, we share many trips together, and special 12th house retreat time together. And I dont think you can fully understand Pisces without understanding its relation to Jupiter as well as Neptune. Like individuals with 12th house planets, couples with a lot of twelfth house may feel that there is something fated about their lives together. The North Node in the 12 th House - Synastry. Beautiful article!! Our midpoint composit cannot show any true about our relationship. venus+mars, etc. Besides, his vertex conjunct with my sun and oppose w/ my moon. Your emotions may also be cloudy and unclear at times, and your lack of boundaries may cause you trouble. so we find the True in each other. This secrecy he is practising probably points to the venus-mars in composite twelfth ? Only his Juipter is in the 12th, I have no planets there but also we both also have ceres and lilith in the 12th. After I read and then I re-read this was the conclusion that I am more confused than before but more peaceful and more tolerant with my fate. Couples with a heavy 12th house/ 6th house polarity have to find a way to put their wisdom to some practical use. It confuses us, as is appropriate with a house that Neptune rules. The eight house is the house of Scorpio, and alongside the twelfth house is the most spiritual and mysterious. Hi ameNow were talking about the differences between the Davison and the midpoint charts, and thats really too complicated a topic to go into here. You dont want, on the whole, a composite Mars in the 12th square to Neptune, unless you are missionaries or you plan to open up a swimming pool installation company. Pluto is elevated in the composite chart close to the midheaven in the 9th. I just am hesitating. What would you say about a composite Scorpio Juno in the 12th house, conjunct to the asteroid Valentine and squaring the north and south node? Eventually, we learn that life is not as random as we thought, but full of purpose and meaning. Venus is the planet of love which makes him lovable by his likable behavior and persuasive way of talking. Thank you. It may have felt like chaos, but later on we know that there was method to the madness. When the transit Moon is in the composite 12th house, you may want some alone time together, wanting to share feelings but only when alone and no one else is around. I do all these within a synastry consulation. I use both in my practice. I can say with absolute confidence that you perfectly captured the essence of this energy. What is your thought on this. Please enlighten me.. Usually, when the 12th house is heavily involved, whether it be a natal chart, a comparison, or a composite, the message is to let go. Im from a country in southamerica. Ultimately, both the 12th house and Neptune want us to get our egos out of the way. It doesnt matter. Thank You very much for Your answer and very best regards from Hungary again! IF THIS IS NOT A TRAGIC LOVE STORY THAN WHAT IS? Thank you very much for the answer. The midpoint composite points out the places where the planets in the two charts manifest. The 12th house is all about past life astrology, so the planets can . Looking forward to taking more classes with you in the future. Neptune is in the 4th, Libra. We are from different countries and we live bliss for few moments and then a lot of despair and pain separated without any logic A tough road between Heaven and Hell! but thats life afterall! Thank you for your reply Dawn . The Composite Chart Sun - Through the Houses - Galactic Mystic I met her near the end of my Saturn return (Cancer in the 4th house) and I am aware of deep wounds in me around my need for nurturing and I wonder if my neediness in this area may have something to do with it all. The Sun person sees in the 11th house person someone, who they can spend pleasant time with. Is Your experience the same? We have an interesting stellium in the 6th Uranus, Eros, Ceres, and Vertex all within a degree of each other. yeah, i think we didnt invest much efforts in getting/staying togetherhowever, when I tried to pursue more, I felt as if I was more needy and I cared more about this relationship, as his respose to my efforts was quite blank and gruff. Great gifts are possible if that Saturn is respectedthe power of manifesting energy into form. hi dawn. thanks Dawn! Interesting description: it seems like weve followed ourselves around the country for each of our lives and not ever taking the time to learn about each other. The lower expression has to be elevated, and the higher expression needs to be realized. Found the site while trying to decipher a stellium in a composite 12th house. A Venus in the 12th House man is a sweet, gentle, kind of person who likes to help both people and animals. They have to learn to work togetherthats the challenge. Twelfth house composites can work very well if the people involved understand that they must work together and make a contribution of some kind, even to simply show a good example of what a couple can be. Hi!! Thank you for this piece it is prompting reflection. Thank You so much for Your answer! This is brilliant and compassionate. 12th House Meaning. oh gosh do not i know this! We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. With a lot of respect for all of your work and wishing you all the best. 12th House seems to be the most frightening of all the houses to me, because the primal urge towards each other is such a deep and profoundly spiritual one, that you think, theres no way I could find this depth with another. It usually indicates that there is something karmic surrounding that planet that needs fixingit is, in a prior life, something that was missed or misused between them. The Top 5 Past Life Marriage Indicators In the Birth Chart: Karmic Concentrate on intimacy and you should be all right. Definitely karmic and unbreakable. We also have composite Juno in Aquarius in the 4th house (opposing Mercury in the 10th and trining the Ascendant), and Venus tightly conjunct Saturn in the 11th (Leo). But also to wound each other? I often was a bit too demanding of her when it comes to intimacy and I wonder if this is about me learning to let go. Hi Dawn, are you able to give me anymore insight or know where I might find more information about 12th house stellium in cancer planets are sun,moon,Mercury and Venus in my husband and my composite chart. Since Lilith is being hidden in the 12th . Emotional Suppression. We feel that our twelfth house planets dont work the way our other planets do, or the way that same planet seems to behave in other peoples charts. Again, sadly, this being the 12th, most of the time the lesson is learning to love and then let go. Our situation was kind of complicated. I fell onto another man after that whom I had a very deep dark sexual connection to and whom I shared a heavy 8th composite chart with. In my natal I have mars and mercury in 12th house Gemini. I never understood that statement could you put some light on it for me? The composite with the Great Unrequired Impossible love of my life , shows Sun conjunct Neptune and SN , in Scorpio VII . Talking about Fate! This is a complicated question and needs a subtle analysis in the chart, but on the whole, planets in the first house side of the angle center around the development of a healthy sense of Self, of ego, whereas planets on the 12th house side of the angle will be dealing with karma surrounding ego choices, and the planets will take on a more archetypal energy and effect. *Composite Chiron conjunct Moon in Taurus in 12th house. sounds pathetic, but thats just the nature of 12th house love; you cant downsize or decrease its feeling and meaning.. What a way to describe it ~ nebulous, yet mysteriously powerful influence on our lives or my life as far as i know, this was exactly how I confused myself in this short and intense relationship with an ex. By the way loved your above article and thank you for any info you provide : ) x, Thanks for writing this article. Whatever I told you would not have a context. Im a Pisces sun 7house. I would like to help you, but you would need a full analysis of the charts to know what is going on with this 12th house energy. So beautifully written Dawn. They think no one cares whether they are present or absent. Im afraid I cant get into it in this space (in the synastry course, we spend several lessons comparing the midpoint and Davison charts). But I do have one question? In our composite chart, Mars in 12th house Cancer square MC conjunct Mercury(10th) and the Sun, Venus(9th) & Mars square IC conjunct Saturn and Pluto(3rd). . I have 3 planets in my natal chart in 12th house (mercury,sun,mars) and we have 2 planets,which are identical in my natal(mercury and sun), in the composite chart in 12th house with someone who i talked for 6 months but we never dated.We also have our moon in pisces in 6th house. However, it's recommended to do an individual birthchart analysis before analyzing the Synastry to see the personal needs and potential for maintaining a healthy relationship. The 12th house is the house of the hidden, the subconscious, spirituality, karma, and as the last house, it governs endings. taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? Transit Neptune in the Composite 12th House. Is it a dream come true, or a big lie? But, separate he has a Saturn Gemini 12th and I have a Mercury Scorpio 12th. I have learned to surrender much but our relationship isnt surviving, we cant let go altogether and cant seem to be together. or is it irrelevant ? I know he is devoted to his son more maybe than to his wife but he cares about him as well because he is a very nice man. You might have a relationship that was so intense, which left you hurting. Pluto, Sun, Venus & Mercury in the 12th/Virgo. Yes its probably the case, but as it is unconscious, how could I manage it , or prevent myself from feeling this ? The same person I've had mutual 12th house synastry with has sun in 12th house composite with me. I feel that our connection is a long term one over many lifetimes. Regine. When Saturn is conjunct the North Node it can be particularly ruthless in pursuing its goals. Its what happens when a sensitive person loves another human being. Dawn, thank you for writing this article. 12th house issues are not always supportive. Lilith in the 12th House Meaning, Natal Birth Chart, Lilith Astrology He told me he had butterflies I did too.his nn is conjunct my ascendant. RUN ? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When transit Pluto is in the composite 12th house, you may feel more powerful and connected in the relationship when its just the two of you, behind closed doors, no one to bother. When Venus occupies the 12th house, it highlights a more mature and sophisticated expression of love. This person and I believe were soulmates, and I would go further to say were twin flames as we share some many parallels in our lives, similarities, and all the other strange features of a twin flame relationship as describe by many. I am a Sag with moon (12th house) and rising both in scorpio. In the composite chart, the composite 12th house can show what may be hidden in the relationship, what may play out subconsciously in the relationship, the karma of the relationship, and what needs to be let go of. I think the fact that were both artists gave this aspect an outlet. The person with the most crowded 12th house in history is Ann Margret, a Swedish born actor best known for her iconic Easy Rider bike scene and starring in Viva Los Vegas alongside Elvis Presley. (Were married 16 years, and now we are old!) In composite, we have sun, mercury and part of fortune in the 12th. Composite Jupiter in the Houses - South Florida Astrologer You are great!!!!!!!!!!! Ive seen couples with a heavy 12th house influence utterly befuddled and bedazzled by their lives (which dont go the way their friends lives go). Am i trapping my self? I read our full synastry report, using dual cosmodynes, and the outcome was very positive and harmonic, scoring pretty much above the average! Hi annaMy feeling is that the word god is loaded, psychologically speaking. Black Moon Lilith in 12th House: 5 Ways it Affects You Of course, this can lead to overspending and a tendency to overvalue anything that is overindulgent and impractical, but the positive energy Jupiter brings will generally get you through it. So I had to find an answer without destroying so many other lives or breaking up relationships. Jupiter in 1st house, Uranus in the 11th to bracket the party. Also, I would think that the answer to your issues is not in the composite, but in your natal comparison. This last chance element, sadly, often leads us to relationships that are destined to exist only to fix this thingwhen the lesson is learned, both these people move on. Juno in the 12th means that there are unresolved issues surrounding equality in relationship and some sort of sacrifice in relationships will be necessary in order to discover that balance. mercury and mercury conj. Much depends on the relationship of the 12th house planets to one another. Dear Dawn, I just see now, that accidentally I typed wrong Your name! This resonates with me. I was the Sun/Ascendant person, while he was the Lilith person. Mercury in 12th House. Neptune tries to tell us that we cant own anything permanently, and if we try to possess and not understand the message of universal love (love is its own reward) it will pry our grasping fingers off of whatever we are trying to hold on to. No one could share that kind of information with a person that he/she newly know. Oh the powers of the 12th house. Overall, this is considered a favorable Lilith placement, as it is . These are just a few of the synastry aspects. We all have things we come in to this life to accomplish, achieve, or learn. When transit Mercury is in the composite 12th house, you may refrain from expressing thoughts and opinions with one another until youre alone, just the two of you, and no one else around. It was emotional and intense, also warm and familiar at the same time. Fated, for sure, but lessons to learn, or something that we must finish? Most of it is illusions I know.. .why is neptune conjunct sun so bad in composite? Does that sound like enough glue to counter the 12th house effects? That 12th house/Neptune influence is devasting if left unchecked. This depends on how well Lilith energy is being handled in the synastry and natal chart. If the Composite Sun is in the 1 st House, there will be a focus on this relationship. Composite north node (Aquarius) trine composite Saturn in Libra (which is conjunct his natal sun). You mentioned that couples with 12th house emphasis usually come together for a specific purpose and once that is completed the relationship is destined to end (thats what I gathered anyway). Everywords pounding in me. so we find the True in each other. I had to spend years unlearning what love is to me and settle with how individuals differ in what we value in a relationship. We both feel we have been together over many lifetimes. I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. Transit Jupiter in the Composite 12th House. Judy, Im sorry about your relationship with your daughter. Two sides of the same coin. The Anti-Vertex, on the other hand, is located in the opposite house of the Vertex (the 11 th , 12 th , 1 st , 2 nd , or 3 rd houses), which relate to personal concerns . The synastry can show the true about our relationship, and the Davison also but less than synastry, but the Composite chart can show almost nothing. I really appreciate your take on the 12th house; it definitely resonates as true, from my experience. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. what kind of compassion do you think can be generated from a composite mars in 12th house? It has felt fated, mesmerizing, seductive, magnetic and karmic. Forget about where his planets fall in your houses and instead, put your natal chart around the chart of the composite, then do the same with his. Is there something to be read from this cluster of planets in 12th house? Guess our trines from Sun/Moon to Jupiter arent enough to off set. Trust me when I say that I will happily take a man i am less connected to, to allow myself the support I need to thrive in this life. I think that your article is quite amazing, but for those of us who are making these relationships work for us I wish you would have given some cases in which it can work. One valuable lesson I learned is to refrain being attached to an outcome with him. thanks Dawn for your reply. Since your Part of Fortune is in the 12th house of your birth chart, the sixth house is the opposite house. 12th House : A busy 12th house is very difficult in a composite chart, since it's the house of the unconscious feelings and all things hidden, so there will be a lot of miscommunication between the two. a strong karmic tie is indicated in the 12th house, or in the other water houses 4,8. In my experience, if you have a good synastry but a difficult composite, the couple get along with one another but have problems establishing the relationship in the outside world. They usually experience issues with drugs or alcohol. We have Sun,mercury,venus and jupiter in 12th house virgo. I love him more than Ive ever loved any man I knew immediately. What is the best approach? Such a great article! Knowing him has felt like a blessing and a curse, and yet, to this day, I do not regret falling in love with him that night 10 years ago.
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