Some say it was because they housed and fed the firefighters for free, and it was just a plain miracle. It is a perfect structural shape that can endure impacts and harsh temperatures. This system of vortices and ley lines is not a new idea. So they must have had some compelling reasons to do so. After all, we are part of the planet earth. 25062016 Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. 22102016 Patrick aesteii asti what is a vortex the ravenwolf tesla haarp cern and lhc design ley lines the key to unlocking spiritual ley lines maps of the earth Ley Lines Google EarthLey Lines Google EarthWorld Fault Lines Map Google Earth Where Are The LeyMap The Earth Grid Vorte Ley Lines Using GoogleEarth Grid Ley Lines Read More. What Are Ley-Lines? Mar 18 2021 Explore Mary Mixens board ley lines in usa followed by 333 people on Pinterest. The group used a photograph that resembled a hybrid satellite photo of the city. California Power Generation and Power Sources. The interactive Global Vortex Map is back. Your site [] has blown me away. 14072016 I have been unable to find a map of Peruvian ley lines or even South America. The mountain rises out of meadows, forests, and flatlands, reaching more than 14,000 feet high. If you live near one of the key ley lines, you may have become accustomed to the energy flow. Learning Options The spiral is another typical geometric pattern, with hurricanes, pinecones, and the Nautilus shell. Most statues face inland instead of out to sea to greet travelers. Maybe theyre all on the same ley line. I now know I am not the only person on the planet doing what I am doing. Adamski also claimed that the Venusians subscribed to universal law, stressing a Creator of All that conveniently reflected Judeo-Christian religious beliefs and doctrines. There are over 4000 sites of historical and spiritual significance on this grid. Saga magazine published Sandersons grid in 1972. You can also check out the new interactive St. Ley Lines Southern California Map. (6) Icosahedron, Wikipedia Active and abandoned railroads in the Golden State. We find landscape geometries of every sort: circles, polygons, stars, pyramids, Asian healing practices such asreikiandqigong share similarities with Mesmerism. [15], As a UFO contactee, Van Tassel was not unique. But its designation as a time machine has been misconstrued. And that is Mississippi River valley, Centered at the St. Louis Arch Super Nexus Point. Sprinkled throughout his essays are references to esoteric philosophies, including Theosophy and Spiritualism, hints of Scientology, Mormonism, and his form of Christian revisionist ufology. Clickable map to see Megaliths and prehistoric sites in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. He served up German pancakes while he and his visitors conversed, propping up their legs on boxes of dynamite, which their host used for his various prospecting and construction projects. George Van Tassel, When Stars Look Down. And . Several processes facilitate healing and spiritual exploration. His ego-driven vision may have indirectly inspired darker manifestations of these UFO-based myths, such as the infamous 1997 Heavens Gate mass suicide. It covers an area of 163,696 square miles, making it the third largest state in terms of size behind Alaska and Texas.Most of California's terrain is mountainous, much of which is part of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Leys between Gold Hill, Oregon; Yucatan Peninsula, & Cairo, Genuine Vortexes Open as Tourist Attractions, DC & US Capitol Cities on Volcano Latitudes, EarthStar North America, the Wheel with 19 Spokes diagram, EarthStar North America map detail: Crater Lake, Sisters, Columbia River, Rainier, Rica, Individualization of the Three Americas, Chaco Canyon Meridian to Casas Grandes, Mexico, Iceland - Hawaii - South Orkney Islands Triangle, Alaska as the Center of a Great Circle of Ancient Sites, Alaska & the Great Pyramid, Corners of a Square, Nova Scotia Energy Axis and 5-pointed Stars, Costa Rica 8-sided Medicine Wheel Unites North & South, Complete Set of Grid Lines over South America. This grid shows many well-known archeological sites and areas of unexplained phenomena. The Times states that shortly after arriving, deputies Claude McCraken, Harold Simpson and Fred Pratt experienced severe injuries when seventy pounds of Critzers dynamite mysteriously exploded. 12.22.2019 Dear Hunters:There is a park on the edge of San Francisco Bay called Coyote Point and there is an observation deck to watch planes land at SFO and also a children's zoo/museum there. For example, there are many practitioners of distance healing practices, like Reiki. He was awakened by Solgonda, a member of the Council of the Seven Lights, around 2 a.m. on August 24, 1953, and taken onto a spacecraft that had landed at Giant Rocks adjacent airstrip. B.R. Just zoom in to the place you want to visit and every beach is plotted on the map. 136, no. The previous link talks of Ley lines or what in . Learning about these vibrational connections helps us see our relationship to the planet. According to Van Tassels story, Critzer had found himself broke and in desperate need of car repairs when he stumbled into Paines shop. 4 Place a pin on each circle of the map. For a fee, immersive sound-bath sessions are performed with specialized white quartz bowls of varying sizes to produce transformative harmonic sound frequencies within the acoustically perfect upstairs space. Some updates made 10/2021. 16092017 Sep 16 2017 California ley lines with pdf of large-scale maps of the World ley lines. As a result, the interior of his underground home remained a temperate 55 to 80 Fahrenheit year-round. We find this design on many turtles. These points are the magnetic anchors for the earth. Broadening the Definition of Leys: Geomantic Corridors. Ley Lines & Vortexes. To what extent did federal authorities investigate Critzer and Van Tassel, and, if so, what did they find? Ley Lines Southern California Map The seamount has a name but is hard to find in the atlas. The pattern shows how sacred geometry vibrational energy is a global energy network. California Interstates: North-South interstates include: Interstate 5 and Interstate 15. Just added: Bermuda Triangle to Cubabi Mexico major leyline. Greeks called them the sacred roads of Hermes. It is not coincidental that nearly all of these individuals hailed from Southern California. Southern California. Lionel is in his London . The Ley Lines, chakras (aka Dragon Lines) of the Earth, Magnetic Ley Lines in America | Grand Teton Circle - Ley Line Maps - Directory of Sacred Places, Magnetic Ley Lines in America | The World Grid Ley Lines Vile Vortices Vortexes. Ley Lines and Earth Rings in America 100 pages of never-before-seen ley lines, maps by Peter Champoux. The trio agreed that he would drop them a line notifying them of his general whereabouts. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid the primary light and energy matrix creating enveloping and maintaining planet Earth our Gaia. And Peter introduces his version of energy leys, the Earth Rings. In 1947, George, his wife Eva, and their three daughters moved to Giant Rock, where they began their new life running the airport and a caf called Come On Inn. Very cool world map with ley lines where you can zoom in to any level of detail you want. More than fifteen leys, covering every state. This intricate geometric shape cannot be a coincidence. The result is a worldwide grid that plots several significant monolithic structures and sacred sites. Rednecks? He has appeared as a vortex researcher on TV (History and Travel channels) and in movies, and consulted to network television shows including The Blacklist. Captain Rhanes offered Bethurum a ride on her spacecraft, but she reneged. Easter Island is a small island in the South Pacific Ocean. [13] George Van Tassel,I Rode A Flying Saucer (Los Angeles: New Age Publishing Co., 1952), 18. Make like Leo and Brad by sipping martinis at the 100-year-old Musso & Frank. Many of these sites were built along the major earth energy grid lines and where these lines intersect at nodal points. The Becker-Hagans grid shows how sacred geometry governs the physical universes structure. Perhaps that is why ley lines and vibrational geometry draw our attention. Both were part of Van Tassels Adamic Race of space people of Gods pure creation.[17] He goes on to mention that the three wise men present at Christs birth were extraterrestrials who followed the spacecraft, better known as the Star of Bethlehem, until it hovered where Jesus was being born. The previous statement is an example of one of Van Tassels numerous and complicated revisionist interpretations of both the New and Old Testaments, in which he posits angel as a misspelling and misinterpretation of alien, or that a select group of individuals with the correct vibratory body aura will be snatched up to the heavens by godly extraterrestrials during the Rapture.[18]. Mount Shasta is a snowy (and still active) volcano located 60 miles south of the Oregon-California state line. We drove up to Zaca Lake to see if we could visit and found ourselves facing a locked gate with a No Trespassing sign. junglearea in Peru wheresatellite photos show eight large pyramids in two symmetricalrows. As it turned out, the missing dynamite was later discovered in Joshua Tree National Monument.[11]. Are you ready to be taken up or are you one who be left.. [18] There are many other colorful Biblical reinterpretations described in When Stars Look Down, including this gem on page 37: This mass pickup of people will take place very soon, prior to the planets rebalancing on new poles. See About Page[addtoany], Front Page But Hess went on to mention that he heard voices purporting to be those of space people giving messages through Van Tassels vocal cords.[22] Over the twenty-five years that Van Tassel worked on the Integratron, over $200,000 in worldwide donations from his devotees funded its constructionone could imagine the endeavor as an early crowdfunding project. However, we have more questions than answers. Southern California region detailed map Free map of Southern California region with counties, cities, roads and places of interest. Ley Lines Earth's Magnetic Field Sacred Geometry Symbols Crop Circles Ancient Knowledge Symbology ley lines - Google Search Ancient Wisdom Tantra Atlantis Paranormal Aliens Earth Grid Mystery Earth Ley Lines Stonehenge Unexplained Mysteries Ancient Mysteries Les Religions Grid System Here is a mainstream BBC news article (10) discussing the mysterious nature of these energy ley lines and the planetary grid. [11] Ainsworth, Plans for Out of This World., [12] Sasha Archibald, Mass Effect, Cabinet Magazine Issue 53, Spring 2014. Once Van Tassel teleported aboard, Solganda and three other male humanoids showed him the crafts celestial navigational instrumentation and other features, including retractable seatingshared to Van Tassel via telepathy. Sacred geometry is the idea that geometric shapes are the infrastructure for the universe. Although this was only some 40 percent more than that released by Buster-Jangle, unfavorable weather patterns caused dramatically higher civilian radiation exposures (about fifteen-fold). It's often said that ley lines represent regions of earth energies and that is was no accident that these structures were built along the lines. [4] The author was not able to contact Shri Naath Devi to comment on or confirm this story. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and planes and the sighting of unidentified flying objects. Bethe Hagens, co-developer of the EarthStar Globe. (1) Ivan T. Sanderson, Wikipedia Nikola Teslas discoveries made Westinghouse what it is today. These networks are radial with approximately 12 baselines using a common, central station. Consider George Adamski, author of the 1953 book Flying Saucers Have Landed (co-written with Desmond Leslie). The ancients were said to have marked these lines with stone monuments and pagan temples. Old Sarum. You need to know your ley lines (and before you ask, yes I am working on an accurate map of the Ley lines. Asked whether he had received his design directives from aliens in an interview. Some believe the statues are alien faces, while others say they are stylized versions of Polynesians who inhabited the area. Ancient cultures ascribed particular meanings to these patterns for reasons which escape modern man. Publicly, Critzer had a likable character. Ley lines in the United States are rumored to connect points of spiritual significance to Native Americans. And Peter introduces his version of energy leys, the Earth Rings. In his 1976 collection of writings When Stars Look Down, he notes: Whether one believes in Christ, or not, is not the pointThe point is that the conditions of earth require outside intervention, and the time conforms to the requirements of prophecy. Thus, Van Tassel and other 1950s Christian ufologists including Adamski and Orfeo Angelucci ushered in the 1970s New Age of Earth movement, mixing esoteric traditions, occultism, 1960s counterculture and environmentalism into an eclectic, holistic spiritual institution. Located at 10,000 ft above sea level, this ancient Wheel (700 yrs old) has many radiating spokes and stone piles (cairns) and is still used by the Crow Nation today. You may have felt certain areas seem to emit positive or negative energy. These ruins are located just south of Timbuktus city. [8] Giant Rock sits on public land managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Ley lines and sacred geometry vibrational energy are the patterns of life. Sometimes I wonder what if wed had the courage to say hello? (10) BBC News Article on Ley Lines, Privacy Policy With its heavy dose of showmanship, fringe science and esoteric spiritual practices, Van Tassels oeuvre became the ideal remedy for the looming Cold War anxiety of the technological age. Van Tassel went so far as to postulate that Mary, mother of Christ, was herself an extraterrestrial who volunteered through assignment to birth Jesus on Earth, or Shan, as the space people were said to call our planet. And then another world war, even more bloody than the first, made the present seem suddenly more pressing than the past. When they asked the woman what she was doing, she explained, This is my way of expressing the rocks pain. of Woodhenge (left above) note that a corridor extends out of the calendar circle at about five o'clock. What does Google Maps do? See the Americas as you've never seen them before, exquisite geometric patterns of energy in the living landscape. Learn how to create your own. Your email address will not be published. And now I see that the website for the religious organization which was up when I began my research has been taken down. If youd like to experience working with Catherine, the best place is to start is with the Exploratory Session. Or better yet use those ley lines to find the good. By the next day, Paine and Van Tassel had grubstaked Critzer $30 plus foodstuffs so that he could prospect in the desert. One of Critzers strangest boasts was how he was so full of electricity that he could charge flashlight batteries by simply placing them under his pillow while he slept.[9]. First, the core 1950s contactees, including Adamski, Angelucci, Bethurum and other guests, lectured to a festive and enthusiastic crowd from a wooden platform located at the southern side of Giant Rock. The long summer of ley hunting endured until 1939. He identified 12 major points he called vortices. Some call it the West Australian Basin because it lies east of the Ninety-East Ridge and West of Western Australia. Most data is from before 10/2010. Today, Zaca Lake is privately owned by a religious organization and is no longer available to the public. A 4.4 earthquake centered in Loma Linda, California, had been recorded just two hours before the break. Dan Shaw has studied alchemy and researched vortexes and ley lines since 1986. If you want to find the other picture. Well examine twelve of these sites, which have some interesting points in common regarding their location on the grid and the properties these locations exhibit. Any views, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of California Humanities, The National Endowment for the Humanities or any of our other project partners. As with Van Tassels compassionate aliens, Orthon forewarned Adamski about the perils of atomic testing, with the explanation that radiation emanating from earth would spread and contaminate the entire solar system. Now, you have the network of alignment used in Eastern thought and medicine. [7] His Roof is a Rock,Popular Science Monthly, Vol. These areas have been identified by vortex experts as either energy vortexes sites of magnified spiritual energy, or places with increased UFO sightings, as noted. Benjamin Radford at Live Science says , There is a whole swirl of vortices around and near the Golden Gate Bridge, and these might be the coming together of several faults--many ley lines follow the great faults and waterways on the surface of our earth. New Agers have described Giant Rocks location as a spiritual vortex where the earths ley lines intersect, thus channeling mystical and psychic energy. Thank you. State and the third-largest by area. Mathematics and geometry are subjects that intrigue many people. This map was created by a user. However, interest in the gatherings began to wane during the early 1970s because UFO sightings had become commonplace in Van Tassels view. The let in capital is Sacramento. They are all built and aligned with a network of ley lines. So many cultures built significant structures on these sites. This sixteen-sided domed wooden structure is thirty-eight feet high and fifty-five feet in diameter, joined together without nails or metal fasteners to interfere with its conductive qualities. Yet, no one could locate plans or instructions to make it operational. If you have trouble accessing any information, including the tools and maps on this website, contact the GIS Unit. It is one of the earliest major cities. If you find three or more sites arranged on a single line you may have discovered a ley-line. Van Tassel long maintained that Solganda provided him with the formula for the Integratron during their purported exchange at Giant Rock in August 1953. It shows how ancient structures relate to sacred geometry vibrational energy ley lines. Critzer was later cleared of these charges, but law enforcement and some locals remained apprehensive of this eccentric desert character. Detailed studies of the geographic alignment of famous ancient world sites have been conducted. The Indians in the. vesica pisces, and more. When they did, they found it linked to many sacred sites. Van Tassel worked for Douglas Aircraft until 1941, then moved on to Howard Hughes operation and finally ended his aviation career at Lockheeds Skunk Works in Burbank. (A company states that it gives tours of UFO sightings on the island, but after numerous attempts, I realized no one returns your calls. Sanderson believed that electromagnetic disturbances from hot and cold airflow might cause these areas abnormal activity. The southern side of the Grand Canon has alot of major ley lines. Drawn to the high desert, he eventually applied for a Bureau of Land Management permit to operate the airport on 2,600 acres of public land in 1945. To add fuel to the fire, Critzer had been under FBI investigation sometime during the late 1930s for suspicious activities spurred by pre-World War II paranoia and his fraudulently assumed German heritage. Locally, Critzer was known for community service. Over deep time, the incessant graffiti will have long faded and the boulders secrets and lore will be lost. The best known ley may be the Michael Line It also links ancient mystical sites, churches, temples, henges, and burial sites. After all, George Washington was our first President, and Nikola Tesla was financed by George Westinghouse. var sc_project=12347639; Famous graves and summer movies make Hollywood Forever cemetery a worthwhile stop as well. The spatial qualities of the structure generate audio tones and vibrations that aurally envelop your body and mind in a profoundly pleasant meditative state. Ojai, California was recently surrounded by a ring of fire. Ley lines may provide people with a way to map felt connections to place and, on a deeper level, may speak to the interconnectedness of all life; reaching for harmony and balance which, of course .