No, the English and Americans had gained a foothold and were driving the Germans back. The Enemy summary will help you greatly in studying the chapter in detail. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao refused and said that the man was capable to do that himself. He asked him to be careful not to signal when it was dark because light was more visible in the dark as compared to dusk. Passage: It would be best if he could be quietly killed, the General said. Top, Passage: Dr Sadao Hokis house was built on a spot of the Japanese coast where as a little boy he had often played. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Sun drops: the Sun sets What made Hana, his wife, sympathetic to him in the face of open defiance from the domestic staff? English Essay, Social Media A cause of Anxiety and Depression, Should Smoking in Public Places be banned? Pallor: an unhealthy pale appearance what is the theme of the enemy above - Her hands went weak and she could not draw her breath. At first, no one had believed the Nazis would be bold enough to do anything about it. I guess if all the Japs were like you there wouldnt have been a war.. When Sadao would get engrossed in the operation, he would start talking to the patient. He forgot that this man was not a friend but an enemy. As a Japanese, could you not combine these two foreign elements? he asked. I am not quite sure, he said, but for your sake I would be willing to try, Excellency.. Passage: That prisoner, he said with some energy, did I not promise you I would kill him for you?. I cannot relate to Anton in any ways since he is being hunted, his father is in war, and he is being looked after by his grandma, or Bubbe. But her distress and his inability to go to her at once made him impatient and irritable with this man who lay like dead under his knife. The main characters are Anton, Daniel, Dmitri, and Bubbe, the book takes place in Poland during world war 2. He finds an American prisoner of war, at his threshold, who is bleeding and on the verge of death. As they saw the face, Hana spoke confidentially that he was a white i.e. a substance that induces insensitivity to pain. Passage: You will have to give the anesthetic if he needs it, he said. Antons bubbe and his uncles had tried to keep the stories from him, but he had heard them nonetheless. Passage:Dont be afraid, she begged him softly. If I stop now the man will surely die. She clapped her hands to her mouth and leaped up and ran out of the room. Hana was helpless, and she pointed her finger towards the Messenger. "The Enemy Themes". They had tied their belongings in huge pieces of cloth. 232 pages ; 22 cm In 1942 twelve-year-old Anton, his family, and their small community of Ukrainian Jews are hiding from the advancing Nazis troops, and from the Gestapo, in a web of underground caves, and one officer in particular, Major Karl Von Duesen, is determined to catch or kill every Jew he can find--but as the tide of war turns, a final confrontation between Anton and his enemy is looming He had been about to come in when she called. Even the servants see more clearly than we do. Passage: What was that? Hana cried. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Then he prayed, asking God to please send his father home. She ran to Sadao, gasping, unable to utter a word. Passage: You say the man escaped? the General asked faintly. The best ones have been trained by Germans and would consider the operation successful even if I died. In this story, an injured American army man washes up on the beach near the home of a Japanese surgeon, Dr. Sadao Hoki. Citizenship Amendment Act Confusion and Arguments Explained. It does not store any personal data. Neither of them talked regarding the servants but after Hana served the morning food to the Prisoner of War she came back to Sadao probably to talk something. No one knew what to believe. Which statement best describes the theme of the poem? Explanation of the above passage: Sadao replied to the general that he did not care for the American man but as he had operated upon him successfully. Anesthetic: a substance that induces insensitivity to pain THE ENEMY ABOVE THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARE ANTON,BUBBE,UNCLE PAVEL,AND DMITRI. Passage: Unconsciously this thought made him ruthless and he proceeded swiftly. The mans skin, though rough with exposure, was of a fine texture and must have been very blond when he was a child. Dr Sadao has been brought up in a traditional and patriotic environment and he dislikes Americans. She wondered for a moment if it mattered to him what was the body upon which he worked so long as it was for the work he did so excellently. English Essay. They concluded that the man had been taken into captivity during the war. Suppose I send two of them to your house tonight or better, any night. At end of book Antons uncle who had been mentioned earlier came into play which i thought was a surprise. Passage: The servants cannot understand that, she said anxiously. With this the general laughed. First he was shot. Explanation of the above passage: One morning, the old gardener said that it was obvious what their master should have done. An Enemy of the People Themes | Course Hero His big thin hands gripping a chair were white at the knuckles. He looked at Sadao with curiosity as he sought support from him. Why did the General overlook the matter of the enemy soldier? He had flashbacks of all the Americans he had met in his life the dull professor at whose house he had met Hana, his silly, talkative wife who was very kind. How would he know where to find them? He hated living there knowing that the Japanese were superior to the Americans and still being treated like inferiors. He moved his head to indicate his acceptance. He rolled the blanket lengthwise until it formed a tube with his supplies in the middle. Explanation of the above passage: Hana hoped that the man had not been tortured by the army. There ought also to be old pieces of matting so that the blood would not ruin the fine floor covering. Yumi spread the sleeping quilts on the floor and laid the baby between them. Sadao said that if he stopped, the injured man would certainly die. The heart too was yet alive. Hana saw that Sadao was carrying his surgeons emergency bag and was wearing his surgeons coat. Marred: spoiled. He saw at once that she was in trouble. Well, well! the old man said in a tone of amazement, so I did! The Enemy Class 12 Chapter 4 Summary, Explanation - successcds And now the Germans were coming. They saw the face. Passage:Then certainly I can allow nothing to happen to you, the General said with anxiety. Passage: Sadao smiled. The Enemy Summary In English The scene of action is a spot on the Japanese coast. Dont try to save him! PDF Janeen Kilgore 2016 - Michael Spradlin Upon hearing him Hana cried out to Sadao. He forgot all else. The General overlooked the matter of the enemy soldier because of how indispensable Sadao had become to his welfare. It was an indication that he was a prisoner. It has a great deal of World War II and Western Europe history included in this story. I thought they had come to arrest you, she said. He looked at the wound with the help of the bright surgeons light fixed on his forehead. He was the ones who saved their lives truly at end. The two servants were frightened at what their master had just told them. At that time, he would go back into the house, to his wife, Hana who was waiting for him along with their two children. He walked unsteadily with his arms above the head. He looked at the sea from where the man had come that night. It was faint but it was there. Let it be so, he agreed. But if Papa was among them, Anton would try to hold out hope. The messenger reacted and said, All? he could not understand that what else could it be for which he was supposed to visit the house. The night was windy. It was very close to the kidney. It was a gun shot. Sadao was not there. Sadao replied that he appeared to be an American. She tells me that they are saying that you and I were so long in America that we have forgotten to think of our own country first. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao said to the injured man that he was free to cry in pain. And twelve-year-old Anton knows his family can't outrun them. Explanation of the above passage: The bedroom belonged to Sadaos father and had not been used after his death. Dr. Sadao wonders that why did he save the life of an enemy. Bubbe thumped her walking stick twice on the floor. Sadao stopped, Hana at his side, and turned the mans head. Hana thought that if a man could be cruel towards his wife then he could also be cruel to the prisoners in his captivity. He would send two killers to Sadaos house that night or any night. Kimono: a traditionalJapanese garment. Hana supported his opinion but looked intently at the man as he lay still. Judenfrei was the German word meaning free of Jews. Anton had heard the village elders talk of the German army. Explanation of the above passage: The writer introduces the main character of the story Dr.SadaoHoki. His big thin hands gripping a chair were white at the knuckles. Passage:In the afternoon the second thing happened. What shall we do with this man? Sadao muttered. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao told Hana that she would have to inject the injured man with a substance that induces insensitivity to pain. He would tell Hana nothing, since she would be timid at the idea of assassins in the house, and yet certainly such persons were essential in an absolute state such as Japan was. Sadao wanted him to stand only for 5 minutes at a time. Battles always made him think of his father. The gall bladder was much involved. He studies in America and marries a Japanese girl. Explanation of the above passage: Sadao did not let any thought enter his mind as he went into the room where the American man lay asleep. It is about a Japanese surgeon, Sadao. by word of mouth: people tell it to each other rather than it being printed in written form. Explanation of the above passage: Hana heard the loud crash and asked what it was. Passage: What shall we do with this man? Sadao muttered. Antisemitic propaganda was a common theme in Nazi propaganda. I will not lose another son to it. A Nature is humankind's worst enemy. So the general wanted to say that they did not have such persons who could combine the harsh nature of a German and the emotional nature of an American. Jewish literature inspires, enriches, and educates the community. The man trembled in pain but remained unconscious. When she saw him her thick lips folded themselves into stubbornness. Sadao considered a moment. Explanation of the above passage: After one-week Sadao felt that the general was well enugh that he could discuss the man with him. Moaned: made low, soft sounds due to pain Every night at dinner, hed talked of leaving the farm to join up with one of the partisan militias who were fighting the Nazis. Based on Dan Reynolds' explanation, this track is actually centered on the concept of internal conflict . He did not care for their point of view. Runs out: finishes His presence was a threat to Hana and Sadao. The door opened into a passage and they went down the passage towards an empty bedroom. Published by Scholastic Press July 2016 Ages 8-12 240 pages 978--545-86148-9 About the Book: The Enemy Above is coming from Scholastic in July. One night the germans were walking directly above them and actually came down in the tunnel somehow they all kept their cool and only 2 of them were captured. Passage:What is this! he exclaimed. Word Meaning: The wind changed to quiet rain and the garden was full of the sound of dripping eaves and running springs. He coughed, signifying that he had not said all he might have said, but was unwilling to disturb the General further. The general helps Dr Sadao and offers to get the man killed by hired killers. As a Japanese, could you not combine these two foreign elements? he asked. But that's not how his lyrics actually come off. Then she went over to the white man. A sailor, he said, from an American warship. He spelled it out: U.S. He added that the man should go to sleep.
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