And the astrology experts do not recommend that match simply b/c its a VERY difficult match to find common ground on. The Pisces man is a lover, dreamer, romantic, idealist, and is looking to find someone who is not only his soul mate but someone who will help balance him out. Yes now I know these things, but when I was very young I didnt realize any of it, and thus didnt know what to do or think really. Aquarius man will adore her for this, and her love will lift him up without feeling smotheringthis is very important for an Aquarius man, because if he feels cornered in a relationship, he will start to get itchy feet. He doesnt like that she wants to take off a lot and take trips as much as she does though. We can write love songs and dedicate poetry to you as well as stand by your side as your rock and help you achieve your dreams.We just desire a harmonious and drama-free love life, and a man who doesnt desire to dominate us but treat us as equal and be our strongest support system.Someone who can read my heart,my body language and is comfortable with me even in silence.Someone with whom I wouldnt always need words to communicate. If you feel uneasy, you need to figure out why this is and approach her in a logical way. When a Pisces man has a crush, he can't help but wear his heart on his sleeve. They give each other the benefit of the doubt and keep trying to forge a bond that will be strong. Cancers, Scorpios, and Pisces all have emotions that run deep, but for different reasons. Don tell me a young Aquarius woman wont cheat, not true at all. That is how I lost my twin flame Pisces man, the love of my life when I was young. I really appreciate it a lot.I personally liked your replies to no.5,9,12,15 and 19.These seems to be common traits of Pisces men which is very attractive to me. Being an Aquarius young, middle age, or older (like me) is NEVER easyLive and learn. If this relationship doesnt last, according to this description Im beelining for a Pisces man! I ended that after a year and found myself happy again when my picese friend managed to put a smile on my face. I never remarried all that time, still single as of today. On the other hand, the natural tendencies of both of these signs help them to live together peaceably. aquarians are dreamers too, butn ot in the same way as a pisces. There are a few things that have the capacity to work well with the Pisces man and Aquarius woman matchup. Now we can not keep away from one another. I am sorry but as another Aquarius woman I can NOT sympathize with you. All I ever had to do was mention a situation, and he right away took control and I didnt have to lift a finger. I am not shallow but I do feel that looking presentable in professional settings and on romantic dates is important. You need to love her and be a good person to her. Do you possess the qualities he looks for in a romantic partner? When the Aquarius woman meets the Pisces man, she is definitely sexually attracted to him. Are Pisces men good fathers? Why Aquarius and Pisces Attract Each Other - PairedLife WKR. But while an Aquarius woman is fiercely independent, she is much more logical than emotional. All rights reserved. It will take a long time for a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman to understand each other. Hes so sweet, creative, funny and intensely spiritual. He does best when he has someone who can give him focus and direction. More conservative children may be embarrassed by what they see as eccentricities of their parents, but they may be the envy of their friends for having such cool parents. Pisces man doesnt understand why the Aquarius woman can come off as being rather callous or cold at times. His grace and mercy are sufficient. 8. There are some arguments and differences between Pisces man and Aquarius woman. Pisces man is a water sign while the Aquarius woman is an air sign. Funny thing is he has tons of women wanting him because he makes them think he is so sweet and emotional, little do they know he is empty inside and has the coldest heart! 18. Rightly so, because we live in a violent, prideful, and misguided world. Taurus Man & Aquarius Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Their soul is always elsewhere, dreaming, but never present. Are Pisces men controlling and possessive? For this reason, he may not discuss his feelings and expect her to just know what he wants and needs. Pisces Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Im totally unaware of his feelings, not exactly, I know that he might not have the same feelings for me. No need to harp on about it. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. Pisces is romantic, compassionate, and unconditionally devoted. Do you have real concrete plans to see each other? But if hes shy or unsure of their connection, he might hold back from making a move. There is not much chemistry between these signs, and they are not natural partners for each other. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. RIGHT. What physically attracts Aquarius? The Aquarius man heads off to a job at the office. So yes. Never lie to her 3. He did like his alone time, however he was NOT a drinker or a gambler or one to go and hang out with the guys. Im a pieces man and I was married to one Aquarian woman for 20 years and had a long time relationship with another for 8 years. I said, I gave you a year of my life, blocking out all other woman emotionally and physically and youre still doing the bullshit with me, Im done Ill restart with someone else and just make sure not to make the same mistakes she was all upset with me but she wore my level of care for her feelings down to 0%now Im with an Aries woman and it just feels right. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle I know that, as an Aquarius woman, Im not easy to handle. 4. My life has been building towards this man and being 32 I finally feel like my life has started on its proper path. But hopefully theres a bit of clarity there. She is ambitious but doesn't display it, and she wants someone who is ambitious too. I broke up with her in the worst way possible (not giving details and no it wasnt cheating) and it completely shattered her and her trust in me. She also really enjoys travelling and seeing what all is out there. it's crazy that i understood your whole train of thought just then . Ive been on a few dates with my Aquarius man and Im a Capricorn woman in the past 4mos. I dont see any reason to bugger about. In this, we see the clear distinction between Aquarius and Pisces. Venus Aries in Men - What's His Love Style? - LiveAbout I am headstrong, and so is he! The typical Aquarius and Pisces compatibility in friendship is not the strongest bond, although these two can learn a lot from one another and may enjoy each others company. I feel and love like a Cancer and Im also a Scorpio Rising so I want all or nothing kind of romance. I honestly hate my life with him. But, since he is so sensitive, you need to be careful with how you express your honesty. I can not live my life with him unless he completely changes. A loving Aquarius heart turning cold slowly is a sad thing to witness. This is something that can happen in any relationship; if you don't have your own inner strength yet and haven't learned how you stand in the world, combining your energy with someone else's is going to be messy. 13) it takes a lot but when it comes out its best to leave. He seemed very insecure and childish at times. In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. I was with a Leo man for fourteen years and his ego and materialistic ways made me sick. b/c of his affairs. 19. I wondered if a Pisces is willing to forgive, bring us back to reality and help us express thats all. Aquarius Man and Pisces Woman Long-Term Compatibility - Aquarius is so full of hope and it is hard to kill out hope. This man can completely become spellbound by your electrifying aura and a very, very direct approach. Lots of military wives cheat. I love him so much I really hope it works out for us, we have so many external obstacles between us. He will settle for nothing less than an otherworldly love story. I cried reading this. When the money is in the account theres very little thought given to budget. she already knows you are not in it for the long haul and thats why she is the way she is towards you. He is patient, he is kind. 1. And when theyre bad, theyre temporary and get resolved. sorry. Dating a pisces man like - Search for love But I also love to cook for them, and even enjoy cooking together. Personally sex is about intimacy and if the intimacy isnt there, then its not worth it. If these two actually do fall madly in love then their love could help them overcome whatever problems they have. Aquarius and Pisces make a strange combination with some flickering and some smooth moments. This is the first time I feel so deeply intuned with a partner with sex too. On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. The Pisces woman takes up the paint brushes and hits the canvas in her art studio. This forced me to question everything, to read the New Testament (NKJV) four times within a couple months. Whether they have an officially recognized marriage or whether they just live together for decades, the longer they are together, the better the odds are of them staying together. But quarreling is sometimes a funny thing when it occurs between two people who love each other, especially when it is Aquarius woman and Pisces man. Depends on the mood but if gauged right no problem. The Pisces man with the moon placement will blow you away. It is the most intense and deepest love I have ever been in and received in return. 17. We like to be chased, we like to play it cool while the man shows the full range of his emotions because deep down we are scared and insecure about letting our hearts love fully. its not cold and detached if she really likes you she is just figuring how to respond to it, like we over think things (speaking from experience), and the romantic thing, maybe try and rephrase this, its the way you deliver things. He has some amazing fantasies that she thinks shed be happy to be part of. All this makes is easy to be hurt while also not offering the other person enough space. Something about his attitude and attention toward her brings her out of the clouds and back down to earth. I met a gemini man and wow we are so compatible. High tolerance. The reason for this is that both of these signs see the world in a different way. Sex is sacred intimacy, cant fake for it. He makes me laugh, cry, smile, and sometimes just want to scream in a good way and also in a bad way. We stayed together for 34.5 yrs. But I finally told her I am exhausted in trying to prove myself. which is really strange to me. i'm on here because i'm trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to end things with this leo and start back talking to this pisces . A Pisces and Aquarius friendship can be enjoyable, but they will never bond closely enough to become the best of friends. It comes to free aquarius man. 10) homebody They know each other, understand the needs of each other and support the other whenever required. Therefore, Pisces will naturally be attracted to Gemini because this sign is always full of interesting ideas about life. A Pisces guy will become frustrated when his many attempts at getting his Aquarius friend to open up to him are thwarted. Weve been talkin for 8 weeks and I want to take it to the next level. 5. To attract your Pisces guy, show him that not only are you as loyal as he is but that you trust him to be faithful, too. At best, they can be friends. Apparently, all his lusting after every women didn't get him no where as far as any relationships, because he told me that he jack-off so he is now sexually bankrupt, can't get sex so he think he can get it from me. He really loves me. Signs next to each other in the zodiac do not have much in common with one another. I just hope that no matter what comes of this relationship that Ive been building with this pieces man that no matter what we enjoy each other to our fullest and always put our friendship first. Therefore tread lightly with her so you dont lose her. Some of the most endearing qualities of Pisces men are that they are even tempered,flexible, adaptable,arent greedy and materialistic, isnt threatened or intimidated by a strong independent woman and support their women. We are quite close, very good friends, can talk for hours on the phone day after day, even have phone and text sex. He wants to get to know you on a deeper level and he enjoys analyzing feelings with his loved ones. However, they can have a great relationship if they make an effort to understand each other. Im finally happy and content with someone. But, as I read other comments, if it doesnt work somehow, it could be really painful. WHAT? Cancer woman dating an aquarius man Your differences they are not compatible enough for the cancer women pick up on a cancer woman. The reason I asked about forgiveness wasnt because I have plans of cheating on my future Pisces partner but simply because Im a self-aware Aquarian and I know that Aquarians can be blunt in their speech which may unintentionally hurt a sensitive Pisces.We are massive overthinkers and constantly plan about the future and sometimes become oblivious to our surroundings.An Aquarius may not be as expressive and eloquent as a Pisces.A Pisces may think we dont care but thats far from the truth. You can prove how decisive you are to a Pisces guy by giving him the reasons behind your decisions and never wavering on your choices. Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. Perhaps they can use some of this technique when it comes to love. I dont understand him. She does not even like having to give orders if she can avoid it. And Pisces should remember not to play games with Aquarius, because the Aquarius will see right through it and be offended by fakeness. Awesome response, thank you. Its either yes or no. He can put himself in anybody's shoes and his empathy is huge. The previous one had typos and inaccuracies. Our dreaming mentality can be detrimental.Think team work can definitely go a long way. He married the woman that was the 3rd affair. We are in each others space all the time. Pisces men have many love languages, and one of them is physical touch. We hadnt been close for twenty years, but her visit melted away all the ice cold years of pain from being apart. These two have a lot to learn from each other in the bedroom, but eventually, they will have each taken everything they can from the relationship and will need to move on to partners who better fulfill their disparate needs. While the Pisces man is introverted and sensitive, the Aquarius woman is extroverted and detached. Theyre usually so negative and hopeless, but this one gets much closer to how beautiful and complicated our partnership is. A Pisces guy can't help but be drawn to a woman who is involved in charity and other selfless work. and younger women of any sign many not be it. 10. Either way, approach her honestly and innocently, no arguing. One of the biggest challenges of this combination is communication, as Aquarius and Pisces both tend to be shy,reserved and slow to trust.They are both afraid of rejection and hurt.Once Aquarius commits though, they want 100% transparency and honesty from their partner and being a psychic much like Pisces, we know when our partner is holding back from us and it may hurt us tremendously and make us resentful. This is often why its easier to have short escapes for alone time to think, and recharge. I regretted it very much. The Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between this pair. ), Any other advice from you or anyone else or even more insights into how Aquarian women are? The pain I suffered, and how angry she became, were so out of place, yet so right. I want to get closer to him every time we make love. Id say 60% in favor of a homebody. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. If youre wondering how to keep a Pisces man on his toes, try taking a little time apart. 16) it cool with me. No need to harp on about it. My pisces feels annyoed and suffocated when I call him at random times to talk, so I call mr scorpio and he is always open to talk and listen. A Pisces woman is empathetic, intuitive, and dreamy, while an Aquarius man is known for his intelligence, independence, and rebellious nature. Thats highly dependent on the situation. I finally knew I could not live without letting her know how I felt about her, that I wanted to know her everything, I wanted to be her beloved trusted friend, We are friends I feel, who are in a relationship at the same time. Can you tell me about your relationship? This ability to wait it out for awhile means that each of them is not concerned with trust right out of the gate. I hope I find my Pisces man soon. I have a lot of rage and anger, especially directed towards society. If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. Lying to a Pisces guy is just as hurtful as any harsh truth you could tell him. Coldness, betrayal, or dishonesty. I had a very jealous Pisces husband when we were first married. I am an intense Aquarius who wants to merge emotionally,physically and spiritually with my man and become one with him. You say I should give her a lot of attention and I am, but I thought that she might find that too clingy or that Im too needy or even that she feels like her freedom/independence is at risk (which is apparently what Aquarians dont want to lose. Open comms and mind, integrity, someone who tries to understand and/or who matches the energy and effort shown/given to them. 2) Forgive easily within minutes Have intelligent conversations with her that will interest her. If Im putting in the effort then the commitment is already there. If theres a mutual vibe, shes down then me too. Dont forget because you get busy and wrapped up in the newest fun and cool thing! They can compromise but honestly, they know there is probably someone else out there who is much better suited. Pisces wants to grow Aquarius' potential for the world. Did I cheat, unfortunately several times, why b/c he was away, I was ALL alone and a very young military wife to boot. Pisces man wants a more empathetic partner. If the Aquarius man wants to attract the Pisces woman, he has to be as romantic as he can. However, they will have to work on it quite a bit and Pisces man doesnt know if shes worth the work. If you want to know how to make Pisces man chase you, give him space when he needs it and let him know youre perfectly comfortable taking some time alone. YOU lady are not using your headYou have been brainwashed by this man. Forgiveness at that level is not something I do, and once Im done Im done forever and can be colder than an Antarctic winter. Commitment is never an issue. As DK perfectly stated, we keep our cards close to our chest. Pisces men are usually introverts and they struggle between wanting to spend all of their time with loved ones and desperately needing some time to themselves to recharge. 8. 15 Ways To Attract A Pisces Woman And Win Her Heart - Bonobology You are as much to blame here almost as he is b/c you are trapped in this situation and are allowing yourself to be abused by this psychopath. As a full on Aquarius women born on the 2nd of February, I find the Pisces man (Pisces closer to Aries) Im seeing a bit of whiner Sex is very one sided and this is a first for me not sure why this guy is so selfish in bed.. very odd because most men get most of their thrill out of making the magic happen for her. But now I am feeling more relaxed and the heavy fog is lifting and I am able to think a bit clearly. Let's take a look at seven specific reasons why. I am truly in love with his soul. No. I feel hungry all the time and I dont know how much longer i can keep going like this. I keep fantasizing about being loved passionately. Pisces believe in love so powerfully that they will go along with it even when it hurts them, regardless of how others treat them. This hipster ass website done read me like a cosmo. How can a lover even exist here? That depends how its done. They don't just pray for the good things because they know how to work for them. He can teach her to open up, but she will never provide him with the emotional depth and sensitivity that he needs in a lover. So why bother. Respond to body language and suggestive looks. Dont be lazy, step up to the plate and tell yourself ENOUGH IS ENOUGH !!! i feel like he mostly fantasizes about emotionally fulfilling situations? Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. He loves exploring other peoples imaginations and coming up with new ideas. i need her back. Its quite hard not to be. After 10 weeks he told me that he Is not in love with me and that he doesnt see us to be together in the future. My apologies if this double posted. His otherworldly nature causes him to do things that are often surprising, and she makes it a point to regularly confound expectations. Why Does a Cancer Man Like a Pisces Woman? - Her Life Online So, Im not financially dependent on anyone but I would like my man to contribute equally and pull his own weight.I like the word teamwork you used and thats what a relationship is all about. The Pisces man is struggling with family decisions. Thank you so much Aleks! 16. On a personal level no makeup, narcissism or pretentiousness. No, it is not as easy as the traditionally compatible signs, and Im sure its more drama for him than dating another water or earth sign but in a way, the drama just proves how much we love eachother. Pisces and Virgo are opposite signs, so the initial physical attraction is going to strong between you two. 2. Her heart cannot be pinned down to one location for too terribly long unless shes quite mature and ready to stay in one spot. Pisces men can be a real heartbreaker. 2. You could use this as a way to open up more conversation. He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs and finally in 2001 we divorced. It may be that a relocation is inevitable. Pisces is one of the most artistic and expressive signs of the entire zodiac. I said it depends on the person. No matter how much the society wronged you, you are not defined by others.You are your own person and I hope you learn to let go of the resentments and anger because others arent responsible for your happiness, you own your life and yourself.Its never too late to start from the clean slate, be kind to yourself and be open to receiving love. i worry a lot of emotional cheating with pisces man. Aquarius protects Pisces' vision of love. Absolutely terrible. 9. Pisces Man & Scorpio Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? That comment kind of stresses me out. Tell her about your accomplishments. The initial attraction will probably be instant on both sides. And we havent even dated we just been toxic with each other for almost 4 years now and Im not understanding why he even keeps coming back . It didnt make it justified but he was away, I was young and I lived close to the beach which seem to make it even worse. But its highly improbable that these two will ever be tempted to walk down the aisle together in the first place because they are just too different. Watch her eyes for clues to her interest. Depends on how major it is. The article is true, I feel connected to him in every way during sex, mind body and soul. They can have that with a Scorpio too, but Scorpios do have a tendency to sting their loved ones, which can push and shake up an Aquarius. Ive never raised my hand to a woman but plenty inanimate objects have beared the brunt (bore?) Would he prefer someone who likes to spend all of her time with him, or someone more independent? takes two mature people. I love my pisces man so much. Your email address will not be published. They may also be drawn to their rebellious streak and unconventional lifestyle. some pisces really prefer the company of many strangers instead of the company of a few close ones. Yes and sometimes no. He looked more on the physical part and I was more towards the mental and with that it destroyed our relationship and it was a very toxic relationship. So I know what I am talking about, been there, done that. I dont like guessing games and vagueness in relationship where I dont know where I stand,so I would definitely discuss it with my man as my Aries Venus cant stand the uncertainty in my relationships.My Aries Venus is probably the reason why I am so straightforward with my needs and desires even though I have a shy and feminine moon sign.
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