The original Pokmon TCG base set is coming back as a trio of premium decks, The M1-powered iPad Air gets its biggest discount of $100 off once again, Resident Evil Village is a great PSVR 2 shooter, if you can stomach it. The current "shoot everything and don't get shot" extent of those games are /yaaaaaaaaawn. You will not believe how many times I tell to random dudes. The, Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? Buddy, that's amature stuff compared to r/RimWorld. They should go check out EVE Online! Ad Bot. Keith Stuart: The Red Cross has told the BBC that it wants military-themed video games to adhere to real-life international laws, punishing player characters for war crimes. Blockland Forums Home; Help; Login; Register; Blockland Forums . 03/10/2013 Guardian Games Blog The Red Cross has told the BBC that it wants military-themed video games to adhere to real-life international laws Don't shoot the civilians. In the video above, Bohemia's CEO Marek Spanel describes how Arma III copes with the breach of conflict law, saying "if you do [attack friendlies or civilians] with friendly troops around, they will attack you.". im fucked 6 ways from Sunday. "Video games that represent contemporary battlefields are very close to reality," he said. ZOMBIES AREN'T PEOPLE ANYMORE! Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes meme template I would be right now biggest war crimer in world history. 317 comment. Yeah there is some talent gettin about there Uff this lockdowns hittin hard but on the upside it aint quite a gulag where u need to pay someone in food to get inspiration to keep world peace. When you don't have the sack for the real thing, how else are they going to mind fuck you into believing, they know whats best for all? Originalton - TommyKay. Schadenfreude420 7 oct 2021. But it could realistically be put in actual military simulators, such as ARMA for example. If I think too hard on how this level of insanity and/or sheer stupidity came about I'm going to bust my brain. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? Jeezsmdh. 6. #history #war #warmemes #ww2 #ww2history #stellaris #hoi4 #ww1 #ww2memes #hoi4memes". Instead, the Committee hopes the consequences it requests will halt the potential "trivialization" of war crimes. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? All of us: There's no reason in debating/arguing this, it just shouldn't be the issue. Alex B. Popa - Principal Artist - OneManStudio | LinkedIn ShOuLD GAmers bE aCcOunTaBle foR iN gAmE wAr cRiMeS | Let's Talk War Loch 393 subscribers Subscribe 194 Share 4.9K views 2 years ago Sorry about the gusts of breath, As most of you probs. This'. (Read 1746 times) Of course, this was really more about mechanics than ethics: players were being tested on their reactions and visual awareness, and failure meant a reduction in game time rather than a few moments' reflection on innocent victims. Shooting civilians, torture, attacking ambulances and killing prisoners are all aspects in video games that they want to address, he explained. Should gamers be accountable in-game war crimes? The Open Society Foundations support international and Ukrainian organizations working to gather evidence of war crimes, aggression, and crimes against humanity committed during Russia's war against Ukraine and advocate for accountability, including: The 5 AM Coalition, a partnership uniting dozens of Ukrainian human rights organizations to . It even let you control the action with an Uzi-style sub-machine gun bolted to the cabinet. Gamers should be rewarded for respecting the law of armed conflict and there should be virtual penalties for serious violations of the law of armed conflict, in other words war crimes. Ohh man. Author Topic: Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? 1. Ace Combat players: #should #gamers #accountable #game #war #ace #combat. So I say fine and have my guys ready to launch just in case. I don't think anything like this would ever go in, but I'd still be intrigued by a game that did have more than just "go pew pew pew everything" as part of the gameplay. Avance de Crime Boss: RockayCity,Probamos el nuevo shooter cooperativo de Ingame Studios y 505 Games, con un reparto de lujo y algunas ideas bastante atractivas. In the heat of the game, facing a furious mob, many players will take the lethal option but they sure as hell think about it. But what it wouldnt let you do was kill passing civilians: collateral damage of this sort took a big chunk off your health bar. For the purpose of this Statute, crime against humanity means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: Deportation or forcible transfer of population. I remember my first go on Taito's explosive arcade title Operation Wolf it was the late-80s and this frenzied blast-'em-up, with its jungle environment and hostage rescue missions, was clearly gunning for a generation of Rambo II fanatics. Should gamers be accountable in-game war crimes - Meme Guy WWI and WWI would have been lost to evil, had we played by the rules of the Red Cross and UN. It sounds to me more like some guy's personal vendetta against gamers. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2: shootouts often occur in areas where civilians are in the line of fire. The jury of Tenno looking in disbelief as the defense lawyer starts committing more war crimes against the plaintiffs to prove Saryn's innocence meanwhile the Judge is either joining in on the war crimes or died instantly. And if a person can not make the difference between reality and a game then they need help from a psychiatrist and as such would not be able to be held accountable for the "War crimes" they did in a game. I imagine that while the Red Cross has their heart in the right place, most people find this idea to be absurd. And importantly it adds: The International Committee of the Red Cross have called for video games to punish crimes committed in battle by adhering to real-life international war conventions. I thought that was the whole reasoning behind online gaming tears are just so sweet . In a BBC news report earlier this week, however, Francois Senechaud from the International Committee of the. TikTok video from TommyKay (@tommykaydaily): "Should gamers go to jail for ingame war crimes? . The ICRC believes there is a place for international humanitarian law (the law of armed conflict) in video games, the organization that works worldwide to provide humanitarian help for people caught in war zones said in a statement on their website. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Realism is good, yes, but to an extent. Gamers should be rewarded for respecting the law of armed conflict and there should be virtual penalties for serious violations of the law of armed conflict, in other words war crimes. this was a few nights ago, took forever to upload after the capture. Gamers should be rewarded for respecting the law of armed conflict and there should be virtual penalties for serious violations of the law of armed conflict, in other words war crimes. I don't think this was about introducing more reality to games, that was just the most convincing excuse they could conjure up. Let's be honest here - most of what is considered to be a 'war crime' these days tends to only be a 'war crime' when the enemy does it. April 13, 2022 at 5:01 a.m. I kill every civilian as a sith in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Need for speed players Blade and sorcery players . There's just as much war crimes done in CoD series as in GTA, People Playground, *gun shots* *explosions* *carnage* *destroying the flesh with thrusters* *torture* *genocide* *brutality* *injecting literal acid into humans* *drowning* *reviving* *repeat* *lava* *crushing* *stretching* *flamethrower* *chainsaw* *so much more*. I suggest folks read the article before going "OMG PC" or "OMG IDIOTS." War crimes in video games should be punished, ICRC says - NBC News to FFXIV. If you are having trouble subscribing with this form, try the version here. I suggest folks read the article before going "OMG PC" or "OMG IDIOTS." Tzu would probably fall under villain now a days, as he uses real tactics to slaughter us all and take over the world while we sit here and try to "play by the rules". warp scramble them for 8 hours sometime, that's grief. Honestly, if they added this to it and worked it into the game properly, I might actually have more interest in playing an FPS. Via CNET | Source International Committee of the Red Cross. When I read the thread title, I was thinking this was a play of words on match gamers. It stopped short of clarifying quite what these consequences should be, suggesting only that "game scenarios should not reward players for actions that in real life would be considered war crimes." Back to Home Gamer Memes. Press J to jump to the feed. Hahaha 'no russian' would have half the men ages like 18-30 locked up and on death row right now. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? Home article Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? 2. The ICRC says it is now working directly with the developers of modern military simulations and the BBC report contains an interview with Marek Spanel of Bohemia Interactive, creator of the Arma series, who claims the studio's games will now be implementing the suggestions. It's political correctness gone mad, though I fear this goes deeper than that and is more of a spin on the usual attempt for the mainstream media - and their various allies - to paint large portions of the gaming community as budding psychopaths. Something that I think more of the youth playing CoD need. Hybbridd 3 feb 2022. Remember, no Russian. The ICRC is suggesting that as in real life, these games should include virtual consequences for people's actions and decisions. The only way I could see games getting more realistic in this type of respect would be to add a sort of PoW feature instead of just busting in a room and killing all the bag guys without any option for them to surrender. I also think more realism is always good in games. That sounds like a really fun video game. Should gamers be accountable in-game war crimes? : r/ftlgame If they actually played the game they'd see that the point of the game is beating the bullies. October 7, 2013 in Off-Topic Discussion. Putin has been accused of committing war crimes. But could the Its difficult to make out the difference between real footage and the footage you get from video games.. It would take a LOOOT of work to make it actually an engaging aspect of FPS games, though. Ok, here is the situation. could potentially make them more interesting than just shoot shoot shoot in a hail of bullets. In both Heavy Rain and Walking Dead, players face lethal moral decisions that don't end the game, or even have ludic consequences for the player, but yet play on the mind and colour the experience. I loved how when the GTA series first came into the public and right away people were saying it's nothing but a game where you kill cops all day. How do you move beyond the simple message, "Mission failed, you have broken international law and will spend the next ten years in prison. People aren't held accountable for war crimes in real life too tbh. If you kill an enemy combatant in real life, then t-bag the shit outta his/her face, is that a crime? The fear is that eventually such illegal acts will be perceived as acceptable behavior., Bernard Barrett, a spokesman for the organization said they were not trying to censor games or spoil peoples fun, but rather, make clear that there are rules in battle and that certain acts are illegal.. With arcade or semi-arcade style games (Call of Duty and Battlefield respectively), it isn't suitable, sure it's a pipe dream. I dunno, it just frustrates me that people keep poking s**t when there is obviously nothing wrong with it. Macsiurtain_2019 6 may 2020 605 30 We would like to see the law of armed conflict integrated into the games so that players have a realistic experience and deal first-hand with the dilemmas facing real combatants on real battlefields. Should actors be accountable for a murder in their movie? Images, GIFs and videos featured seven times a day. moments fr. I mean why put your self out online if you have such a weak self image if what someone you may never meet or know could influence your feelings or make you day or even a minute of your day bad , why ? Unlawful deportation or transfer or unlawful confinement; Other serious violations of the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict, within the established framework of international law, namely, any of the following acts: Intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population as such or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities; Intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects, that is, objects which are not military objectives; Intentionally directing attacks against personnel, installations, material, units or vehicles involved in a humanitarian assistance or peacekeeping mission in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, as long as they are entitled to the protection given to civilians or civilian objects under the international law of armed conflict; Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated; Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives; Destroying or seizing the enemy's property unless such destruction or seizure be imperatively demanded by the necessities of war; Pillaging a town or place, even when taken by assault; Employing asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all analogous liquids, materials or devices; Employing weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare which are of a nature to cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering or which are inherently indiscriminate in violation of the international law of armed conflict, provided that such weapons, projectiles and material and methods of warfare are the subject of a comprehensive prohibition and are included in an annex to this Statute, by an amendment in accordance with the relevant provisions set forth in articles 121 and 123; Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport, and personnel using the distinctive emblems of the Geneva Conventions in conformity with international law; Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions; Conscripting or enlisting children under the age of fifteen years into the national armed forces or using them to participate actively in hostilities. Should gamers be accountable in-game war crimes? We are not talking about censorship or banning anything, he added. You are using an out of date browser. Not to say i'm anywhere close to up to date with current FPS games, those tend to be that last thing i pick up on my list of games to play, but I know from the last CoD game I played that friendly fire was instant game over, and the same applied for the very very very few civies that were in the game. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? EVE Search - Question for my fellow criminal scum It's supposedly what we all agreed were the "rules" of war. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? The question is, how feasible are the ICRC's aims and will players really take on board the lessons about humanitarian law? Seems like a reasonable suggestion to improve the quality of videogames, if you ask me, but I like fiction that deals with consequences of war with ambiguity and complexity. They would absolutely lose it since everything goes! Seems interesting to be aware of, although not applicable (or is it?) The idea of an action adventure that put the player into a series of defining humanitarian situations allowing the story to spin-off in the player's moral direction is interesting but it's hugely unlikely in the action cinema world of the modern shooter. AAA Hard Surface integrator for Characters, Concept artist and Asset artist responsible for: - military enemy characters. "We're not trying to make games boring or preachy, but were hoping that the ones that offer a realistic portrayal of a modern battlefield can incorporate some sort of reward or penalties depending on whether they follow the basic rules of armed conflict. 618 5. Great list, but it sounds like you need to play Plague Inc. Plague.Inc and People Playground players: My testificate genocide of 2018 is about to unleashed upon the brains of the public. Should gamers be accountable for in-game war crimes? April 22, 2020, 10:47:38 PM . LeCard's example of enemies looking to surrender, having to subdue them, handcuff them, handle that aspect of the mission instead of just "er mah gerd shert shert shert them all, keep sherting til they're all deeeerd!". Plenty of warfare though. ItsTickleTipson 5 feb 2022. Persona Sie. The ICRC is suggesting that as in real life, these games should include virtual consequences for people's actions and decisions. Of which Starsector is not. Next thing you know, the Red Cross will want to require psych evals for people that have thoughts contrary to their rules. Though I actually play pretty nice. Lemme see my list I got: Animal abuse (we all did the sheep thing Im nit the only one!!! Brno, South Moravia, Czechia. Video games that represent contemporary battlefields are very close to reality, he said. Gamers should be rewarded for respecting the law of armed conflict and there should be virtual penalties for serious violations of the law of armed conflict, in other words war crimes. Meme Guy photo.
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