The latter type of accounts, mainly collected by folklorists in connection to fairy lore, is consistent with natural spacetime distortions, but it can also be indicative of a special kind of traps being laid in the forest. Bigfoot and other cryptids from Appalachian mythology have come into the equation a number of times. Somebody called the profiling that Daves doing cherry-picking, and Dave said that yeah, thats exactly what hes doing. If there already was a history of people getting lost or being found dead hundreds of years ago, maybe there always were hunting grounds of local predators, maybe there always was a settlement of local wild men, or maybe something about the natural environment itself was always potentially deadly to visitors. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The scream seemed to be choked off in the middle! The exotic options would all be variations on the person entering some sort of portal or spacetime warp or legitimately teleporting. If you think that this whole scenario is crazy, then you havent watched enough Star Trek. Not surprisingly at all, these types of things are reported by alien abductees. The victims are color coded that indicate if they were a sheepherder farmer male or female. Assuming that Bigfoot doesnt exist, this is still a completely reasonable activity. . Historic Mysteries is an Amazon Associate and earns from qualifying purchases. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. The lake was nearby within earshot of the site, and the area was not known for any instances of animal predation. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. Specifically, either cryptids known as dogmen, or some version of skinwalkers who can shapeshift into canine forms. So, I would expect more people to get lost while wearing colorful clothing rather than natural shades or camo. Charles R. Wood read more. How can we prove otherwise? . In other words, youd expect these two things to correlate. If theres an intelligent perpetrator behind any Missing 411 disappearances, they are likely to know when to lie in wait for people at the times and dates when theres the most opportunity. Then again, at this point, its not much more than entertaining fiction. The religion and military connection may also be connected to a specific cultural grudge, but what they imply to me is that maybe any targeting would be more of an issue of neurology rather than genetics. Edite-o ou exclua-o, e ento comece a escrever! . If the point was that you need to work with or study specific genetic markers, given that Germans are, ironically, one of the least genetically pure groups in the world. Missing 411: Hundreds of Strange Disappearances in our National Parks So, if theres any genetic program that deals with people who have German origins, it would have to be relatively recent and more likely to be motivated by something like Nazi mysticism, rather than any real scientific reasons. An investigation of people who have gone inexplicably missing from wilderness areas in Canada. These could have involved a more invasive examination or procedure focused on the brain, and while they fortunately seem rare, especially to the extreme of cow mutilations, there are such cases. The main analytical problem with using this as a profile point is that while it is a good place to start, the fact that the person wasnt found is a better indicator of which variables prevent people from being found, more than it is an indicator of why or how they got lost in the first place. Where Are These People Going? Not sure how long I was awake after puking. What should be done first is a comparison with the distribution of times at which people from a random non-Missing 411 sample disappear in the same areas. It is in full color and is 24 inches tall x 38 inches wide. The young girl asked both her father and another member of the party to join her but was denied their company. A former California lawman has analyzed thousands of missing persons cases and has identified specific clusters where an inordinate number of people vanish under mysterious circumstances. This protocol has its drawbacks because the nature of disappearances in the wilderness tend to be quite different than those of urban centers, where cars and other forms of transportation mean that an abductee can be hundreds of miles away within a few hours., Cherry-picking in this context would be for example assuming that Bigfoot is taking all these people, and then looking for all the cases in which the missing person seems to have been mysteriously abducted, and ONLY such cases. Many serious paranormal investigators note the importance of the strange coincidence angle. I will discuss this in more detail when I get to related profile points like the role of bad weather. The people who were disappeared while on the phone would only be different in the sense that they must have been targeted after they were already outside. Sometimes these clusters are purely geographical while others identify a linkage based on age and sex of the victims, a very troubling and surprising find by researchers. I have never heard of a single case in the history of my country of anyone going missing mysteriously while picking mushrooms. Im new to this after watching the documentary on Amazon. and our Ohio Pipefitters Union Wages, Similarly, as I have heard someone theorize, you may want to remove their shoes first so that they cant run away from you very easily, or maybe youd steal their clothing so that they more quickly succumb to the elements if they somehow ran away from wherever youre holding them thats presumably some kind of shelter, base, or vehicle. And dont even get me started on synchronicity and how you absolutely would want to use systemic coincidences in order to manage a simulated (or similarly controlled) world. The unusual death following a plot of a movie, an unusual plot, moves this coincidence to about a bit odd to the sixth power. The closest lead anyone has gotten is that he seems to sort of, kind of remember being in a truck at some point passing through Utah, but what connection this has to anything or if it is even a real memory or not is unknown. Thanks. Occams razor therefore says foul play. What an apt name, by the way, SADS. Although Paulides work has been scrutinized and some critics say that the number of unsolved cases is not statistically significant, Paulides has contributed immeasurably to the categorization of the issue and the growth of it in the public consciousness. ( Missing 411-The Devil's in the Detail.This is the fourth book in the blockbuster "Missing 411" series that describes unusual incidents of people that have disappeared in National Parks and forests of the world. Dogs arent machines, which inevitably means they must have some sort of rate of error, some better and worse days, while scent can be affected by environmental conditions. There are multiple instances of Starfleet observing pre-warp civilizations (which it is not allowed to interfere with due to the Prime Directive) from a secret base cloaked as part of a mountain. Our Take on the 'Missing 411' Cases | Winter Watch Research is how we get to know things. It remains a mystery. Finally, the seemingly most ridiculous element of all of these stories, the stool sample, is a clear sign of organization. At most, they managed to say that someone is following them, but not exactly who or where they are, or if they described a specific location, they were already gone within moments (if the location they gave was accurate in the first place). With all that said, it would be interesting to take all of the people with the German origin within the Missing 411 sample and check whether their ancestors come from all over Germany, or if they all come from a specific region or regions inside of Germany (or Austria or Switzerland). Similarly, I would also like to see a chart of Missing 411 cases by date of disappearance, or ideally both date and time, so that theres more to compare again with normal disappearances, and in the case of dates, also with tourist and hunting seasons, like any numbers of how many tourists or hunters can be found in the forest at what time of year. The only conventional explanation for reliable amnesia is when it is induced by some sort of chemical. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". At one point DeOrr Jr.s father and girlfriend left the boy at the campsite with the grandfather for a short time, and when they returned he was gone. This is a tough one because on one hand, I would like to believe Dave that trackers are by and large good enough to always find things like signs of struggle, but on the other hand, no one is perfect. Paulides also explores instances of other governmental agencies arriving at these sites and conducting their own confidential investigations. David would officially go missing on the 26th August 1956 and despite a search taking place, there was no sign of the missing man. We publish books on both Kindle and paperback. In the Dennis Martin case, the Martin family went on a hike into a forest, and in the forest, they met another Martin family. However, once she embarked on her short walk, Stacey Arras was never seen again. Dave may not be the best scientist or statistician, he may have lied or cheated in his life at least once or twice, and he was trying to find evidence for the existence of Bigfoot (plural) before he was approached to look into missing people in national parks. Was he abducted, and if so why? They spent the day digging around for the rocks, and they had sort of a system wherein McSherry would drop Dametz off at a spot and then go off on his own nearby, after which he would pick the Dr. up and they would move onto a new location. What makes it so tough is that I dont think you can determine when it was a failure, and when there was nothing to be found. You could be on to something! A runner and former Marine knew the Red Rock Canyon Calico Basin area well when he went missing in late January. David M. Burney read more Paulides noted that many of these instances occur near bodies of water around granite boulders. Beyond a mere lack of explanation, Paulides has put together a profile which includes a specific list of factors, most of which tend to be present in all of these cases. His work focuses on an analysis of case files acquired through the Freedom of Information Act. She was also near a body of water, and the area around the cabin was littered with large granite boulders. Maybe some of the people who died had an allergic reaction to whatever method of incapacitation or memory wipe was used. Donna T. Cupido read more However, in January 1957 a report reached police of a strange object under a pile of snow in a field near the Hooper Sheep Ranch which employed Davis. Ask Sherlock Holmes. His parents began to frantically call for Eddie, scanning their eyes over what was flat terrain all around them. Who knows, maybe thats why the urban disappearances now tend to be targeted at young, physically and mentally fit people. The next morning, I noticed that, between two huge trees about 30 yards up the hill from our tent, was four or five HUGE dead trees stacked on top of each other, like someone had made a wall of dead trees and was using the two live trees to keep them from falling or rolling down the hill. Missing 411: Hundreds of Strange Disappearances in our National Parks January 15, 2018 Each year hundreds of people go missing in United State Parks and National Forests. One of the most startling of these is the mystery of 411 disappearance hotspots. Anthony E. Davis read more In fact, with as many as 90,000 people declared legally missing in America at any given time, it is hard to ignore the issue. Overall, the cases that he selected seem to correctly rule out normal cases based on details like there not being low-enough temperatures at all, people getting undressed too quickly after disappearing (before the cold could have set in), or people traveling absurdly long distances after they removed some articles of their clothing, especially if that included shoes or boots in rough terrain. Required fields are marked *. Missing 411 map clusters. The news agenda of many media outlets were full of reports about the incident. A search began immediately for the young boy, with the Canadian military even involved. Fringe theorists have also viewed the institutional apathy with suspicion. Most investigations are eventually solved through reasonable causes: foul play, drowning, suicide or an animal attack. Exceptionally odd circumstances surround the disappearance. It makes for good storytelling, and beyond that, its important to understand that everyone has a bias. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Missing 411 Canada by David Paulides with BC Cluster Map at the best online prices at eBay! The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. It would help if Keith had been able to explain what had happened, but he was either unwilling or unable to elaborate, and his strange disappearance and reappearance remains an enigma. For this reason alone, this appears to be a strong profile point. Something that could be invisible and undetectable without very specific instruments, but nevertheless entirely normal and real. Dave have made some comments over the years that indicate that he initially didnt believe that paradoxical undressing is an actual thing that happens, but after he got predictably criticized for it, he appears to understand it better now. };
Making an error on the part of Missing 411 perpetrators means that people wont go missing, that there will be evidence that will be interpreted as human crime (because what else would be a serious suspicion of the police in any scenario), or the person will see and report things that will make him or her sound mentally ill, and perhaps even diagnosed. Picture 1 of 3. Or at least not any more mysteriously than provably falling off a cliff, and thats the only case I could find. In at least some cases, a wrong search area could have been set up or the search effort could have been otherwise insufficient (or plain unlucky). Once you come across one, you know that following it will get you back to civilization within at most a day. Profile points that make people more likely to go missing or to not be found in general (bad weather, dogs and trackers failing to track, etc.) Much like Dave eventually had to include urban cases that he was initially avoiding, I believe the next spoke in the wheel (as Dave likes to call it) will have to be cases that share many of the Missing 411 profile points without the person actually going missing. Like in the other cases we have looked at a massive search was launched, made all the more urgent because there was frigid bad weather set to hit that evening which it was thought such a young boy would not be able to survive. And maybe nothing is. This is why one should look into the work of people like Steph Young or various other paranormal investigators. Missing 411. A little over a year later on the 17th October 1932 in Palermo, New York, farmer Clarence Clark a similar age to Pitsenbarger at 62 would disappear from the farm he ran with his wife and his elderly father. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For example, in a random sample of a thousand normal missing persons cases, how often do people go missing with a dog, in contrast to how often that happens in a sample of a thousand Missing 411 cases? Several researchers have spoken of their belief of such programs existing. Are these missing people part of the seemingly outlandish but sickly conspiracy revolved around breeding programs of the elite to maintain their own youth, and just for general slavery purposes? And sure, tests have to be named something and there is a limited number of letters in the alphabet.
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