(2) Minimum Space RequirementsNew Construction. Inexistingfacilities service areas shall be provided forpatientcareitems which are acceptable tothe Department. . (b) A resident assessed to exhibit unsafe behaviors shall have a care plan to ensure the resident is safe when smoking. The printed version is considered the official version. The Department in these cases may require additional space to be provided. The nursing home shall meet the requirements for handling, treatment, and disposal of special medical wastes as provided in COMAR 10.06.06. The attending physician shall: (5) For a resident who is to be transferred to the care of another[health care practitioner]attending physician, continue to provide all necessarymedical care and services pending transfer until anotherattendingphysicianhas accepted responsibility for the resident. (68) Restraint means any physical or chemical restraint as defined in thischapter. (d) The nursing home shall provide a Department-approved written plan that: (i) Defines the specified area of refuge; (ii) Outlines paths of egress from the common areas of refuge; and. E. Administration of Medications for Leave of Absence of 24 Hours or Less. In instances when an aide is to be assigned to a particular service such as dietary, physical therapy, or occupational therapy, the person in charge of the service shall be responsible for the evaluation and approval of the qualifications. [.11-2].17[Facilitys ]Nursing HomesResponsibilities in Relation to the [Facilitys]Nursing HomesMedical Director. (1) Social services responsibilities in the nursing home shall be assigned to a: (d) Licensed certified social workerclinical. (3) The nursing home shall only release prescribed medications to residents at the time of discharge based on the written authorization of the residents authorized prescriber. A janitorscloset or service alcove fortheexclusive use of food service areas shall be provided in, or adjacent to, the dietetic service department. Professional specialty certifications may be required, in accordance with departmental standards or role . Please complete the form(s), providing as much information as [These facilities]. Disclaimer: This information has been gathered from a variety of sources. There are currently 229 licensed nursing homes of which 75 percent or 172 nursing homes would need to hire or contract with a licensed social worker to comply with the regulations. (3) Laundry use,as referencedin the 2007Guideline for Isolation Precautions: Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings. (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. Sufficient areas shall be provided to accommodate all necessary office furniture, files, and other equipment[, including provision for]and enablethe safe storage of[patients]residentsvaluables. (29) Licensed bachelor social worker (LBSW) means an individual authorized to practice bachelor social work under Health Occupations Article, Title 19, Annotated Code of Maryland. [(3)As appropriate, respiratory care personnel are competent in the following: (a) The fundamentals of cardiopulmonary physiology and of fluids and electrolytes; (b) The recognition, interpretation, and recording of signs and symptoms of respiratory dysfunction and medication side effects, particularly those that require notification of a physician; (c) The initiation and maintenance of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other related life-support procedures; (d) The mechanics of ventilation and ventilator function; (e) The principles of airway maintenance, including endotracheal and tracheostomy care; (f) The effective and safe use of equipment for administering oxygen and other therapeutic gases and for providing humidification, nebulization, and medication; (g) Pulmonary function testing and blood gas analysis, when these procedures are performed within the respiratory care unit; (h) Methods that assist in the removal of secretions from the bronchial tree, such as hydration, breathing and coughing exercises, postural drainage, therapeutic percussion and vibration, and mechanical clearing of the airway through proper suctioning technique; (i) Procedures and observations to be followed during and after extubation; and, (j) Recognition of and attention to the psychosocial needs of residents and their families.]. A. (3) Qualifications of social worker. F. The[facility]nursing homeshall provide pulmonary function testing[,]and blood gas or pulse analysis capability[onsite]on-siteor through contractual arrangements with providers who meet applicable State and federal laws and regulations. Staffing. (3)[Unless medically contraindicated, the]Thephysician shall[discuss]reviewwith the[patient]residentor[his]thefamily or[sponsor]residents representativethe goals and the treatment program. Other forms of evidence may include pictures, (2) A facility with more than 120 beds must employ a qualified social worker on a full-time basis. [D.]F.Admission Record. (2) The architect or professional engineer of record shall also submit a letter certifying that the project has been designed in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local codes, laws, ordinances, and regulations. Physicians, pharmacists, dentists, or nurses who treat injuries that appear to have been caused by gunshots or moving vessels must submit a report containing specific information to the city or county police (or, for vessels, the DNR), as soon as possible. Licensed physicians or registered nurses who are primarily responsible for the treatment of certain serious burn injuries must submit a report as soon as practicable to the county fire chief or state fire marshal. National Council of State Boards of Nursing, Inc. All Rights Reserved. F. Therapeutic Diets. The activating device for those signals shall be located in each patients room and each and every bathing compartment and toilet room or compartment used by patients. The proposed action has no impact on individuals with disabilities. Capacity shall be provided for[storage]storingof at least two completelinenchanges per bed. To ensure that the (3) As of January 1, 2021, a license is required for an employee to provide social services except if: (a) On the effective date of these regulations, the employee was assigned responsibility for social services; and. hotline in the past has helped to eliminate [.07].09Administration and Resident Care. The State of Maryland pledges (2) The duty described under this section is deemed to have been discharged if the mental health care provider or administrator makes reasonable and timely efforts t. (i) Seek civil commitment of the patient; (ii) Formulate a diagnostic impression and establish and undertake a documented treatment plan calculated to eliminate the possibility that the patient will carry out the threat; or. responsive, accurate and consistent, The person in charge of the service to which the employee is assigned shall. (1) The nursing home shall return all prescribed medications, for residents who have been discharged or otherwise departed, to the pharmacy in accordance with the nursing homes policy. B. The provider industry is in agreement with the proposed changes in this requirement. C. Body Holding RoomExisting Nursing Home. The search provides a list of Subtitle Chapters. K. GarbageStorage Space. G. Admissions Procedures for Patients With Communicable Diseases. (2)Existing Facilities. To obtain an exemption, the principal investigator must submit to the AIDS Administration a copy of the approved protocol, a notice of IRB approval, and a letter from the PI stating that the project will provide the Director of AIDs Administration annual reports of the following: A physician who has diagnosed a patient under the physician's care with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome according to the current definition published in the morbidity and mortality weekly report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Department of Health and Human Services shall submit immediately a report to the health officer for the county where the physician cares for that patient. General Requirements. The following requirements shall bemet:]Distributions. The[facility]nursing homeshall[request]requirethat all new employees receive immunization for Hepatitis B[. mbon.nursemonitoringdept@maryland.gov, Director of Discipline & ComplianceKaren E. B. Evanskarene.evans@maryland.gov, Administrative Officer - Discipline: Yes. (a) A nursing home that holds full licensure as of the adoption date of these regulations shall be considered to have an adequate size dietetic service department. A. Registered Professional Nurse. You may be asked to demonstrate that your license is active, for which you must meet all the necessary continuing education requirements. Copies of these documents are filed in special public depositories located throughout the State. The installation of a portable air-conditioning unit shall be approved by the: (d) If windows cannot be opened for ventilation, a central HVAC system shall be provided and maintained. B. (b) Receive signals originating from residents bedrooms, bathrooms, bathing areas, and therapy areas. Common Space. JavaScript is required to use content on this page. Nursing homes that employ an individual on or before January 1, 2021 shall be exempt from the license requirement. (11) Table 2. (9) Recommended Dietary Allowances, (10th Edition, Food and Nutritional Board, Commission on Life Sciences, and National Research Council, 1989). You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. (4) If a facility can demonstrate that because of the experience and training of its personnel and the physical layout and equipment, less supervisory personnel is required, the Department may modify the above requirements for supervision.]. (b) With the exception of B(3) of this regulation, servefull-time[except that]. Currently, a license has not been required for an individual to operate in this role. The activities shall be designed to promote the general health[,]andphysical, social, and mentalwell-being of the[patients]residents. Comments may be sent to Jake Whitaker, Acting Director, Office of Regulation and Policy Coordination, Maryland Department of Health, 201 West Preston Street, Room 512, Baltimore, MD 21201, or call 410-767-6499 (TTY 800-735-2258), or email to mdh.regs@maryland.gov, or fax to 410-767-6483. (5) Existing Facility. Each day that the nursing[facility]homecontinues to operate without a license after the first conviction is a subsequent offense and may subject the operator to further criminal prosecution. (3) The[facility]nursing homeshall prohibit employees with[a communicable]an infectiousdisease or with infected skin lesions fromhavingdirect contact with residents or their food if direct contact could transmit the disease. (4)Authorized prescriber has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. (9) An orientation program shall be provided to trainees for a nursing facility in which training is to occur. A. maryland board of nursing reporting requirements maryland board of nursing reporting requirements. OHCQ through this proposal intends to require that after January 1, 2021 all social work services be provided by a licensed certified social worker. (e) No morethanfour individualsmay occupy a multiple occupancy bedroom. A utilization review plan should be developed with the advice of the professional personnel responsible for the establishment and enforcement of patient care policies. to provide constituents, businesses, ]; [(13)](12)Reports and action required in unusual circumstances[. The Secretary of Health proposes to repeal the Preface and Regulations.01,.01-1,.06,.12,.15,.25,.26,.28,.40, and.42.44, adopt new Regulations.01,.02,.08,.18.20,.25.27,.41.46,.4851, amend and recodify existing Regulations.02,.03,.03-1,.05,.07,.07-1,.08,.08-1,.09.11,.11-1, .11-2,.13,.14,.14-1,.14-2,.16.21-4,.22.24,.27,.29.39,.41,.45,.46,.48,.49, and.56to be Regulations.03,.04,.05,.07,.09.17,.21.24,.28.40,.47,.52.68, and.75, and recodify existing Regulations.04,.47,.50.55, and.57.61to be Regulations.06,.66,.69.74, and.76.80underCOMAR 10.07.02 Nursing Homes.
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