Anyways, so I go back to dentists, we do the x rays and I'm like, oh, you're going to tell me about the stupid cavities? You may get it a little bit more. Yeah. Yeah. Joe Rogan achieves total physical perfection Multivitamin Fish Oil Vitamin D Vitamin B Complex Intravenous Vitamin Drip Quercetin Creatine Protein Greens Supplements Probiotics Pre-Workout Nootropics Mood & Stress Support Glucosamine & Chondroitin Electrolytes CBD Tincture Anti-Aging Exogenous Ketones Joe Rogan achieves total physical perfection On occasion. It's like sometimes I just share a story because, one, I think it's interesting. Well the dark bottles better watch because it doesn't ferment in the sun as well. I mean, so important. I just I thought everyone that listened to your podcast that everyone is millions of you. Or find out how you can speak to an attorney for advice on the right estate plan. And it was bad. You're in there. Joe Rogan's ENTIRE episode with Dr. Rhonda Patrick broken into short audio clips for . But he proteins did increase. Solid do it basically four or five days a week. But it would it would raise your body temperature through, you know, infrared. Vitamin C is important for making collagen, converting dopamine to norepinepherine (important for the fight or flight response), and is an . She understands new information and research is consistently available on many topics such as gut health. They were around for three years already. She typically takes 2 of the Nordic Naturals ProOmega 2000 and 4 of the Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Phospholipids daily. And then I'm like in this weird loop that my own brain creates which is really bad that I'm very addicted to trying to conquer things. I, I wanted to do it before I even talked about it for months. 20 minutes into it at 210. I got ten bottles of water and I just pouring bottles of water because it was just me in there. It's like if you if you see something plus we're doing like kitchen sink. The only topic off limits is politics. You can pick up Dr. Rhonda Patricks Vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon. So that was the Philippines. It's kind of like you read these stories. So the sars-cov-2 one virus does that. So it's not like a hard core quantitative biomarker which is so badly needed. Yeah. You know, so that's that's kind of the the reason to kind of be cautious when when you have something new and a small one small study just seems like in the beginning at least, they're trying to figure out what the correct treatment was for these people as they were just showing up in mass in the emergency rooms and they didn't really know. Yeah. It's so delicious too. The bottom line is each individual must decide for themselves what is best for their life. That means everything is probably fine because it's such an enormous part of your body. All the toxins talk to soon. Vitamin D deficiency is what makes it worse. I mean, yeah. I got a swimsuit on and then, OK, the yoga was bad. You can do online. I have one out outside. Like you get in discussions with people like what am I doing? Yeah, obviously it's in your body, but when you if it's in your nostrils or if it's in your respiratory tract and you're breathing in that heated sauna air, does that have any effect at all on on viruses? I always like to think of, like I was mentioning to Jamie that maybe 42 next month. But another really interesting thing is that people with type of blood, we were also talking about these like blood clots. But I mean, just like things like REM disappear and the monoclonal antibodies and then you eventually, like, you know, a vaccine will, you know, eventually, you know, be be available. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. Joe Rogan has interviewed . Oh, my son doesn't want to take he doesn't want to sleep ever. People are more likely to make change when like you can't like if something they have to be motivated to make the change themself or just otherwise it doesn't work, you know. It's a fantastic grill and it's so versatile. So infrared sauna, the main difference between infrared scanners and like the regular dry sonas that you and I use is that the regular dry sonas are heating the ambient air. But there's studies now showing that it regulates what's called neuroplasticity, which is like the ability, like your brain, your brain changes, you know, with the changing environment. Go to and get started on a last will, a living trust and more. @Joe Rogan Experience Dr Rhonda Patrick on the importance of vitamin D I don't know what I don't know what it is and I'm calling my sciatica most of the time. That's OK. Yeah, Zink's another one that's really, you know, important for immune function as well. It's an annual day dedicated to Trager that encourages our nation to grill and celebrate all things Trager and the Trager day sale is May 15th through 17th. But that's what you want, right? You go in. But, yeah, the monoclonal antibodies is a really I know there's like Regeneron, a big company there. Particularly after hot yoga. I mean I mean, it's just kind of a mess where initially it seemed like it could be helpful. You could bake, you could grill, you could do literally any kind of cooking you want to do. And he's like, it's still daytime, daytime. RELATED: Dr. Rhonda Patrick's Fish Oil Protocol That thing will go to like one sixty five like just from like you know, just from the corn, just from the popcorn milk. So I'm doing like popcorn. They're not just making whiskey. The people were cheering this gum and pregnant pregnant women like they were like six months pregnant. It was crazy. Could Vitamin D's role in the ACE2 renin-angiotensin system help And there's there's all sorts of incentives for being hypercritical. It's just going to overall improve the way you age and that's going to make you more robust and resilient to anything, you know. So you're basically like you're you're becoming adapted. I mean, it gets I've taken some friends there that have never experienced it before, and they're like, fucking you over, come on, bro, yoga. Like, that's insane. So I went off on a tangent. And so soon and BDNF plays a role in that. But then you go down steadily and over 24 hours you're back to normal, your baseline. Zinc once a week. But what's interesting is that there's there's actually been a genetic link to this this mutant. That means you get more blood flow. Whiskey magazine named the best distillery in America again this year. We wanted to get one here. Wow. So I think, you know, for for people that don't have access to a sauna, that hot baths absolutely are a good a model for heat stress. Kevin Rose tells me I can take my Apple Watch and the hot frickin and do it right. I mentioned I'm drinking my vitamin C water. And so the melody, they're they're like, you know, that melatonin is not being produced. Scroll down. Right. Without good health, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to revel in the joy of life. And so I took her we went to get the IBC and they did it was ten, ten grams that we did. Subscribe to our channels, COVID-19 Q&A #2 - Antibody-Dependent Enhancement, Cross-Immunity, Immunity Duration & More. How much vitamin D does Dr. Rhonda Patrick recommend? Maybe maybe people will message me after this this podcast and be like that happens to me, too. And I would get on the mechanism. So it's not like the common cold is the illness you get, but there's lots of different viruses that can cause it. What are the what are the methods you can use to help boost your immune system, keep your body healthy? We have stocked you up. Getting your vitamin D = less depression. They're like, yeah, you have appendicitis. And I said the only thing that I did, like I could think of is like my obsessive xylitol gum chewing, which I still do. But I'm not even saying preventative. I know. I just I would just be sitting here. So like adults, like it reduces the common cold, like two grams can do something like twenty, reduce the duration by twenty percent or something in children's emergency. So I tell you my story Zettl is it's like from Burchett's from the Bertsch plant we were just talking about. Below, vitamin D expert, Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., shares the latest research on . That's amazing, as is the pregnancy, and he's like, no, he's like we get women coming in here after, it's like worse. Yeah. I mean, that's a big open question that seems possible without we don't have an answer to that. I'll find you know al-Thani and see I was looking for my LPT but I was out because that like helps Karmiel. Glutathione Yeah, I mean, that's that's the problem with not being able it's delicious. Dr Rhonda Patrick has popularised the use of vitamin D as a supplement and arguably the original proponent of fasting that reached the MMA community. A two and a ten degrees. So, you know, if if 15 to 30 percent of the common cold is composed of coronaviruses, we know at least two of those coronavirus are in the same family that have been identified to make at least in one case, there's been neutralizing antibodies. And so you want to give them a higher dose, you know, and and for, you know, doing doing fifty thousand I use weekly isn't, you know, something that's necessarily going to be toxic or anything like that. Dude, this is really bad. Like they're going to be deficient, you know, and they're so much more like they're like it's wreaking havoc in Sweden on the small population, that is so logical. And so so that's really a common sauna. That's when I love it. So then I went they were all jumping in the lake after and I'm like, I'm going to just sit on this patio. Like he had. The dark one. Right. I don't like to me lowering lowering the duration of the common cold by forty percent versus lowering it by twenty eight percent. But the hotels, maybe, yeah. Popcorn will spike it really bad. That game we've been doing as Eilerts on it. So. Yeah. You get someone who's like like my mom, who she's she's sedentary. Hopefully people are going to start looking at the vitamin D. I really like that. A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, JRE, comedy, cars, MMA, music, food, psychedelics, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, and fitness & health. And that's then raising our core body temperature through that mechanism. Wow. Yeah. I can't someone else. So I showed him. You know, good electrolyte I guess with the sodium. And I think marriage as well. Rhonda Patrick Supplements - What Does She Take? - Drug Genius Yeah. I will say this like my one of my friends, she's a she's an M.D. And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. April 19th 2020 He's like, that's bad. Also those like echinacea, things like a lot of it just cloverleaf like this is clover because it's not regulated, I mean regulation kind of bullshit anyway. I mean, I think that you could just stay in for so so the thing so the thing is, is that like with most of the studies that have been done, looking at the benefits on cardiovascular health and all in all, cause mortality quite a bit lower, like twenty minutes at one hundred and seventy four degrees. The thing about the sauna, 210 degrees to one of the things that it was happening to me, I was getting headaches and my throat was burning like the next I was coughing a lot like and I was like I think I'm fucking up the actual tissue in my throat. You know, the heat shock proteins help with that as you the more the more times you're exposed to heat stress and the more adapted you are, like the heat shock proteins increase quicker. Like it's not the same at all as before that was known. He's an angel. But, you know, you kind of just take it with a grain of salt where these clots are like, you know, there's clots in people that are healthy and young, certainly people that have severe cases, people like older people, people that are pre-existing conditions and stuff, and the type of blood people have lower levels of this Vaun Gillibrand factor, which basically is involved in clotting. Better skip this one. It's found my fitness, my fitness. Roughly 70 percent of the people living in the United States have a vitamin D level below 30ng/ml. And then we're going to you know, we're doing some other things, vitamin C, three grams, three times a day, and then vitamin B one can talk about that thiamin as well. Who knows back then. It's the natural, it's naturally found in plants. It is used as a like if you're eating it, you know, I think it could cause like like you're with a tall kind of thing affect where it's like too much GI distress. That's a lot of times you think it's that area, but it's not. Watch the sunrise or sunset. That's just fantastic. Like, it's kind of interesting, that viral dose, at least with influenza. Yes. And I would take these long, deep nose and the whole inside of my nose be like stinging and everything. I think that that seems like a good compromise. There's interesting studies that have shown, you know, like that the intravenous vitamin C is like dramatically reducing inflammation as well. But so fluoride fluoride has been shown. They just vaccinate. It also has been shown to like kill viruses and stuff and a variety of different studies. I mean it's like just from that alone. Yeah, the photo bottom photo bio modulation. And basically in in Asia, in China, the the predominant form is the aspartame, the original quote unquote form. And it happened. And for me, my problem is my my neck is very thick. So so here's my story. You told me you'd been tested and I guess got tested again on Sunday, tested. And then, but then I took a step back. I don't know if it was like placebo or not, but like B 12 is a big impact on your ability to do work. But her cough and it was very transient and only happened like while the I.V. You fucks gardening. Yeah. I was just in this dark little apartment and, you know, like it just it wasn't really great for my circadian rhythm because I would wake up in the morning, especially like on weekends and stuff like, you know, there's like no. They need to recognize that it's not as bad as start opening things up. You know, there's there studies that have shown people and I love these studies because because they basically take away people's complaints about, you know, there's lots of epidemiological studies showing that low vitamin D is associated with disease X, Y or Z, and everyone's like, well, you know, they're out and they're not in the sun as much. Another thing vitamin D does increase the absorption of but again, like I said, you know, it's like it's really hard to find any studies where vitamin D is causing, you know, hypoglycemia unless it's like really, really high dose for for a while. And there's actually been some other studies. Sorry guys, but the title is bullshit and the study is inconclusive. In other words, like, you have to go back a week later and see if they have symptoms because that that's really important. That's not UVB. It shows you like really accurate sleep. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. We can only eat it in our office though, because we have a two and a half year old. So so the problem is, is that calcium can easily form a precipitate in in in general and particularly when phosphorus is around and phosphorus is. Yeah. And so it's like this vicious cycle of like making the damage worse. And I used it for a long time. If you had rational people who are kind folks who have interesting viewpoints and they looked at something and they found something to be wrong with that, and they handled it with, you know, grace and some sort of modicum of dignity and kindness, they'll be great. I mean, like, look what's happened with this hydroxyl chloroquine stuff, right? I mean, I'm sure I do lots of announcements there. Like, what are you scared of? Yeah. Chemist at something. That makes sense, but to all be asymptomatic? I don't know the names changed or not but I thought that was so awesome because she named it after like the sona because the truth comes out, you just start talking like, yeah, start you know, it's intense. He's like, they're totally gone. And since Legal Zoom is not a law firm, you do not have to worry about expensive billable hours adding up. OK, what am I trying to measure here? But it's a great machine and it's just really specifically good for back health, lower back health, decompressing it and even strengthening it, because you can do those back extensions. Yeah. And I mean, some of them are just a mess. Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. . To get an outcome. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, Laird, I'm doing this thing. It's the only bourbon with balls. But you're you're increasing your plasma levels more so. I do it all the time. It's such a strange virus. I get out of here. You can't like you just can't. Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Memphis TN, and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, TN. So it does make sense, but I don't. So so I was like, okay, now I'm just like, it's all staphylococcus. It monitors the temperature of the meat. You're not getting real sleep because you're constantly being woken up and shocked into the state of like, no, it's really bad. Joe Rogan's Supplements List - Strong Healthy Dad All right. Shame on me. But sometimes you've got to like, look at the full body of data. Wow. Exactly. The steam is hot. But this mask and it's like inside when you're in places, I think like if you're going grocery shopping. There was 10 percent less likely. I mean, it's just the best thing ever, period, for everything. I take it before I do kickboxing workouts, a chew chew gum. There is a possibility supplementing with vitamin D can decrease the severity of the COVID-19 infection and eliminate the need for hospitalization. Yeah. You get a room full of people. Or does the is are you required to you know, different people have different results when it comes to CBD and some people find that CBD with THC benefits some more and some people find that it's just the CBD itself. There's like less, less frequency of getting covid-19. Severe covid-19 illness that's not been shown like it's not been shown at all, so but it's interesting, right? It's really. Yeah, it is. What you're getting is your lower back. You're not staring at my junk. Everyone wants randomized control trials like no one wants to believe anything until it's a randomized controlled trial. They're treating us like we're infants. I'm not going to take my towel off and jump in the lake. Anyway, so so I was like, I've got to find something that they taught the main course I came across.
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