The Henry VIII connection M&H married on the 19th May, the day of Anne Boleyns beheading in 1536. Thanks very much for pointing out the French separation of church and state. Maybe others will be drawn in? A posting on Facebook fan page [1] gives for all members of the band "One Direction: Their Exact Birth Information Harry: February 1 .. 1994 AT 12:06 a.m. .. 9.31 Pounds", Sy Scholfield quotes place of birth of Redditch from his father (Des Styles) in a Tweet and as quoted in a news report: [2] [3]. And another prediction, which is interesting as it precedes Megxit: September 2017 and stays there until Thursday 28. Thank you. No, seriously. Yes we are all looking for some truths Also, intriguingly, in 1820 when Uranus and Neptune were previously in conjunction and in the sign of Capricorn another Prince of Wales very nearly brought down the monarchy. The event itself does not seem Covid safe; lots of people in a hotel, no mention of HEPA filters, UVC light or anything else. Thank you xx. Jessica, I find this all so fascinating. Dont forget the Mercury R. This whole situation would have bought her sadness. Interestingly I have noticed on online forums their biggest and most vociferous defenders are Republicans who want to do away with the RF altogether. The documentary made repeated reference to how easy it was for the Russians to get influence at the highest levels, and how highly skilled they are, to the point that their targets wouldnt necessarily even realise that they were working for the Russian state. Harry has Chiron, the planet of healing, in Gemini but his astrological make-up is predominantly Earth, Fire and Water. Harry and Meghan (the mini-series, literally) does make people angry. Thanks for adding to the discussion. Otherwise the backlog of chores caused by this topic will grow even greater. We have to speculate about what changes in July. This is going to be a tremendous territorial divide of world leadership, particularly in respect of those leaders children, successors or dynasties. Eventually the tableau comes to rest. This prediction also appeared here on July 17th, 2017. So, looking at blindspots I cant help noting Harry forces the world to see his pain yet is blind to his familys pain and feels justified inflicting more. I dont know but I dont trust China anymore than I trust Russia. I am consistently drawn for some time now, to the image of Cleopatra being rolled out of a rug, and concur that there is something very wrong here, and it goes way back. China and Russia are two nations where a bloody uprising may occur to 2044, as the cycle runs its course, as their charts are hit, and so are Xi Jingping and Vladimir Putin. Hi Jessica thank you for all the time and effort you have contributed to this thread. I would have thought that Pluto in Capricorn might bring an end to that. I would not be hugely surprised to find out that the late Queen had set some of this drama in place. For the engagement interview Harry stated that he learned about Meghan when one of his friends arranged the blind date and that he had never heard of her and that his friend had to brief him about her. Craft quotes the magazine "Harry Styles Fanbook" (2019), pg. Fascinating blog. Britain and NATO have just stumbled into a danger zone. (Internally of course is another matter). I have to think that you are aware through the astrology of what we are not so easily. The testifying wont be pleasant but probably not the main worry. I wondered about a prediction made by someone that the late HM Queen Elizabeth would not pass on the crown to her children which could mean instead the crown passes to a grandchild. Two of the books publishers were once my own publishers at what is now Penguin Random House and I can vouch for their meticulous editors. And your responses are so generous and detailed. Brasil being the latest exemple. I saw chase scenes in London they are on to targets in London. Im sorry you feel strongly about Meghan and Harry but completely understand. By the way the Queen will have left everything to King Charles. Best, Cecelia, Another fascinating article. Yes, this is Shakespeare. Gas is a Neptune-ruled idea in astrology. Hes a foolish, arrogant, flawed man but Ive always had the view that he was being targeted by Epstein, but of course he was stupid enough to be snared. Some people call it gaslighting. I usually skulk in the undergrowth and observe the dialogue on your blog from a distance but Ive broken cover to write this. Harry is making a small fortune and there are at least two Russian billionaires in his address book. There is also a question about the FBI under Donald Trump, during the era known as Trump Russia. Meghan of course played an FBI agent on television. On a personal level I feel for him and the absolute betrayal he must be feeling. Ive now lent it to my friend Susan who minds the dog waiting for her review. I have been reading all your comments in this blog. And the triangular mountain itself not dissimilar to the one of the front of th American dollar bill. Hello Jessica, this has been an illuminating thread. Even with their smiles while they do their duties, I see it in their eyes. Thank you for following up. The unlawful killing of the late Princess of Wales and the Oprah Winfrey interview, smearing our royal family, while Prince Philip was in his final weeks, in his second hospital, are not going to go away. My friend Imogen Edwards-Jones said (in Sarah Vines Daily Mail podcast) she thought the book had a number of writers. There is a great need to cut through the spin and noise and bring the discussion back to where it should be among the people. Again, we have to ponder another baby for Kate? This isnt just Diana: Her True Story by Andrew Morton. It reads that way. Youd drag the children into it, of course. Maybe retribution by the Taliban for his comments about his service in Afghanistan is the least of his worries. Spirit people have a choice to remain close to us if they need to and many do. The website Russia Beyond is good to know about if you want to update yourself on the fated role this country plays in Harrys life. Youve chosen to handle the cycles your way; he has chosen an extremely difficult way! I agree with you that a life is at risk in the Royal Family. I have just re-read your post above and have picked up what may very well be a typographical error in the Sources and Links section. That knowledge will now be cut off. You ask a very good question about Epstein. This was published on 9th May 2018, days before the wedding. Ive always been a bit meh about Prince William (not the least because as a little girl I felt rather aggrieved that hed had the audacity to be born on my birthday) but I feel terribly sorry for him now and admire the lack of public response. I cant help looking at the Jupiter, North Node and Uranus stellium in Taurus (big business) in May and thinking, this is a terrific chance for The Firm to actually become businesslike. No. I also agree with you re Andrew. Dont misunderstand me I am not saying that Meghan is like Princess Diana (not even close) but in Harrys eyes she is almost her reincarnation. Her image has stayed in my mind rolling about fairly consistently which I thought meant something. Good Morning Jessica, This morning, I was spending some time reading through the many comments by your readers and yourself re the current astrology on Prince Harry. He has karma with Prince William. I have noticed in recent reports that Harry claims Spare was originally 800 pages long. Ukraine has clearly identified support for Russia and therefore lack of support for them in these regions. Divorce something rotten in the House of Windsor, the CoE, or both? This is beginning to look like batten down the hatches and also umbrellas up for the younger Royals The Royal family manage their inheritance because they produce the heirs and spares who rule Britain and the Commonwealth. Thank you so much for pointing out that the secret vow exchange with the Archbishop of Canterbury took place with Uranus entering 0 Taurus, of course triggering the natal chart of the late Queen. There is a YouTube video by a Queen Gurty, entitled Moonbump Compilation, where, alongside more photos of MMs bump appearing to go up and down, there is a video of the purported moonbump appearing to sway. Was a car or motorbike levelling with Diana and the other passengers, with a gun pointed? I have read all post s and comments. Have to say, the alternative Harry and Meghan fiction industry is far more imaginative than (even) the real thing. I know youve mentioned the security services in the past but, surely, she would have been checked out on the quiet or is it a case of they were too busy with the Andrew business plus working as hard as they do foiling all the terrorist plots we dont get to hear about? Spare repeatedly namechecks Soho House and gives the Dean Street address. Hi Jessica, What do they all have in common? Im amazed Vladimir Putin has not been funding industrial-strength propaganda about the same online. When I started reading your Harry blog I could hardly believe that there could possibly be sinister manoeuvrings behind H & M. Over the last few days, every now and then, I have been pondering or found things coming into my head. Soho House is part of Membership Collective Group Incorporated. If I may, I will quote what she said, as printed: Not only by reading books, but also through the quiet contemplation of Lexigrams, you can receive insights occasionally even leading you into a penetration of both the truth and falsehood of myth and legend. Apparently he is going to France and will be undergoing plastic surgery to conceal his identity. For a few minutes we lost complete radio contact with them As he was saying this to me, I saw an event from an aerial point of view. We will see what happens after March this year.. Adding to Janie Bees musings, its interesting that she quotes Lady C about a massive secret its all so secretive where the Harkles are concerned isnt it? In view of Libra connection to marriages/weddings: Thank you for the updated article, just read it again. Styles may have ignited a part of Wilde that lay dormant for a while. And American Russia. Initially they apparently sourced ingredients from a company based in a province in China where serious human rights abuses were taking place and just 4 miles from a re- education centre. It is interesting and fascinating that he did not write about this in his book: omissions in Spare. I would be interested to know if you have any indication that The Queen Mother might have secretly married someone else? Thank you. I too think it is plausible that other countries have used this tactic to discredit powerful individuals and destabilise the UK. This may be why our late Queen did not go to the service. Julie xx. The three of them decided to release it when his grandfather was dying. You have predicted MM losing her titles and being offered the same status as Peter Phillips around March time. And to be quite frank, I cannot see The Commonwealth wanting any part of them either.
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