She was very distraught; how could her brother be so cold and heartless to kill his new born nephew. The seventh baby was miraculously carried to Rohini, (second wife of Vasudev), who lived in Gokul. I am sorry to hear of this curse. There was a great voice from the above, Oh dear Kansa why are you so happy? Thus, Vasudev But then he became angry. Varuna cursed the sage and his wife, Aditi, to be born on earth as Vasudeva and Devaki, the parents of Vishnu in his avatar of Krishna. Unauthorized copy, reproduction, distribution and/or transmission is strictly prohibited. were, as always, wide open. Plays are carried out re-enacting scenes from Krishna's early life. O S'atakratu! SB 10.1.56 Each year thereafter, in due course of time, Devak, the mother of God and all the demigods, gave birth to a child. Yashoda and Nanda were Krishnas foster parents. nothing by killing me. Silently he marvelled at the wonders he had seen, but hurried on to find the house of Nand, chief of the cowherds of Gokul. Once, on an occasion, Sriman Kashyapa stole away the Kmadhenu (the heavenly Cow, yielding all desires) of the Deva Varuna for his sacrificial purpose; and though he was entreated by Varuna often and often to return the cow, Kas'yapa did not return to him that, the best of all the cows. Oh mighty Gods, please save my Kamsa to guide them. He sincerely requested Kansa to trust him. Kansa doubled the guards on the prison, and waited anxiously for the birth of this child. Yashoda mother of Lord Krishna has become eternal for sheltering her foster son in a way only a mothers love can. It was pouring rain. he roared at the now-awake Devaki. How can she harm you, brother? asked Vasudev. Copyright Rohini Chowdhury 2002. And with his brother Balaram, he later went Crown princess Devaki was getting married to Well, I have two theoriesdon't know which one is correct but others are free to correct. Vasudeva swapped Krishna with Yogamaya, the daughter who had been born to Nanda and Yashoda on the very same day, and returned to the cell. Share. Holy mantras are also chanted to venerate him. Categories: crossing the yamuna, the five, Tags: articles, god, hare krishna, hinduism, poem, poems, poetry, religion. He was therefore called Krishna, which means 'dark' or 'black'. But the newborn baby laughed, and put its tiny foot out of its swaddling sheets and touched the waves. Nine years passed before Devaki got pregnant for the eighth time. the Oracle doesnt come true. Then Aditi, sinful for her jealousy and anger, will go down on earth to take the human birth through her Amsa (part) and suffer according to your curse. Kansa assumes that Devaki has given birth to a girl. Devaki was the daughter of Devaka, the younger brother of King Ugrasen of Mathura. The baby was as dark as the clouds that covered the sky that night. her brother, "O Kamsa, my brother- my eighth child is a girl, and not the Kamsa smiled Diti, too, becoming grieved much with sorrows, cursed Aditi that seven of her sons would be killed consecutively after their births. . But it did not escape anyone's notice that the child was like no ordinary The serpent spread its five hoods over the father and the baby, and escorted them safely to the other side of the dark river. realized that it meant no harm when he saw the serpent positioning its hood [22], In other iterations, Kashyapa is stated to have stolen a divine cow from Varuna for the performance of a ritual sacrifice. Share. The guards at the prison door fell asleep, as did every living creature in that great palace. Once upon a time there lived a king named Ugrasena, he had a son named Kansa who was the crowned prince of Mathura. It was a dark and stormy night. Bhagavan showed the visual of the four-handed form, opulently adorned, holding the four sacred items, and displaying everything popularly associated with Vishnu in Vaikuntha. Kamsa 12 jedinench oslv Janmashtami v Indii (2023) - Adotrip It is Krishnas birthday (who was the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu) that is celebrated every year as Janmashtami. That evil minded Indra bowed down at the foot of Diti with humility and addressed her with words, sweet but full of poison. an end. Thus, our actions are motivated by self-interest and the desire for personal fulfillment. The Story of the Birth of Krishna - All About Hinduism The light everyone. He entered his dark cell and laid the baby by Devaki's side. The Garbha Griha (inner sanctum) of the temple has the beautiful idol of Devaki and Krishna. That was a famous incident from Rama-lila, which is the Divine play of the same Narayana. He turned a deaf ear to all the heart- rending cries of his sister. special, it was a divine child. kill Devaki. Suddenly the dark dungeon was filled with a shining light and once again there came a voice out of the sky. The enemy, if he firmly gets hold like a fully developed consumption, cannot be killed; therefore the intelligent persons should destroy the enemies, when they are in their buds. It is these sentiments that purify the devotees mind. They rushed to Kamsa to deliver In the previous creation Aditi was chaste Prishni, who worshiped her husband Sutapa as if he were a god. Vasudev told Devaki that he would take the child to his friend Nanda Gopal in Gokul. It was past midnight and the people of Gokul were fast asleep. But this Janmashtami, tell your kids the sweetest Krishna fable the story of his two moms. The seventh child was known as Balrama. U/A 13+. The Supreme Lord will be the one to take you by surprise. It may appear that way on the outside, to those who only lick the bottle of honey without opening it, but for those immersed in the culture there is constant amazement at what can be done. Great explanation Lola! Your sons would all become very powerful and would be called Maruts. Krishna fought all the demons that Kansa sent after him, and when he was twelve years old, killed Kansa himself. All his fears vanished for he understood He was born to Devaki and her husband Vasudeva who were ironically sent to jail by Devaki's own brother, the evil prince Kansa. The night soon ended and the next day arrived. [16] The author and the century in which the above Mahanarayana Upanishad was composed is unknown. I've edited my spot a couple of posts above :). "son of Vasudeva"), Balarama, and Subhadra. Watchlist. This is evidenced by texts and archaeological evidence. 45 Unknown Facts About Krishna His skin had a dark - blue color as is seen in a cloud filled with There is no way Girl or boy, the child must die! But the baby slipped out of his hands, and shining with a glorious light, flew out of the prison window. Kamsa's sister Devaki got married to Vasudeva, another Yadava chief. Devaki: Name Meaning and Origin - SheKnows The annual celebration of Janmashtami reaches the crescendo of jubilation and excitement as the clock strikes twelve at night. He was content at the thought that the This is your eighth child, roared Kansa. In the previous century leading communist nations built such walls. Similarly, if we wish to engage in devotion toward Lord Krishna, we must learn to harbor divine sentiments toward his leelas. In your next life all six of you will take birth in the womb of Devaki and your father Kalanemi will be born as Kamsa. The night Krishna was born, the couple were prepared in advance. Saying thus, he touched her feet and began to shampoo her legs. the child Krishna. And why have you committed an offence in not returning the cows to Him? Claannnk!!! The pot, known as a handi or matki, is filled with buttermilk. SM Srinivaschari (1994), Vaiavism: Its Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Discipline, Motilal Banarsidass. That very Kamsa will be your murderer." Due to this curse of Hiranyakasipu they took birth in the womb of Devaki and were killed by Kamsa, the incarnation of Kalanemi. He laid his baby son down beside Yashodha and picked up her baby daughter. She was sleeping peacefully in her bed and The patronymic Vsudeva (with a pronounced ) is a popular name of Krishna, the son of Vasudeva and Devaki. The child in the womb, struck by the thunder bolt, cried out. and cried lustily. [23] Vasudeva 's wife, Rohini, gave birth to Balarama, and Krishna himself was placed by Vasudeva into the hands of Nanda. 37. Similarly, Gods birth is also divine, and unlike ours, it does not take place from a mothers womb. In Gokul all was silent, except for the pouring rain. To serve one's Guru means to earn righteousness and immortality. *Members only visited website in last 60 days. the empty space next to Yashoda. The newborn is especially vulnerable to extreme weather, and contact with the rain would be dangerous for the health. He was called Balram, and brought up safely and in secret by Rohini among the villagers of Braj. Vasudev turned to Devaki, the doors of the prison swung open, and he saw all the soldiers in a deep sleep. Renuka Israni. Vasudev headed towards Gokul. I will hence count greed as more powerful than even Fate, the Ruler of all destinies. When she sought help from Lord Vishnu, he promised to be born on Earth to end all sin. The walls and gates function in a reverse way; they keep people in. 24. But prison shining bright. Kamsa, as always, ignored her cries. The Birth of Lord Krishna, 2. Treading softly, Vasudev Kansa came at once, angry yet afraid. people under his reign didn't fear for intruders or thieves in the night. Kansa, despite his evil ways, held Vasudev in great respect. Vysa said :-- O king! [1] According to the Harivamsa, these were the reincarnations of the sons of the asura Kalanemi. doubt. immediately, before anyone comes to know about the birth of this child. "While Vasudeva was carrying his son Krishna in the falling rain, Lord Shesha in the shape of a serpent spread His hood over the head of Vasudeva so that he would not be hampered by the rainfall. Kamsa When Vasudeva handed Krishna over to them, he took with him Yashodas just-born child instead. knew that there was no other way he could save his son. The Mathura citizens welcomed the wedding, for it Kansa was cruel enough to execute the . divine at the same time. In blind rage, incarnation of Lord Vishnu. O King! The people of Mathura and of the surrounding villages were terrified of Kansa, and tired of his cruelty. [13][14] Her six children were killed, while the seventh Balarama survived after being transferred by divine will into the uterus of Rohini, one of the other wives of Vasudeva. When the good natured Diti awoke, she came to know that Indra has treacherously cut the foetus in her womb and became very sorry and angry. Surprises now many to await, All at once the river stopped raging, the waves grew still and the water level subsided. As soon the child was born, the prison was filled with a dazzling, blinding 52. Kansa was cruel enough to execute the couples first six children in cold blood. 1. Devaki was good, kind and gentle, as unlike the cruel Kansa as possible. Diti promised to act according to his word and took an oath; and when she practised the vow, Maharsi Kas'yapa impregnated the seed in her womb. Suddenly Lord Vishnu appeared to Vasudev and Devaki, and told them that their prayers had been fulfilled to save the baby. Hence, worship the deity with loving sentiments.. Devaki and Vasudev Are Imprisoned. Kansa took the babys life. Kansa seemed invincible. were smiling from ear to ear. In this manner, he killed seven children born to Devaki. Lord Vishnu told them that he will take birth as their eighth child. 10. Carefully he held Krishna in a basket on his head. The Srimad Bhagavatam describes Krishna and the Yadavas meeting Nandagopa and Yashoda there: Seeing Nanda, the Vis were delighted and stood up like dead bodies coming back to life. Devaki Mata. There are also theories of divine intervention; some of the regional sources for the Mahabharat airing on Sun TV actually have Vasudev and Devaki making the decision not to have any children once they are imprisoned by Kans. 9. 20. What happened to the 7th child of Devaki? Raja Harishchandra is admired and idolized for his steadfastness and honesty, even though during his lifetime it led him to sell his son into slavery along with his wife. of India, Ministry of Tourism and Culture, Dept. 55. He O chaste one to your husband! daughter. As textual evidence, the Mahanarayana Upanishad records the verse: , nryya vidmah vsudvya dhmahi tann viu pracdayt. Vasudev and Devaki waited in fear for Kansa to appear, but suddenly all was silent. sleep and became aware that a baby was born. 25. Understand this verse in the light of the previous one. Both of The middle of the night, escaping from a prison with a talking baby, the difficulties did not end there. Watch. much difficulty. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. His doom. She subsequently vanished into the heavens. His seventh child was also a son, this son was actually an incarnation of Lord Sheshnag. The parents were in prison. The prison doors closed. [20], When Kamsa stormed into the chamber after the spell had worn out, he deduced that Devaki had given birth to a girl. O The one person whom Kansa loved and adored, was his sister Devaki, who was kind, loving and caring. Vasudeva came onto the bank of the Yamuna and saw that the water of the Yamuna was roaring with waves and that the whole span was full of foam. Meanwhile, there was great rejoicing in Gokul. Vasudev returned to the dungeon where the guards were still sleeping, and the prison doors were still open. You have successfully joined our subscriber list. You are intelligent, you know everything fully; knowing that it is a sin to steal other's property, why have you committed the unlawful act of stealing away the cows. Taking Krishna to safety was of course a more bearable separation than what they faced with their first 6 children, but it was painful nonetheless to be away from him for so long and miss all his endearing childhood leelas. But this time the baby did not die; instead, she flew up and for a second After completing the sacrifice, Kashyapa delayed in returning the cow back to the deity. my cute little son! [8], During the nuptials of Vasudeva and Devaki following the former's wedding with his bride's six older sisters, Vishnu picked a lock of hair from his mount Shesha as well as his own, proclaiming that they would take be born as Devaki's seventh and eighth children, respectively. He was scared out of his wits at first, but soon He was therefore called Krishna, which means 'dark' or 'black'. How cold they, with such an awful king like 2. Though it may appear an effortless coincidence that I came upon the chanting of the holy names in this lifetime, there is a long track-record of pious activity to first create the foundation. According to the Harivamsa Purana, Vasudeva and Nanda, the Kshatriya chief of Gokula, were brothers or cousins. outside. I am not sure if Vasudev and Devaki had the privacy for natural procreation, since the jail was guarded 24/7. Thus, O king! King of Heaven or King of Devine Abode or Swarga Loka 1. Star Vijay. He also had a daughter - Subhadra from Rohini. sister and he was also afraid that he might not be able to do so. Song, dance and drama are essential to the lively and colourful celebrations. All rights reservedTerms of Use and Copyright StatementPrivacy Policy. He was a born Kshatriya. It is mentioned in the texts that Krishna was the eighth Six children thus perished. 2. [13] In some versions of the Bhagavata Purana, Vasudeva also married Sutanu, the princess of Kasi, and they had a son named Paundraka.[14]. Kamsa snatched the baby girl from Devaki's lap, and hurled the child against "Where's my slayer?" However, Gods actions have no personal motive because he is perfectly satiated by the infinite bliss of his own personality. 2) Like the others, Vasudev and Devaki were eager for the savior to be born, even if it meant sacrificing their other children. The guards hurried to the prison door to make sure their prisoners were still safe and secure, and saw Devaki holding a newborn baby in her arms. He was born to save everyone from the terrible tyrants like Kamsa. born when the mother is dead? So he drew out his sword and raised it to Devaki spent most of the day Locked by Kamsa in cell. In the Mahabharat, Devi Ganga drowned her newborns with her own hands. We materially bound souls have not yet attained divine bliss, and hence the longing of our soul is not yet satiated. Do not be angry. Lord Krishna life story is packed with adventure, emotion and wisdom, right from when he was Baal Gopal in Gokul to when he presented his Viraat Swaroop to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Kansa agreed to spare Devaki, if Vasudev kept his promise. Balarama married Revati and had 2 sons - Nishatha and Ulmuka & a daughter - Vatsala/Shashirekha. It is said that Krishna was the great god Vishnu himself in human form, born to rid this world of Kansa. The baby is a girl, said Devaki. How can she harm you? Vysa said :-- O king; The incarnation of Hari and the incarnation of the Amsa Avatras of all the other Devas are accountable to many causes. The relative chronology of the text, based on its poetic verse and textual style, has been proposed by Parmeshwaranand to the same period of composition as Katha, Isha, Mundaka and Shvetashvatara Upanishads, but before Maitri, Prashna and Mandukya Upanishad. there. O Blessed One! Kansa was frightened and confused. But they can also be disciplinarians if needed. One day Kansa was sitting in his chambers, when he got the news that Devaki had given birth to a child. In Yashodas household, Krishna grew up with utmost love and care, even though he was always stirring up some mischief or the other! situation was under his control. cries of his sister. Really! You have become very weak, lean and thin in the practise your vow. 48-49. The prison doors suddenly opened. To develop such divine feelings, we must understand the difference between Gods actions and ours. Then, without looking back, Covetousness is the source of all sins, is unapproved by the Sages and leads to hell. Nearly How was the loving father going to protect his son? The guards told Kansa that the seventh child was still born. in festive spirits. [23], After the passing of Vasudeva after the Yadu massacre, Devaki cremated herself on Vasudeva's pyre, performing sati, along with his other wives, Rohini, Bhadra, and Madira. Kansa immediately went to the prison. Meanwhile, Devaki and Vasudeva try to make sure baby Krishna gets away from Kamsan. The Story Of Lord Krishna's Birth & His Two Moms. Certainly they are not normal beings like us and they carry immense merits on them before taking human forms and are always tuned to God even in their dreams. [25], Devaki bore eight children, but the first six were killed by her cousin, "harivaMsha in the mahAbharata - viShNuparva: Chapter 1 - Advent of Narada and Kamsa's Response", "Yogamaya enters into the womb of Yashoda and Hari into Devaki [Chapter II]",, Dhrtadeva, Santideva, Upadeva, Srideva, Devaraksita, and Sahadeva (Sisters), This page was last edited on 29 January 2023, at 21:14. The surprises would continue, as is always the case when dealing with the person who is the master of all mystic power, Yogeshvara. An Authoritative Guide to Students Loans, Grants and Scholarships, Download IIT KGP 2022 Calendar on The Myth of Aryan Invasion. The forty-nine Maruts were born. Irrespective of whether shes the biological mother or not, women can love selflessly and completely. My heart is being pierced wholly by an iron spoke when I see the womb of Diti; kill it by any means you can! As soon as he was reunited in the prison with Devaki the prison door closed, and the guards woke from their deep sleep by hearing the noise of the baby girl crying. him the news. But when he came to the river Yamuna, he saw that the great river was in flood. His angel of death. The Jai Jais have released The 10 Avatars of Vishnu. She was a partial incarnation of Aditi, the mother of the Devas. Everybody in Gokul danced with joy and flocked to Nanda's The sons of Vasudeva were related to Bhagavatism that was largely formed by the 1st-millennium BCE where Vsudeva (Krishna, the son of Vasudeva) was worshiped as supreme ultimate reality. Krishna explained all of this and then gave instructions on what should be done next. Radha Krishna - Watch Episode 3 - Devaki and Vasudev's Worry on Disney+ When they reached Mathura Kansa imprisoned Vasudev and Devaki in the palace dungeon. When the time comes, he will come and search for you, and punish you for all the evil you have committed. 31. Vasudev was followed by Vasuki the snake, protecting them on their journey. O mother! Devakis marriage was fixed with a noble man named Vasudev. Devotion to the personal form of God is tangible and simple. [10][11][12], Devaki and Vasudeva were imprisoned by Kamsa due to the paranoia that had taken root in the tyrant's mind. extravagance and unfair rule. proceed nonetheless. Imagine the anxiety of his mother when she found him battling with the demoness Putana, the serpent Kaliya and even the wrath of Indra! Translate this blog into different languages His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Three Ways Adhokshaja Appeals To The Challenges Of The Intelligent Mind, Three Attributes Of The Ultimate Source Of The Creation, Five Reasons Krishna Is Known As Adhokshaja, Three Valuable Jewels Worn By Lord Vishnu, Five Images Of Krishna And What They Mean, Three Rewards That Are Impossible To Believe, Four Alternatives For Indras Response To Govardhana Puja, Two Sides To The Philosophy Of Hopelessness, Five Situations Where Hesitation Can Have Dire Consequences, Five Questions Pointing To The Presence of God. foot in it! Rain was thundering down; the skies were covered in thick black clouds. Passionate verbosity ahead, read at your own risk. the prison wall. They were necessary since life was so dreadful within that the peoples inclination was to escape. Therefore, whatever he does is for the welfare of the materially conditioned souls. Maharsi Kas'yapa is now almost infatuated with his sacrifice; and though I have tried all my means, he is not returning me my cow. Vasudev walked through the pouring rain, holding his newborn baby close to his chest, safe from the wind and the wet, trusting in the divine voice. It seemed that the whole world understood Devakis mind and joined back to Mathura and killed Kamsa. I shall personally The visible image of the last moments within that lifetime. Lord Vishnu then disappeared. But suddenly, as the wedding ceremony came to an end, a voice was heard, a voice which seemed to come from the sky, and which filled the great hall and awed all those who stood there. remained suspended in the air to the utter amazement of everyone present To his amazement, Vasudev saw a huge black snake raising its head from Soon the much-awaited day arrived. Just after the wedding, when Kamsa himself was driving the newlywed couple in his chariot, an astral voice made a prophecy. After that Kansa killed the next five babies born. nephew. The childhood of Lord Krishna has been glorified. alive in a safe place. Suddenly there was pin drop silence. she can. This verse asserts that Narayana, Vsudeva (Krishna), and Vishnu are synonymous. The parents offered their heartfelt prayers, and Krishna listened. 2010-2023 Nine years passed before Devaki got pregnant for the eighth time. This covetousness is a powerful enemy; it is always unholy and odious. Dhritrashtra. colors, streamers and fragrant flowers. Bhagavata Purana explains that the Yamuna allowed Vasudeva safe passage in the same way that the ocean had previously given way to Shri Rama to cross and reach Lanka. Let them be watched every minute of the day for the rest of their lives! Kansas demon soldiers surrounded Devaki and Vasudev and took them off to the deepest, most secure dungeon in Kansas palace. Krishna, Balarama and Vasudeva later gave up their lives, and the Pandavas collected the remaining Yadava children and ladies with them to Indraprastha, where Pradyumma's grandson Vajra was crowned as king of Mathura, and some other survivors also were crowned as kings of different places (See Mausala Parva). The same Ananta serves as the serpent-bed for Narayana in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. If youre looking to share some interesting reading with your children, ask Krishna. Hearing this, Kamsa imprisoned Devaki and Vasudeva soon after their marriage and killed seven of . in the dungeons, Kamsa destroyed the child. other than Sheshnag, the Snake-God, who is known to be the roofing canopy of Many thousands of years ago, the city of Mathura in northern India was ruled by a powerful and evil demon called Kansa. [4] Her cousin is Kamsa,[5][6] the king of Mathura, a cruel tyrant who had been told by Narada that he had been an asura killed by Vishnu in his previous life (Kalanemi), exacerbating his wickedness.
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